Thursday, July 25, 2024

144k Training - Scan future timelines, Transmute Obstacles & Achieve Success

                                       Timeline Repair:

How to scan Future Timelines, Transmute Obstacles, and Install 'Success Bombs'


144k Training this Sunday!

2:00 PM EDT





FYI: The 'Opposing Forces' weren't too thrilled about all the Dragon Energy that just flooded the Planet!



On Monday, I was about to throw in the towel.


My partner had just returned from doing an energetic clearing on the Sacred Gridpoint we have been assigned to guard until the Event...


...only this time unbeknownst to us, she was carrying a payload that was headed directly towards me... and our union.


For a moment there, I wanted to buy a ticket to Australia... to get relief from this endless onslaught of attacks.




...but I knew this was all manipulation  ...  and there was only one real way out.




....I needed to go up to the Teams and show them this Situation. 


... out of desperation, it occurred to me to ask the Teams to clear all these attacks out of our Personal Timeline between now and the Event.


...because I had realized that the attacks were worsening and that we needed the Light Forces to intervene directly to stop this from happening....


... it was continually shredding my emotional body... and it would probably have taken my partner out long ago, if I hadn't spent hours repairing her bodies and fields each week after she got attacked.


We were both getting completely exhausted, compromising our ability to make it to the finish line.


Efforting was never really the issue ...


It's efforting forever, that can break one's spirit.



So I've ended up creating a new tool to help the 144k Exponentially Resolve

these issues that have been so hard to get to the bottom of. 



This game-changing tool works well, because it respects the fact that your Higher Aspects insist upon: 



  • you learning important lessons it wants you to learn 
  • honoring its demands for consistent & steady personal growth
  • helping you see/find where your real power and most special gifts are hidden
  • being able to see you experience the exhilaration of personal breakthrough & the elation that comes with that


This is what your Higher Aspects want from you, partly also so that you're

truly happy when you do achieve a certain goal or desire :- ).



So save the date on your calendar ... tomorrow I'll be getting into what tools I have created for you... and what I'm going to teach you about in this important upcoming 144k Training...





Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 





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