Tuesday, September 3, 2024

144K response - Mass-Resistance of this New Moon Transformation

September 2nd

New Moon 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



" ... this is a very very
transformational time that
we're going through right now. This new
moon is very important and is marking
the beginning of a whole transformational

period to come for us".


Ria Vami

Shamanic Astrologer



I have no problems believing the above statement, for one reason & one reason only, ...


And it's summed up in this one word.




Yeah, the energies have been awful since Sunday, according to many Starseeds.


Even for the inactive ones that aren't involved in Planetary Liberation ... lol.


When there's RESISTANCE, (often experienced as awful energies ... courtesy of darkness, but also uncleared internal blocks) it's from a coming breakthrough or transformation of some major kind, that darkness is either trying to:


  • prevent
  • delay
  • or hijack onto a negative direction





And thank God for that!


The 144K are the specialists in clearing the way ... during the darkest hour!


Furthermore, Rami also says ...


" ... this New Moon helps us to really let go of all these karmic patterns, as it brings them up to the surface".


So there is an internal aspect to this, that all the astrology is forcing out for release. It's not just Cabal shenanigans.


... although those Cabal shenanigans do make things worse than what they need to be.


The RM's surface contactee, Cobra,  has said, between Sept 1st to Sept 9th, it could be ugly.


Well again... thank God the 144K are not the kind who take-things-sitting down! 



This New Moon is also an initiation for the vast & deepest fundamental changes of the next 3 months ...


... which is the Event period.



These deep foundational changes are internal, as much as they are external!


If you don't include internal work during your average week, any pain or discomfort will only increase from not managing it properly, (with real healing).



This New Moon is an opportunity to finally leave our past behind (collectively as well), and it is like a final test to that effect ... as we disembark on the final phase of Planetary Liberation.


And the opposing forces, both physical & non-physical (what's left of them) are

NOT liking that!!



Hence the - RESITANCE -.


It's awful ...


So the 144K is coming to the rescue!


Remember ... your off-world brethren & kin still consider you part of their fleet. 


brave & heroic personal member of their organization!


They AIN'T letting you go ...


Let's make it happen !




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






September 2 - 2024

New Moon

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Sept 2, 2024


Time: 9:30 PM EDT [US]


Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime


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Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638


YouTube Live: Backup Link: HERE






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