Saturday, July 27, 2024

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Lack of Self-esteem) July 22, 2024

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Lack of Self-esteem)
July 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about another common stereotype that you can easily track down, which means that it can be attributed to visible “layers” of the three-dimensional world in human consciousness, or, in other words, to its rough “layers”.
And it’s about your self-esteem.
Although we have already talked about this more than once, but now we will consider it not as a quality inherent in almost every person, but specifically as a stereotype of thinking and behavior.
The habit of evaluating everything and everything has already become an integral part of your life, so evaluating yourself is no exception.
How does it differ from the assessment and judgment of other people and events?
By and large, nothing.
And this is explained by the fact that any of your judgments is always subjective, and it depends on many things.
Your age, upbringing, worldview, religious views, general level of culture – all this affects your assessment of the events and their participants.
But since you are also involved in this process, you evaluate yourself on an equal basis with others.
As a result, this assessment of yours is subjective, because it is enclosed within the framework of your worldview.
Of course, it can change depending on the circumstances and your environment, which undoubtedly affect you.
And yet its main parameters remain unchanged: you and your role in everything that happens.
And here a lot depends on your Ego, which, as a rule, imposes one or another self-esteem on you.
People with highly developed egos tend to have overestimated self-esteem.
And for those who have it “more modest,” it is understated.
Practically none of the people are able to objectively evaluate themselves, because this can only be done when you are in the position of an outsider, even in relation to yourself.
And yet each of you is trying to do it.
So why is self-esteem so important to a person?
First of all, he needs it in order to assess his position in society and outline the boundaries of what is allowed.
Remember an expression like “Know your place.”
It is precisely this that generates this stereotype, which is peculiar to almost every one of you.
Only by defining “your place” do you feel relatively calm and protected.
But many people have not been able to move from this “place” for years, and sometimes for their whole lives.
And this happens because a person has “nailed” himself to this place with his subjective – low or overestimated – self-esteem.
So what should be the way of thinking and behaving towards oneself?
First of all, flexible, as well as as objective as possible.
And this can be achieved only when you learn to look at yourself from the outside.
Become an attentive and loving observer of yourself.
Don’t blame yourself for the mistakes that are inevitable in the three-dimensional world, but if you notice them, try not to repeat them anymore.
And do not hesitate to praise yourself if something turned out well for you and for the benefit of others.
But the best thing you can do is to get rid of self—esteem altogether, just enjoying life and always acting as your Soul tells you.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 22 July, 2024.

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