OUR ASCENSION TOGETHER (Living with the Soul)
Hello, my dear beloved souls!
Today I would like to summarize the three previous messages, which talked about how to connect with your Soul and hear its clues.
I would like to explain to you once again why it is so important to live with the Soul right now - at the junction of two eras, two dimensions, two worlds...
Without this, my dears, it will be impossible to make the Transition, since the space of the Fifth Dimension is the space of subtle matter, and so far only your Soul – your Divine particle – can enter it, and not your mind, which is a product of the three-dimensional world and operates with its concepts.
But one of the components of the great experiment of the Creator is precisely the possibility of connecting your Soul with dense matter – your physical body.
Of course, this has happened before on Earth, but these were rare exceptions.
And this happened, as a rule, with the greatest souls who came to Earth with the mission of awakening humanity.
But now energies of such high vibrations are coming to Earth that they are capable of creating conditions for a mass revival of consciousness, and therefore, for thousands and thousands of people to connect with their Souls.
When this happens, your body, having let in the subtle matter of your Soul, will involuntarily begin to “pull itself up” to it, gradually changing its physical parameters.
That is exactly what happened to me, my dears. That is why I did not feel pain during my execution and that is why I was able not only to resurrect, but also to ascend.
My body already had a subtle-material structure, although it was not noticeable externally.
But today I would like to warn you against disappointment, my dears, since this process is long and difficult.
Surely many of you will be able to connect with your Soul during deep meditations, but in order to keep it within you constantly, you need to work on yourself for a long time and tirelessly.
Only when you reach a state of complete invulnerability from negative energies, and therefore from astral entities that feed on them, when you are surrounded by an impenetrable wall of the energy of Light and Love, only then will your Soul feel completely safe and want to remain in your physical body forever.
And here is the last piece of advice I would like to give you.
Please organize your life so that you can devote at least twenty to thirty minutes a day to communicating with your Soul.
You can break this time into several parts, but it is important that you CONSTANTLY gain experience, learn to hear and feel her, talk to her - so that you establish a strong connection with her.
I really want, my beloved, that when you read my messages, you accept them not only as another piece of knowledge, but as a GUIDE TO ACTION.
Only in this way, gradually changing your consciousness, your body, your life, will you, in small steps, slowly but surely, move towards the cherished goal – the Transition to a new reality.
And I bless you for this, my dears!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 1, 2018
Источник: НАШЕ СОВМЕСТНОЕ ВОЗНЕСЕНИЕ (Жить Душой) | Возрождение
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