Saturday, July 27, 2024

Father Absolute – The struggle for the survival of mankind July 26, 2024

Father Absolute – The struggle for the survival of mankind
July 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to take a break from our current topic again and talk to you about your current feelings and feelings.
Perhaps some of you have noticed that the energy of the last few days has changed a lot.
It has become more “saturated”, which is manifested in more intense events on the physical plane.
Of course, all this is not accidental.
The higher the vibrations of the energies coming to Earth, the more actively they manifest the true essence of the events taking place on your planet.
And the last few weeks have become a vivid example of this, during which you can observe as many changes as did not happen in a year.
The fact that the globalists are in a panic is already visible even to the most inexperienced people in politics.
Their henchmen in power are frantically looking for a way out of situations that have developed against them, which makes their intentions to complete their program for the destruction of humanity even more transparent.
As a result of their actions, a mass awakening of people begins, who already understand that the crimes of globalists have no boundaries.
This is especially evident now in the United States of America and Europe, where the most incompetent personalities have been nominated for leadership positions, who have achieved their posts only due to their complete subordination to the deep state.
And many people are beginning to realize that they are in a real trap, because these loyal puppets of the globalists will never listen to the voices of ordinary people and will stop at nothing to fulfill the will of their masters.
At first glance, it all looks sad and hopeless.
But, on the other hand, this is exactly the case of which they say: “The worse, the better.”
The worse and more brazen the servants of the deep state behave, the better their true intentions will be visible, which means that people who are on the verge of survival will no longer be silent.
Passive contemplation of what is happening will gradually develop into active actions on the part of the population of those countries that turned out to be the main hostages of the globalists.
And now it is very important that these actions be carefully thought out and organized by real leaders — honest and incorruptible people who are aware of the importance of the situation on Earth and, most importantly, enjoy the respect and trust of the citizens of their countries.
The time of the struggle for power on Earth is over, because now it is time to fight for the survival of mankind.
And these are no longer lofty words, but the current reality.
Therefore, my family, take today’s abundance of news as evidence of the fall of the criminal clique of the deep state, which has been enslaving the population of the Earth for so long, and at the same time as a mass awakening of people all over your planet.
Everything is coming to an end – to its logical end.
And your task is to bring it closer by all means available to you.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on July 26, 2024.

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