Saturday, March 22, 2025

The UPLIFTer: Mother Earth and The Equinox

Mother Earth and The Equinox

🎧 Listen to “Mother Earth and The Equinox” by Bhavani

Everywhere on this beautiful planet,

our Mother Earth,

we all experience the same balance of day and night

on the Equinox.

The Equinox is the only time this happens,

and it only happens twice a year.

For a few days around the Equinox,

we all experience this equal balance

of daylight and nighttime, as

One Global Humanity.

And it’s a time to feel more deeply 

into our connection to 

Mother Earth. 

For each of one us, 

our very life depends on Mother Earth: 

the food we eat,

the water we drink,

and the air we breathe,

what we build our homes with,

what we make our clothes out of,

and the fire we use in countless ways

to power our lives.

Each and every one of us was born naked,

without anything at all.

Take some time to honor Mother Earth today.

Consider for a moment:

Where does your food really come from?

Where does the water you drink really come from?

Can you live without breathing air?

Right now is an opportunity to humbly give thanks

for what truly supports us in being alive -

the earth we walk and live upon.


Mother Earth,

We walk upon you, 

surrounded by your beauty and your majesty.

All the food we eat grows from your soil.

It is your waters that flow and bring life to our bodies,

and fertilize the seeds that grow in your soil.

Your overflowing abundance feeds every creature

that lives here on this planet.

We are blessed by your beauty.

We are soothed in your forests.

We are nourished by your abundance.

We bathe in your water.

We breathe the air that flows in your bright blue skies,

and through the dark starry nights,

over your magnificent oceans,

through deserts of sparkling sand,

over towering mountains,

and through valleys and meadows filled sometimes

with flowers and sometimes with snow.

This air, this wind, this breeze, how honored we are to breathe

this glorious life giving air flowing through your skies!

How stunning and glorious you are in your intimate

dance with the sun!

How magnificent to behold the way sunlight sparkles

upon you, on your waters, on snow and on ice

and on your bright green leaves!

How can there be so many glorious shades of green?

How can water take so many different wondrous forms?

And where does your gift of fire come from?

Fire bursts forth out of nothing, it has no substance,

and it is incredibly, intensely powerful.

Mother Earth,

How can you turn so precisely, so constantly, so evenly, 

year after year, for millions of years,

as you so gently offer all parts of your surface

to be bathed and blessed

in the glorious light of the sun?


Beloved Mother Earth,

forgive us for taking you for granted.

Forgive us for being so distracted, misguided,

and elsewhere obsessed.

Forgive us for abusing you, misusing you,

and destroying so much of you!

Truly it is our loss. 

Mother Earth,

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to honor you,

most beautiful Mother,

Your beauty fills my heart to overflowing.

Your soil grounds my body.

Your air fills me with peace and enhances my life as I breathe.

Your water brings life, and beauty, and happiness to me,

in each and every part of my body, my heart, and the whole

of my being in countless, infinite ways.

Your fire is a miracle, manifesting out of emptiness.

What would our lives be without fire?

As I sit quietly with you, Mother Earth, 

I feel you in my body. 

I feel you in every way I am capable of feeling 

in the whole of my being. 

And as I feel the presence of you, 

I sit in wonder and awe. 

“Have you also given me this capacity to feel?” 


I ask and I pray, and I envision

for all of us:

May we walk upon this glorious planet, 

- who we have named Mother Earth - 

with love, honor and respect. 

May we each find within us 

the recognition and acknowledgement 

of all that we have received, 

and continue to receive, 

from our very own 

Mother Earth. 

May we graciously continue to receive her abundant blessings 

with veneration, appreciation, and humility. 

And may we consciously care for her wellbeing, 

the wellbeing of our beloved 

Mother Earth. 

Take some time to honor Mother Earth today. 

With Love and Gratitude,

for our most beautiful 

Mother Earth

🌷 ✨ 🦋 ✨ 🌷

in service of

A Higher Consciousness Humanity

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