HISTORY OF HUMANITY (By vibrations and worldview)
Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to explain to you in more detail why in my previous messages I asked you to determine the level of your vibrations.
First of all, because in this way you will be able to understand what you still have to work on in order to free your consciousness from the usual framework of the three-dimensional matrix.
Those of you who are able to objectively assess all your strengths and weaknesses, without taking wishful thinking for reality, will certainly be grateful to the Forces of Light for giving you the opportunity to reach the level of vibrations that will allow you to make the Transition.
Why, among the methods offered to you for determining your vibrations, is the emphasis placed on both the energetic and mental-emotional components?
The point is that they are inextricably linked.
Thus, a person who subtly senses the chakras of both his own and those of the people around him is able to avoid many mistakes not only in direct communication with others, but also in the virtual world of the Internet, in which you spend a lot of time.
If you do not have such abilities, you may unwittingly find yourself in captivity of low-vibrational energies, which are still characteristic of the majority of inhabitants of your planet.
Of course, it is almost impossible to completely avoid their influence, but at least, having learned to scan people’s vibrations, you will be able to consciously choose your immediate environment – those who are on the same vibrational wave as you.
And as you already know, the smaller the gap in the vibration level of people, the more similar their worldview is.
People with similar vibrations to you, just like you, perceive not words, no matter how beautiful and correct they may be, but the energy that the person who pronounces them carries, which means that your communication with them will reach a completely different level, since it will be completely free of hidden motives, characteristic of people with low vibrations.
Moreover, most often these motives do not carry any danger or threat - people simply try to seem better than they really are out of habit, sometimes sincerely believing it themselves.
That is why it is sometimes so difficult for you to explain to them your detachment and unwillingness to communicate with them.
How can you explain to a person, without offending him, that you see right through him and that you have already outgrown the level of communication that he is imposing on you?
And I know that many of you are now in a situation where you have to weed out those who are holding you back from moving forward, thereby lowering your vibrations.
This can be especially difficult to do with loved ones, family and friends who are unable to see and understand the changes that have occurred in you.
And now, thanks to the increasing vibrations of the Earth, such stratification is becoming especially noticeable and painful.
You need to be prepared for this, my dears, and, without hesitation, protect your energy space at all costs.
That's where we'll stop today.
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on March 13, 2025
Источник: ИСТОРИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА (По вибрациям и мировоззрению) | Возрождение
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