Friday, March 14, 2025



Hello, my dear beloved children!

Today we will continue our conversation about how you can determine your vibration level.

The second way

Do you feel detached from the customs and traditions of the 3D world?

Aren't you afraid of going against public opinion and appearing like a black sheep in the eyes of other people?

Or, in other words, how far behind you is the three-dimensional world with all its inherent stereotypes, patterns, and habits?

If you are already completely indifferent to other people's opinions and live exclusively by the desires of your Soul, and not your Mind, guided by your own vision of what is happening and monitoring your internal state, then you have already crossed the line separating the third dimension from the fourth.

As a rule, “star seeds” currently incarnated in physical bodies already from childhood experience aversion to anything that carries with it any kind of obligations that limit their freedom.

They are characterized by a love of freedom in all its manifestations.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the permissiveness that is characteristic of low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies or very young human souls.

At the basis of their desire for freedom lies the genetic memory of their incarnations in the worlds of higher dimensions, in which there is a complete absence of control and pressure from anyone, since the inhabitants of these worlds are already at that stage of their evolution that does not allow them to go against their conscience or violate anyone's personal boundaries.

Thus, echoes of this memory do not allow these people to commit acts that could harm the people around them.

At the same time, they suffer greatly from the fact that they find themselves squeezed into the narrow framework of the life attitudes of the three-dimensional world with its numerous restrictions on personal freedom.

From childhood, such people feel like strangers in this world, intuitively resisting the rules of thinking and behavior imposed on them.

Over time, most of them nevertheless submit to the inevitability of such an existence for one reason or another.

But now many are beginning the reverse process: a return to their roots and a clear understanding of the falsity of the artificial values ​​and beliefs imposed on them .

In many ways, this is facilitated by new high-vibrational energies, which, like a cleansing rain, wash away from their consciousness the mental and emotional “plaque” of the three-dimensional world.

And if you honestly and objectively answer yourself the question of whether you have managed to completely get rid of the generally accepted perception of the world and gain your own understanding of it, listening to your Soul, and not your Mind, then we can say with confidence that your consciousness has already reached the level of the fourth dimension.

That's where we'll stop today.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on March 11, 2025

Источник: ИСТОРИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА (Отстраненность от традиций трехмерного мира) | Возрождение

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