Thursday, October 31, 2019

WEALTH, ABUNDANCE, RICHNESS AND MONEY - THE NEW HUMAN RIGHT What we need is the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth. BY SATCHIDANAND

What we need is the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth.

OK, you have Wealth, the new Human Right. You have the house, you have the Tesla Electric Car,  you have the computers and gigabit communications, you have pesticide free and Monsatan-free food, pure filtered water, pure filtered air. You have free books, free entertainment, free education.

You are so rich you can afford to filter all Fuctory outputs to purify the environment.

You have everything!!

Because Humanity PLANS to be rich!!

You have a wish to build a bridge across the Bering Straights to connect to a 4000 mph evacuated tube transport system which carries people and goods worldwide for free, so you go to the government banks with your plans and privately contracted people, and the government loans you a few billions at zero percent interest over 100 years because they know that such a system is a money spinner and will make back hundreds of times more WEALTH than the initial credit over the 100 years - for all humanity - a much better bet than zombie bank 2000 trillions of derivatives which are bound to fail and take humanity down with it - a much better bet than Rockefeller funded, Austrian, Von Mises, Misery, Austerity which is, "Designed to Fail" - a few billions to get you started with more to come when you need it.

In such a way everyone is rich and getting exponentially richer we can afford to invest in new Worldwide irrigation projects already on the drawing boards to make every desert green and fruitful. We can access the sub-Saharan aquifers, the biggest aquifers in the World and cultivate the Sahara Desert and make it bloom so that even more incredibly intelligent, empathic, heart driven geniuses can come into existence on this planet.

In such a way everyone is rich and getting exponentially richer such that we can invest in fusion power to create infinite free power for a billion years. We don't think of creating scarcity of oil by shutting down oil wells through war, or even thinking about drilling for expensive oil thousands of feet down under the sea because fusion energy is just so cheap and efficient so we don't waste our time picking the difficult fruit.

Swami Satchidanand

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