Wednesday, August 7, 2024

LightWarriors of the Shift

Dear Openhanders,

The Matrix is in turbulence at this time, as enhanced light stimulates the awakening. Sometimes you'll find the path shakey, but that's nothing to fear - everything presents the perfect opportunity for the growth we need to undertake. <<< Open 馃拵




Why Everything is Perfect

My Dear Friends, at times there will be uncertainty and doubt, even fear, as your landscape shifts and transforms. That's what's happening at a planetary level as Gaia's Shift gears up, empowered by increased energy from the Sun and the Galaxy.

It's essential therefore, to know yourself as a part of this bigger picture and not divorced or separate from it. Embrace these huge changes of energy. Work to see how they infuse into your life and create turbulence.

That's okay. Now you understand. Now you realise it's all a part of the bigger purpose.

Providing we accept that and work into any situation that arises, have no doubt, you will gain massively from it.

And if you do go into fear or doubt at any time, work with it, go deeply into it. Definitely do not try to plaster over it with surface-level affirmations - because just like bubbles, they will always burst, if we've not gone right into the karmic roots of the issue.

When in fear or doubt about what is happening and your path, contemplate deeply, right back to the birth of your soul from the Source. Know these three basic truths, from first principles:
  1. You have a right to exist
  2. Where the soul flows, you have a right to be there
  3. Wherever you find yourself, there will be a path for the soul to mediate through.
That's why I say, "Fear Not, Because Everything is Perfect". Whatever happens to you, whatever presents in your life, especially when it causes fear or anxiety to trigger, work to see it as an opportunity for growth. Let go of the outcome, and now go to work on the inner - where's the tightness and density? Be aware that it's going to be unconsciousness you're working into. Therefore it won't immediately be obvious. You've got to allow the situation and sit in the unresolution - this approach becomes the resolution. The path emerges from it.

Right now, we've got turbulence in society in the UK, and even rioting. For me, I see the hand of the simulation, purposefully stirring things up so the state can exert greater control. Let them play their machinations. It's still a storm in a teacup. And it tells us that they're losing their grip - just as with their previous shenanigans. It tells us the light is stirring up the density and breaking down the 4D construct.

So if you experience turbulence in your life at times right now, see it as an opportunity. Go to work within and unravel through, applying something like the Breakthrough Approach.

This is exactly the kind of work we're going to be doing in the new season of Openhand events just up ahead - helping you steer the ship of your soul through these turbulent times. It's all perfect!

Openhand Autumn Events 20204

Bright blessings
<<< Open 馃拵

Everything is Perfect!

Dear Openhanders, it's all about embracing what shows up, honouring the fact that we each created what manifests. The real courage begins with that ownership - no projection of blame, no slipping into "if only this or that had happened". Embrace all, as it is, as the fearless LightWarrior that you are, and you'll sail positively through.

Bright blessings to all. <<< Open 馃拵
For all event into and Bookings:
Contact Tilly Bud

Openhand Evolutionary Book Series

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