Thursday, July 18, 2024

Your Shadow Guardian awaits you!

Your Shadow Guardian awaits you!
In this newsletter:
1. Shadow Guardian Guided Meditation
Powerful medicine! We present a brand new, unique guided meditation to help you make friends with your own Shadow Beast and transform it into your very own Shadow Guardian!
2. The Dark Elite don’t really matter!
A new, and rather surprising, perspective on the hidden hands behind the scenes of global events.
3. Soul-to-Soul with Adamu
An incredible, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to engage, one-on-one, in a personal discussion with Adamu
4. Update on ONEtribe
Toward the end of 2023 we informed you about our new virtual intentional community, the One New Earth Tribe (ONEtribe). Over fifty members of our community joined ONEtribe as Initiates in 2024. As we are now halfway through our year, we’d like to update you on what’s happening in the ONEtribe. And also provide a little teaser of what you can expect in 2025.
1. Shadow Guardian Guided Meditation
Our Shadow contains all those rejected, despised, disallowed, unloved parts of ourselves that we don’t want to claim as ‘self’. It also contains those parts of ourselves that were unable to cope with traumatic events, that we put into the shadows to deal with later. But these unconscious, shadow parts of ourselves often develop their own agendas and can sabotage what we are trying to achieve in our conscious life. Not because they are trying to harm us in any way, but simply because these aspects of ourselves are disconnected from our Divine guidance.
As we begin to shine the light of our conscious mind upon our shadow, and as we begin to integrate these shadow aspects of ourselves, we begin to release enormous amounts of energy that we can use to achieve our goals in life. This really is crucially important work to do upon the path of awakening and ascending our consciousness.
Your shadow beast comprises all the shadow parts of yourself that you have placed in your shadow, for whatever reason. It is time for your shadow to shift from being the feared and rejected ‘other’ to becoming your most beloved friend and ally. In doing so, you are taking a huge leap towards wholeness. You are making a powerful decision that will have profound and beautiful consequences on your journey towards remembering your creator nature.
This Shadow Guardian Guided Meditation has been lovingly crafted as a full audioscape journey, which will bring you through the stages of relaxation and heart opening, all the way down to your own shadowlands… and back again. At the end of the meditation there is some space (about 5 minutes) of peaceful music, for you to simply feel and be with yourself. In light of this, please set aside a full hour to complete the journey.
You can access the Shadow Guardian Guided Meditation here:
2. The Dark Elite don’t really matter!
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you will know that I have made several videos, and written a great deal over the years about the so-called “Dark Elite”… the hidden hands behind much of what happens on Earth. I have often been extremely angry and outraged about the atrocities committed by those acting with complete impunity and manipulating the fate of humanity behind the scenes.
But as the years have passed, gradually an expanded awareness has dawned. Today I would like to share with you a new, hopefully illuminating, perspective on the role these Dark Elite play in our world affairs. What I am going to share with you may surprise you immensely, particularly in the light of much of what I have shared with you in the past. But, stick with me, it will all make sense in the end!
The Dark Elite don’t really matter! Perhaps you find that shocking or disturbing. How can that possibly be?
It’s really all just a matter of perspective. If we view the actions of the Dark Elite from the perspective of a third dimensional human being, living on planet Earth, then of course the actions of the Dark Elite matter. They matter a lot! We are outraged by the way in which they manipulate all of humanity to do their bidding, and use, and abuse, the Earth and her resources to further their own ends.
However, from a Unity-conscious perspective, we are all One. And that includes the Dark Elite. We are all just playing our role in the grand game that is unfolding in this reality. The Dark Elite are simply playing their role too. And all is unfolding in Divine right order.
This is an idea that I will be developing and addressing in greater depth and detail (with Adamu) in due course.
3. Soul-to-Soul with Adamu
For the first time ever, YOU can now book one-on-one personal time with Adamu! This is a truly unique opportunity to ask Adamu anything you like about your life journey, your purpose, your path, your challenges, healing, the state of the world, galactic events, exopolitics... or any other soul-deep questions that concern you.
But be forewarned… as a monadic spirit being, Adamu’s perspective may be quite surprising to you. He is not "a psychic", nor is he human. As a manifestation of a multidimensional monadic entity, he will certainly be able to offer you a new perspective and lovingly offered guidance, however, he is not here to rescue you, or to be your authority.
You can book your Soul-to-Soul with Adamu package here:
4. Update on ONEtribe
ONEtribe is a virtual intentional community with the shared vision of ‘co-creating a Unity-conscious reality’.
The ONEtribe Initiates of 2024 have been attending lively, and interesting weekly events via Zoom. These events have been presented by ONEtribe leaders, Arn Allingham and Lisa Picard, and also by Guest Speakers on a variety of topics, based upon Arn’s Dreamer Awake! material, but expanding massively upon the basic curriculum. All Initiates have, as part of their membership fee, also had access to the original Dreamer Awake! material. In addition, Initiates have been working together with other ONEtribe members in Pods. This is a way of holding each other accountable and also learning and growing together. We truly believe that we are all just walking each other Home.
The 2024 year will culminate in a 3-day Great Work in December in which all Initiates will be doing sacred magic together to super-charge their reality creation intentions.
Enrollment as an Initiate for the 2025 year will open in October 2024. This is your opportunity to join a vibrant community of awakening souls, as you learn to consciously create your own reality, and ascend your consciousness.
In 2025, in addition to Arn’s Dreamer Awake! path for Initiates, there will be a second path to becoming a fully fledged ONEtribe member available, presented by Lisa. This is the deeply feminine path of the body, in all its forms (physical, emotional, energetic, etheric and mental). This path is for all who feel a deep connection to Mother Earth, and to all living beings who reside upon Her. This is the path of the Goddess… a “down-and-in’ path, as opposed to the ‘up-and-out’ ascension path. But, be assured, both paths end up at the same destination… Unity-Consciousness.
Discover more about ONEtribe here:

… and watch this space for further details!

Until next time,
With much love, 
Arn and Team Zingdad

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