Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WELCOME TO THE ENERGIES OF JULY ~ New Tones of Creation - Paul White Gold Eagle


Namaste Lotus Blossom of the Enlightened Mind of Buddha,

In the Unity Consciousness of the Almighty I Am PResence we realize our True Nature of the Original Awakened Mind of Buddha and live from our Pure Awareness at one with all things being a Real Hue-man BEing of Infinite Life

Much Love and Blessings in the LIGHT...The Eagle and the Condor


todays transmission from White Gold Eagle my 12th Dimensional Venusian, Lyran, Vulcan, Elven Avatar:

Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Galactic Light Keepers of Eternal Bliss Consciousness

Welcome to the first day of this powerful month of July and another 8:8 Portal leading us through the 7:7 Portal and full 8:8:8 Lionsgate this August 8th.

Our Lion Kingdom of our Lyran Star Nation of New Lemuria are with us Now to see us all through this intense and transformative Gateway and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

Our local Soularis has started to become active again today releasing several C Class Solar Flares and a powerful M class Flare maxing at M 2.17 at 11:02 UTC.

All Starseed Lightworkers are entering into altered states of interdimensional consciousness to navigate in between worlds to become the Avatars as Rainbow Bridges of Heaven and Earth.

The Core of the Universe is transmitting a new frequency and Cods of Pure Natural Ecstacy to all the Living Hearts of our Divine Earth Angelic team of the 144. Through Ecstatic Bliss we raise the resonance of this Realm into 5D and beyond.

In this Eternal Now we resolve all things perfectly in the Clear Mind of Buddha and release and let go of all that no longer serves our Self and the Collective as we rest in the Freedom of our Divine Heritage of Victory in the Light…A’Ho!


CLICK HERE for the transcripts of today's transmissions



In today's transmissions the Love and Light of the Universal One flows in to Transform and Trascend all Hearts of the Pure Way of Light!

Join us on the Path here...


New Earth Ascension report and astrology reading for the week of June 30th through July 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor

New! on Patreon ~ New Earth Ascension report and astrology reading for the week of June 30th through July 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor

patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-earth-report-107206090

Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of June 30th through July 6th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Prayer for the New Moon in Cancer this week.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


New Tones of Creation

If you would like to help support our work and mission and help us to continue creating our daily New Earth transmissions, the best way is with a monthly pledge on our Patreon page at http://whitegoldeagle.com

We have lost many of our financial supporters over the past few months so every pledge or donation will assist us to continue our daily work and transmissions and keep releasing them free to the our Tribes and the World. Also our videos and work are being suppressed on youtube and all social media by dark forces to prevent our messages and teachings getting to our Good People of the New Earth.

or if you could support us with a donation the links are at http://eaglelovecondor.com

If you can't afford a monthly pledge or donation it would also be very helpful to us if you could share every video on social media sites and other websites on the internet. We truly appreciate you and are grateful for all of you that have supported us over the years and those that continue to support us, Our Angels of the New Earth! We could not be doing this work without you.

We send Much Love and Blessings in the Light. The Eagle and the Condor...A'ho!


Guided Meditation to Ease Anxiety ~ Finding Inner Peace with the Sacred Condor (Divine Feminine)


FREE Guided Meditation from my Sacred Condor: Meditation to Ease Anxiety * Finding Inner Peace


Dolphin Dreams

I AM Presence

If you haven't joined us in the I AM Discourses Please be sure to start your FREE 33 Day Journey with us in healing and transforming your Life in the most Positive Ways!!

Start Here >>>>>I Am the Way


Guided Meditation Healing Ceremony with the Avian Star Nation from Pegasus Constellation

New! on Patreon: Reiki Healing Guided Meditation:

Connecting with Universal Energy with my Sacred Condor

CLICK HERE for the Healing Reiki Meditation

This session is designed to help you Connecting with Universal Energy and activate inner peace, balance your energy, and promote deep relaxation and healing. Whether you are new to Reiki or have experience with this powerful healing practice, this guided meditation will support you in connecting with universal life force energy.

What to Expect:

Calming Environment: Begin by settling into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Light a candle or use essential oils if you wish to enhance the ambiance.

Guided Relaxation: We will guide you through a gentle relaxation process, helping you to release tension and calm your mind.
Reiki Energy Activation: You will be guided to visualize and feel Reiki energy flowing through your body, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Chakra Balancing: The meditation includes specific focus on balancing and harmonizing your chakras, aligning your energy centers for optimal well-being.
Affirmations and Intentions: Positive affirmations and intentions will be used to reinforce healing and inner peace.
Closing and Integration: We will gently guide you out of the meditation, helping you to integrate the healing energy into your daily life.
Benefits of Reiki Healing Meditation:

Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Balances energy and chakras
Enhances emotional and mental clarity
Supports physical healing and well-being
Increases feelings of peace, love, and joy

patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/reiki-healing-by-106811441


Michelle Price

Healing Prayer of Archangel Raphael

I am Archangel Raphael

My color is a glowing emerald green and I help heal the human body, mind and spirit.

Open your heartspace and expand to the spiritual realm of the healing green light to receive the grace and upgrades.

I place my hands on your shoulderblades.

Take a deep breath in through your nose… pulling in my green light into your lungs and release out your mouth any hopelessness/sadness ~ Repeat 5 times.

Feel my presence with youThis will help you release the heavy burdens from your heart space.

Open your solarplexus to release the toxic self doubt that has trapped your light inside your physical body.

Set yourself freeOpen your sacralto release damaging relationships and expand this healing across your hips to balance your masculine and feminine energy.

Allow all toxins to flow down into the root area ~ pulling down your anchor~at the base of your tailbone…surrendering all of what no longer serves you.

Know, that I am here for you when you need healing assistance.. I love you.

Love and Light,

Michelle Price

Archangel Raphael

Join our Tribe of the Eagle and Condor:

Big Welcome and much Gratitude to our new supporters this month on Patreon!!

Zahra H.

new Tribe members go here for our teachings and trainings:

Thank you for the new pledge in our Youtube Monthly Memberships this month!

Michael M.

thank you for raising your pledge on youtube memberships:

Thank you for the donations today from

Milosh R.


A Living Poem from the Eagle to the Condor

In Eternal LOVE and TRUTH, The Eagle and the Condor live our Higher Purpose and Mission in the Truth of Divine Union (Hieros Gamos) in the LIGHT of ONE.

In Hieros Gamos we live in Unity Consciousness and Fly to the New Heavenly Host in our Ascension Journey of Unconditional Love and Bliss in the LIGHT. Joining together in Oneness as we Usher in this Eternal Time of Freedom and Peace for all God's Children of the New Earth... (The Prophecy is Fulfilled in this NOW!)

As the Solar Sophia Divine Feminine makes her Union with the Solar Krystos Divine Masculine the Harmony of Heaven on Earth is made Manifest in the Image of the Unconditional Love of Infinite Prime Source Creator (Mother/ Father God).

Our Divine Dispensations are at hand (We CALL in our Holy Jurisdictions in this NOW) of our Divine Wealth and Sacred Lands for our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia. Divine Cosmic Mother Goddess is with us for our full activation and integration of our Buddhic Rainbow Diamond Bodies of Infinite Eternal Light.

We are re-united to the Fountain of LIFE as the nectars of Source Gnosis flows freely into the hearts and minds of our Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144.

In the Still White Magnetic Light at Center of your PURE PRESENCE is where the nonphysical is made physical and emptiness manifests into form. We expand the non-linear out physically from Source and Return there by compression through physical matter into the One Still Center.

The Original True Nature of your indestructible Diamond Mind is Empty, Clear, Bright and Free. She reflects herself perfectly into the Mirror of Eternity...

You are remembering your True Essence of the Holy Temple of Light of Divinity, the True Face of Love before all Creation. In the Clear Light of Bliss all things are Revealed. This shall call in the Transformation into your Holy Avatar of New Eden!

All things are Perfectly Resolved in the Unborn Mind of the Buddha. With the Bright Virtue of our Indestructible Diamond Mind of Pure Awareness we are
In the final days of waking from the Dream of Illusion into the "Real" as we rise in the Glory of the Dawning of our New Heaven upon the New Earth!


- Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 254


7 IX - 1 JULY 2024


I channel in order to enchant
Inspiring receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Resonant tone of attunement
I AM guided by the power of death.

1st Day of July 2024
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©2024 Paul White Gold Eagle | Po Box 123 Brush Prairie, WA 98606

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