Hello, my dear beloved souls!
So, let's get down to practical exercises. Let's go from simple to complex, gradually mastering new subtle senses, which from now on will become no less important for you than physical ones.
And we will start with your heart chakra, which is already well developed in the vast majority of people engaged in spiritual practices.
We will leave the three lower chakras in the third dimension, since their role was mainly to help you survive in the dual world - “to win your place in the sun”.
Thus, a person as a spiritual being begins with a developed fourth chakra, which symbolizes the heart – the receptacle of Love.
Almost every person on earth, even those far from esoteric knowledge and not familiar with such a term as “chakra”, felt it at least once in their life.
Every time he thought of someone with love – sincere and unconditional, the kind we feel for our child, our family and friends, “his heart was filled with warmth.”
This expression has already entered your everyday life, and it perfectly reflects the manifestation of the work of the fourth chakra of a person on the physical plane.
When you experience these bright feelings, you involuntarily connect with the subtle world, which means you go beyond three-dimensionality.
It is this chakra that remains with you as the bridge that connects you with your Soul, because the chakras are the sensory organs of your Soul.
And today I suggest you do the following exercise to feel your heart chakra as strongly as possible on the physical plane.
This will help you to use it in the future as naturally as your sight, hearing, touch and smell.
So, in a calm, harmonious state, remember the happiest moment of your life.
It can be anything - the birth of a child, a meeting with loved ones, or simply a feeling of happiness from contact with something beautiful: nature, music, painting...
Enter that state of yours and listen to how your heart chakra responds to it.
Everyone will experience their own sensations - some stronger, some weaker, but you will DEFINITELY feel that your chakra has responded to the feeling of joy that has engulfed you with warmth in your chest, pulsation, and perhaps even waves of love that generously pour out from your “receptacle” of Divine energy.
Remember this state well. It is very important, because you will have to learn how to induce it artificially. And here is why.
You have already perfectly mastered one of the main Laws of the Universe, “What is inside, is outside,” haven’t you, my dears?
Therefore, if you learn to control your heart chakra and fully open it to people, various situations, natural elements, animals, plants - in a word, everything that comes your way, then life around you will be completely transformed.
It will be filled with the Light that you radiate towards it, and this will be the first step leading you into the Fifth Dimension, where there is no place for a single negative thought or emotion, where only Love reigns.
And I ask you, my dears, to practice this exercise as often as possible, every free minute. Develop your heart chakra!
Start changing your life right now and watch it transform before your eyes!
I bless you for this!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 3, 2018
Полный текст Послания: НАШЕ СОВМЕСТНОЕ ВОЗНЕСЕНИЕ (Вместилище Любви) | Возрождение
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