Sunday, October 27, 2019


Saturn devouring his children

It is inherent in the Purpose of God as exemplified in the Nature of Humanity that Humanity Evolve, become Enlightened.

My point is, that the purpose of breeding human individuals, and, indeed, the very essence of the true purpose
for the existence of those persons, is the role of mankind, as distinct from all lower expressions of life, in
the creation of the kind of future which can come into being only as the means of creating the purpose for the
existence of mankind in this universe.

The expression of that intended mission, is to be read from the evidence of the specific distinction of all
persons from all other presently known forms of life. That is to say, that the distinction of mankind is the
creative powers of the human individual which exist in no other known species of living creature. This
distinction is also expressed by the fact of the efficient immortality inherent in those qualities of
discovered ideas which live on, efficiently uplifting the human potential of society, even long after the
author of the discovery is deceased.

The fact of history is, that whereas the other living species reproduce their own biological likeness, the
human mind's standard function is the production of discoveries of efficient universal principles, which
successively discover and use higher and greater flux densities of energy both physically and Spiritually.
From the energy of fire discovered by Prometheus to the greater and more intense fires of Nuclear Fission and

From the Prometheus Fire burning of food within the body to the access to Kundalini Electric Fire which is
similar to Fission and the access to the Central Spiritual Sun which is like Solar Fusion.

Principles of the type whose embedded intention is typified Physically by man's leap from Earth to the extended
development in nearby space and Spiritually through access through spiritual projection to the chakras outside
the body of the Antahkarana. All progress in physical science, spiritual science and in great Classical
artistic compositions attests to this fact.

We breed people because their development is a key to the intention of that universe which we inhabit.

So, the human sexual act's ultimate implication is the perpetuation and advancement of an intention whose
assigned consequence is the production of new people, whose existence will perpetuate the specific work of the
human species, which is the work of qualitative progress of mankind's condition and progress, and, thus, the
advancement of the specifically unique creative-mental powers of the human individual's ability to serve a
yearning intention consistent with mankind's leap from the bounds of our Earth, to colonize within our Solar
System and betond, to play a part in the giving and receiving of higher and higher levels of spiritual energy
which embodies the evolution of the Universe.

It is not the relevant sexual act which is the purpose, but only an essential means. It is an act which is
sustained by the commitment of persons to joy in the fulfillment of that embedded intention of our species.

Once that much is stated, a further point of insight should have overtaken us.

The customary depravity which dominated most of the human cultures with which we are familiar from known
history, is the tendency for "zero growth" in most European, and also other cultures known to us from the past from Babylon to Ancient China - all ruled by the Dark Side.

This feature of such depraved sorts of cultures, is commonly expressed consciously as the assertion that the
universe is entropic or that it cannot evolve, at least implicitly so, and that man has no special powers of
creation, but rather must be content to live, as the fabled Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' drama of Prometheus,
or, the notorious Aristotle who forbade God Himself to continue to create, once the initial act of creating a
universe were done.

To make this point clearer, take the case of a frankly Satanic belief in "zero technological growth," as
illustrated by the image of the Satan-like Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, who bans the use of
"fire" by mankind, in order to ensure mankind's degradation to the likeness of those who are condemned to live
as like creatures, created to be vampirised, without actually manifest human souls, who remain committed to do
as their fathers and grandfathers before them.

Contrary to what are thus defined as the pro-Satanic devotions of the so-called "environmentalists," the
existence of mankind is locked up within the notion of mankind as a species distinguished, in nature, by a
creative impulse mustered to fulfilment of future missions for improvement of our existence in our universe.
Whether expressed directly, or by relevant contributions to that ultimate effect, the life of the individual
has an inherently implicit mission, to fulfill the mission of development of the universe.

Thus, all types of moral depravity expressed by societies, have their root in the avoidance of the obligation
of a creativity which is eternally hostile to a policy of zero growth. It is the acceptance of the practice of
that evil which is the worship of the notion of anti-evolutionary perpetual entropy, which is the essential
root of evil within societies and their cultures in known history of the world thus far.
Thus a lack of creativity. The failure to promote economic growth. The Elite, "Principle of Poverty". Rockefeller promoted Austrian Economics Austerity. It is that depravity of such a public policy which engenders evil in the practice of mankind, and thus turns the intention of man's
destiny into a force of depravity in such included ways as the the promotion of the Paganism of the, "Old Religion" including Sexual Rituals, Whore Priestesses, Homosexual "Dog" Priests,  Human Sacrifice to Moloch, sexual abuse of children.

For thousands of years there has been a scientific battle between the reductionist modelers who plagiarise and
debase, in order to stifle progress, the work of the original scientists whose aim is human progress and

The real scientists know that this planet can support more human beings only through advanced science which
exponentially increases, through desalination of water the food and industrial capability of humanity and through fusion plasma physics the ability to transmute elements into metallic and elemental commodities necessary to produce technology allowing humanity to live and evolve in plenty and not in poverty and need, on this planet.

The most convenient illustration of this sort of method, modeling without any physical basis, consciously
debasing science, is the comparable case of the use of that fraud by Dark Side Agent of the Persian Oligarchy -
who poisoned Alexander the Great - Aristotle, and his follower Euclid, in crafting what the great Bernhard
Riemann exposed, from the outset of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, as a physically fraudulent tradition in
the popular teaching of mathematics. Such was the ancient origin of modern positivism.

Similarly, it was intended to use mere mathematics as an alternative to actual physical science, as used by
modern, anti-science, mathematical positivists, which has, in strict truth, no intrinsic competence for
defining the principles of physical science, a corrupt notion of physical science which has been elevated to
the reputation of science's being considered as merely a matter of mathematics, as has been done by, among
others, positivists in the train of Ernst Mach, David Hilbert, and the unspeakably evil Bertrand Russell and
his tribe.

The positivists have modeled using mere mathematical and comparable formulas, which contain no actual
principle, but only mathematical descriptions, as a substitute for physical science, as the case of Agent
Bertrand Russell and his present followers typifies such an intentionally deceitful practice most luridly.

The Venetian Oligarchy secret agent Sarpi's fraudulent prank of modelling without any phyisical basis is the
root of all currently leading trans-Atlantic, systemically moral corruption in the matters of science, and
social policy more broadly. At its bottom, positivism has been a method of corrupting social control of
targeted species of entire societies, such as that first installed in England under King James I
(See Anonymous by Emmerich and the Venetian bought Cecil family).

That King James was, ironically, the emblematic, if essentially half-witting figure of an official royal,
empiricist theology, a theology of sorts which has administered the corrupting tradition of those high priests
such as the hoaxster Galileo Galilei. After the swindler Galileo, and his follower, the swindler Descartes,
there was a "perfected" succession of expressions of the alleged "principles" underlying imperial theology, a
body of evidence supplied by such cases as that of the science-hating, Venetian Oligarchic Agent hoaxster Abbé
Antonio S. Conti. In hindsight, this Conti is to be regarded, otherwise, according to rare copies of portraits,
as the ugliest face known to contemporaries of his apprentice, Oligarchic Agent Voltaire.
Depraved creatures such as Oligarchic Agents philosophers and economists John Locke, Adam Smith, and Head of Intelligence under Lord Shelbourne, Jeremy Bentham, are typical of the kindred human refuse to be listed in the same collection.

The common, a-prioristic commitment of the crude materialists, the Aristoteleans, and the modern mathematical
positivists, for example, is that they deny the existence of the universe itself, demonstrating that fact by
the means of substituting actual or merely fancied appearances, such as mere sense-certainties, for the reality
of the universe, thus excluding the existence of any actually universal principles.

The discovery of the geometry of Bernhard Riemann, for example, led to the recognition of the systemic nature
of the fraud expressed by any attempted separation of space, time, and matter into separate, fixed dimensions,
That discovery led to the recognition of a modern physical science premised on the experimentally validated
notion of physical chemistry, rather than mere physics, and to the notion of physical space-time developed by
the circles of Genius Albert Einstein.

For example: the notion of Euclidean geometry premised on Aristotelean a-priorism, had always been an anti-
scientific hoax, as had been the same hoax represented by such frauds as Newton who plagiarised and debased the
Integral Calculus of Liebniz, and the post-Leibniz frauds of de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Euler's
dupe Lagrange, Laplace, and the caught-out plagiarist of a crucial discovery by Niels Abel, Augustin Cauchy.

Truth is what both the implicit and actual positivists, such as the Aristoteleans, the "materialists"
generally, and the modern positivists, prohibit.

A materialist's world-view, like that of any Aristotelean or modern positivists, is the denial of a higher
purpose for mankind's existence, the process of generation of an achievement of a higher goal than had existed
in practice earlier. The effort of the individual for the purpose of achieving that contribution to the
universe we experience, is the one and only proof of a true human morality. Essentially, nothing truly an
achievement of an individual life lived is accomplished in any different way.

Mathematics without any physical basis, sheer imagination, is the fantasy of Computer modelling of real systems
of the world which because the model cannot be accurate, and indeed is designed not to be accurate, as it makes
false predictions which are designed to fool and steal from humanity.

The areas of recent fantasy Computer Modeling which have been proven to be intentionally falsified are:

1. The Oligarchic Agents "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" models supported by,"Peer Reviewed" false science whose almost achieved aim is to reduce, in a sort of Genocide, the technology of humanity so that the world can support less people. Where terawatts of Nuclear Electricity are needed to de-salinate water, grow food in the deserts, and through air conditioning and heating allow humanity to live and work in the tropics as well as in Siberia.
Instead we have the aim of the elite to Zero Population Growth and a constant world population of 2 Millions -
the population to be reduced by starvation, false flag rent-a-mob terrorism, rent-a-mob politics, war, and
laboratory grown diseases.

2. The Computer Modeling of the intentionally created false science of Economics, whose aim is the stealing of
wealth from ordinary humanity, thus stopping their evolution and reducing their level to the forelock tugging
"Yes Sir" of the feudal serf or slave.

Where the false use of money in the Gambling Casino of wall Street and service industries - calling the money
made in these industries as profit, instead of the real profit of the physical production of food and useful
technology to enhance the lives and purpose of all humanity.

The false tenets of the "Science of Monetary Economics" and its consequent Modelling in the Computers of every
Government in the world - certified by the believed fantasy of peer reviewed professors of Keynsianism and
Monetarism, as well as Rockefeller funded Austrian Austerity Economics as David Rockefeller paid the bills of Von Mises and Von Hayek as well as the Lew Rockwell Ludwig von Mises Institute as well as Ron Paul Austerity who wants to genocidally cut food stamps - relied upon by 50 million Americans to live on by 65%. Austrianism where where economic crash comes before the rise of the economy as specified by the Austrian Rockefellers which has never happened in all human history!! These knaves have allowed the intentional corruption of stealing of trillions of dollars from the worlds economies through the clever corrupt trick of Bubbles, which are Ponzi Schemes which since the South Sea Bubble of 1720 have been a regular yearly event culminating in the recent housing derivatives bubble of 2006 - 2007.

Some families and individuals in control of the economy, through having the power to remove the Glass-Steagal Act, this time have stolen 50 trillions of dollars out of the economy through as always, knowing when to invest and when to get out of the mortgage industry, boosted and bubbled by toxic derivatives. The bubbles are due to continue because nothing has been done to remove the intentionally corrupt banking industry through the normal method of bankruptcy as the aim is to continue to steal everything.
I want to define "psychopath": a person who manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of the ability to love, extreme egocentricity, & failure to learn from experience. If that don't define our central banking criminals, words cannot.

In the end, you have to ask the News outlet, the person propagandising, what is the solution?

Which solutions to the problem is that News Outlet person propagandising; intellectually discern through his solutions whether he is a good person or Corporation Whore or Secret service Controlled Opposition, because that informs you of whether the problems are being propagandised in a good or bad way.

The New World Order rules only through fear and the propagation of fear.

Solutions which do not solve the problem or which make the problem worse, are what the The New World Order wants.
Discern the good solutions of Glass Steagall, of Economic Growth through taxing Wall Street as main street is taxed. The nationalisation of the central banks like the Fed to create Trillions in investment in infrastructure, irrigation, Agriculture. The production of 30 millions of well paid new jobs. Freedom, education, human evolution, good morality - "There are too few friends and good people on this Planet!!" Lets have more!!

Rather than protection against economic collapse - guns, gold, and food storage.

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