Friday, October 25, 2019

Trump - The Spiritual Warrior - Finger of God - Removes Satanic Demons, Deletes the Elite, Cleans the Swamp - Move Bitch, Get out the Way!! Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand

Trump - The Spiritual Warrior - Finger of God - Removes Satanic Demons, Deletes the Elite, Cleans the Swamp - Move Bitch, Get out the Way!! Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand

The use of Evil, by God, to remove Evil.

In the colours of Purifying Fire

And Pure Gold!!


John Wick 3 - Remove the Subpersonalities with Energy Enhancement Meditation or live in a World at constant War!

"We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." Corinthians 2 4 13

Like "Revolver (2005)" the first cut - by Guy Ritchie, we can see the Underworld, the Meta World of John Wick as a Soul beset by Demons - external Demons representing the Internal Demons. And as all external demons are removed, so the protagonist is seen to remove his ego - the famous lift scene in Revolver - where the ego is seen, and removed.

Like "Fight Club (1999)" we can see that John Wick is divided into the good Soul, represented by his wife, Helen, and his dog given to him by his Wife, and the evil of his previous life as an Assassin for hire living in an evil Satanic World of Assasins, Mafia, Camoro, Ndrgeta with a High Table of twelve Coronated Demons.

As the Demons are removed then the World as Soul becomes purified.

The Wick is lit and the dynamite explodes!!

The Wick is lit to become the Light of the World - the new Jesus Christ!!

John Wick Chapter 2 is the story of you!!

John Wick Chapter 2 is the story of your Enlightenment.

John Wick, this Angry White Male, is being told by God, that he needs to clean the Swamp.

It is very much the story, consciously told, of how, by removing the internal demons by Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.

As Within..

So externally, other Agents of God can remove the Demons Externally..

So Without..

President Donald Trump, like John Wick, being catapulted into a 10,000 years old World of Powers, Demons, of the High Table - Mafia, Camorra, Ndrgeta, Popes, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, CIA created Google and Facebook, Black Nobitity, Central Banks all run by the Vatican Bank, the 9th Satanic Circle of Pedophiles, Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism Rituals.

And everyone from Corporate controlled Fakestream Media like Clown Negative News advising Assassination. No wonder all those guns are pointing at him.

And wanting to drain the swamp!!

911 was the biggest bank heist in history!! When the two Towers came down 100 Billion dollars in Gold Bars disappeared. When the two Towers came down 100 Billion dollars in bearer bonds disappeared. When the two Towers came down 100 Billion dollars in Diamonds disappeared. And the third tower was not hit and came down all by itself. The wicked wolf said, "And I'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down!!" That is what happened, really!!

The Communist - Fascist Dialectic - both Sides created by British Intelligence.

The Black Nobility. Privately these families refuse to recognize any right to rule except their own. They are working to use their creations Communism/Socialism and Fascism to create worldwide poverty and a new feudalism to manage the World of the New World Order - the name of Hitler's second book.

1. Communism and Socialism were created by British Secret Services David Urquhart who employed Karl Marx to write Das Kapital from his office in the British National Library in London. Later, Agents Lenin and Stalin used Eugenics and Lysenkoism to kill 60 million people. Communist Mao was taught at Yale, put into power by the CIA and was a 33rd degree Freemason. He killed 80 millions and execution evisceration vans still send organs of religious people and dissenters to rich Oligarchs.

2 Fascism and Nazism was created by Britain and then the Rockefellers ran with it to create Eugenics, Watson at IBM to run Hitler's  concentration camps, Corporatism and Politics to runs the Feudal Society. Into the mix Hitler brought the Old Religion of Valhalla - it is good to die in battle - Sacrifice and Sexual Ritual together with Berserker methamphetamines for the Army.

3. Saudi Arabian Wahhabism was created in 1708 by British Agent Abdul Wahhab and Saudi Arabia was given control of the Oil by the British after Lawrence of Arabia if they made Wahhabism their State religion.  Al Quaeda, Isis rent an Army to destabilise Libya and Syria kill 300,000 Christians and flood Europe and USA with Wahhabist Jihadis is controlled by the British and Americans through their Sabbatean Frankist Saudi Stooges.

4. The French Revolution was Created By British Secret Services

Like Wahabists and the Salafists, Isis and Al Qaeda, British Secret Service controlled Isis Freemasonry was used to destabilise and take over France during the French Revolution.

The speeches of Robespierre were written from London by Jeremy Bentham, "M" of the British Secret Services at the behest of Lord Shelburne prime minister of England previously head of the slave trading, drug running East India Company. Satanist Bentham invented the term, "Free Love" defined as Sex, Sodomy, Pedophilia, and Bestiality..

From the outset, the French Revolution Jacobin Terror was a British East India Company - British Foreign Office-orchestrated affair.

The bloody massacre of France's scientific elite - the destruction of the wealth creation of Science - the satanic anti-science aganda - the Satanic Principle of Poverty - was systematically carried out by French hands, manning French guillotines, but guided by British strings.

British Agent Jacques Necker, a Geneva-born, Protestant, slavishly pro-British banker, had been installed through the efforts of Shelburne's leading ally in France, Philippe Duke of Orléans, as finance minister. Necker's daughter, the infamous Agent, Madame de Staël, would later run one of Shelburne's most important Parisian salons.

Although Necker had failed to block France from allying with the Americans during the American Revolution, he did succeed in presiding over the depletion of the French treasury and the collapse of its credit system, as in the USA today.

Economic crisis across France was the precondition for political chaos and insurrection, and Shelburne readied the projected destabilization by creating a "radical writers' shop'' at Bowood staffed by Satanic Psychopathic British Agents Bentham, the Genevan Etienne Dumont, and the Englishman Samuel Romilly.

Speeches were prepared by Bentham and translated and transported by diplomatic pouch and other means to Paris, where leaders of the Jacobin Terror, Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien de Robespierre delivered the fiery oratories.

Records of East India Company payments to these leading Jacobins are still on file at the British Museum

Swami Satchidanand


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