Saturday, July 20, 2024

Major Gaia Shift Update 2024

Dear Openhanders,

We've just experienced a phenomenal Summer Facilitator Conference, working in the heart chakra of Gaia. We exposed a key limiting dynamic for her in the Shift, which as a team, we were able to support in realignment. It explain a great deal why there's been so much inertia in the Shift in recent times. Dive in with Openhand and see what's shaking the Shift right now. <<< Open 馃拵




Power of the Team

My Dear Friends,
There can be nothing more rewarding than working with a coherent team, toward a common objective, that has an altruistic purpose, and where plenty is on the line. Such was this year's Summer Facilitator Conference, which by sharing, I trust will inspire and motivate everyone to push on their boundaries to their next big breakthrough.

It had seemed, in recent times, that Gaia was lagging behind the Grand Galactic Convergence somewhat. And that was greatly contributing to the sense of inertia and convolution in society. At the conference, by deeply empathising with her energy, supported by the concentration of the heart chakra, we managed to reveal a key kundalini blockage of hers. Which had occurred back in the 2012 convergence, where it's now become clear, that she went out of body a degree. A dynamic which the intervention then exploited, with a key implant, right here in the heart chakra.

I'm pleased to say, that by bringing all our gifts and skills to bear as a team, we were able to call on the instigators of the key blockage - the old Annunaki. Having helped them heal at last year's conference, the newly named "Anu" turned out to be the perfect contributors to help. The work had an amazing unblocking release, down key energetic leylines, and is sure to have an uplifting impact on the Shift going forwards.

The experience was simply heart warming. Especially when working together as a mutually supportive team. Which was the emphasis I felt to share in the video journal below, from the event. I do trust it inspires you onward in your own energetic, facilitation work. Because we all have that capacity...

Major Gaia Shift: Openhand Facilitator Conference 2024

The Openhand Inner Team now go on a well earned and required summer break, until the new Academic Year begins in September. But do stay tuned to the website in the meantime for our daily updates.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 馃拵

Great Teamwork

Dear Openhanders, how enthralling it is, to be daring greatly, putting it all on the line, knowing your team has got your back. That's the nature of working interdimensionally in the Shift. And it's our heartfelt sense of purpose to help you experience it too.

That's definitely what we'll be working toward when we open the new Academic Year in September.
See You There <<< Open 馃拵
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Contact Tilly Bud

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