Monday, March 24, 2025

Matrix Cracking? Time to Go Alll-In

Greetings Openhanders,

I do believe I can feel the Matrix Simulation, that our planet has been embroiled within, weakening, wavering, and cracking. Let's take a close look, because there's new evidence we can be optimistic about. But also, to go forwards, dig in,
and open consciousness out through the cracks.
Ready? Let's dive in.

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Explore Clear Signs and Senses the Simulation is Weakening

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Simulation Wavering

Dear Openhanders, I can hardly believe it myself, but especially following the cutting-edge work we got engaged within during the recent Jordan Pilgrimage, I felt the Simulation buckling and beginning to crack. As I feel it right now, it seems to be losing its power - its grip over us, where there's true commitment to breaking through. 

Don't get me wrong, many are, of course, still asleep. Plenty are still being acquiesced into inertia, or distracted down diversionary alleyways that continue to sustain the Simulation. The Simulation is insipid, getting into thoughts and emotions, programming attachments that suppress the soul. 

But where there's true commitment, the hold the Simulation has on people is clearly weakening.

On the Jordan pilgrimage, which is a key planetary fulcrum of several tectonic plates, we saw how the Intervention was using 3D technology to enhance the magnetic field. It suppresses the emergence of consciousness. It deadens the feeling of soul. But its power was localised. As it focussed on the Aegean, for example, breakthroughs of energy were happening elsewhere. Other volcanos have come strongly active. And in the pilgrimage group, we were readily able to push back the Intervention.

This all bodes extremely well for people in The Shift.

However, it's certainly not yet time for donning celebratory laurels! We must push back whilst the Intervention is on the back foot. The Simulation still exists, and works every-which-way to distract or derail. We must remain vigilant, therefore. We must double down on the commitment to break the programming, shed the veils, and unleash vibrant
soul consciousness into our lives.

There's never been a more pressing or urgent calling for for vigilence, focus and emergence. The Sun builds in energetic release, as the Earth's magnetic shield lowers. When I feel into the planetary Torus, I feel magma flowing, and building, which is going to increasingly breakthrough to the surface.

You might ask: What can I do about it? Why pay attention?

As we know, everything is interconnected through the quantum field. The upsurgence of energy will invite powerful change. Which, if we resist, or ignore, will create discombobulation in our lives and take us down unproductive or derailing alleyways.

Every moment now becomes a process of breakthrough - shedding the layers of the old, so as to unleash the vibrant new energies of soul. Are you ready for the opportunity?
Are you ready to dive all in?  

To the degree we embrace it, will ensure the most phenomenal emergence of consciousness imaginable. Just take a peak, for example, at what our intrepid group of travellers experienced in Jordan recently. The photos alone are inspirational and transcendent.

Pilgrimage Journal of Jordan

Be Inspired by Openhanders on Pilgrimage


Finally, I can feel the Simulation weakening, after many years of breaking through with the various Intervention layers. 

But let's not be fooled either. The AI-agenda is in overdrive to distract and derail. That's why focus and commitment are now more essential than ever.

The point is we can do it. We can break through. And the energies of the Sun, the emergence of the new planetary soul, Avalonia, and the galaxy are with us. Let's capitalise together on this tremendous opportunity of our existence. 

Bright blessings to all. 
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