OUR JOINT ASCENSION (Getting to Know the Soul)
Hello, my dear beloved souls!
So, let's continue the conversation about how to learn to talk to your Soul and follow it.
Today I will give you one practice that will help you establish "physical" contact with her, which is very important. And here's why.
Now many of you are opening a channel of clairaudience. And, as has been said many times, astral entities of various levels are trying to use it, who have also joined the process of Ascension of the Earth, because they are part of it - inhabitants of its subtle plane.
Many of them have true information about Ascension, and with the best intentions they strive to share it with people. That is why they connect to those of you who have an open channel of communication with the subtle world.
Depending on the purity of such a channel – the level of its spirituality – certain entities are attracted to it – from the lower to the higher astral.
Unfortunately, so far only a few of you are able to receive messages from the Light Forces of the Universe, which are located much higher than the astral layer of the Earth.
These are the people whose consciousness has already completely gone beyond the three-dimensionality and whose vibrations are capable of “reaching” the vibrations of the Light Forces, which, as a rule, reside above the Fifth dimension.
Why do I remind you of this, my dears?
The fact is that the entities of the higher astral are not capable of causing you harm, and they really want to help you. But they do not have access to true information about your Soul, since they are “not included” in the “databank” of our Galaxy and Universe.
They convey only general information to you and, as a rule, they are too eloquent and verbose, repeating the same thing many times - so that sometimes the person reading such a message no longer remembers at the end what was said at the beginning.
And to give their words additional weight, they hide behind names that are sacred to you – Father, Mother, my name, as well as the names of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters...
And this is not as harmless as it seems, because people waste precious minutes, hours and days endlessly “chewing” the same thing, believing that this is how they grow spiritually.
But, my dears, you can only truly grow when you PRACTICE the knowledge that you already have in abundance, when you apply it every day, when it becomes your new habit, your way of life.
Therefore, the purpose of my current messages is to teach you to live in a new reality, without sliding back and building your life in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, and not those that were imposed on you by people.
But now let's return to where we started - how to feel that it is YOUR SOUL that is speaking to you, and not impostors from the astral world.
To do this, you need to sit in meditation and ask me, Archangel Michael, your Heavenly helpers to protect you from alien invasion.
Sit quietly until you feel the flow of Divine energy gently enveloping you and spreading warmth throughout your body.
And only after this, call upon your Soul and ask it to give you a sign – physical, tangible, that it has entered your body.
This may manifest itself differently for everyone: tingling, light vibrations, sensations in the heart chakra, in the area of the third eye or crown chakra.
For some, the Soul may enter with soft, warm jolts, as if seeping through your physical shell.
Some will feel it more strongly, some will feel it less strongly, but they will CERTAINLY feel it, because your Soul is just waiting for you to hear it and for it to be able to take the most active part in your life.
Therefore, she will do everything to establish contact with you.
That's where we'll stop today.
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on January 30, 2018
Источник: OUR ASCENSION TOGETHER (Getting to Know the Soul) | Rebirth
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