Sunday, July 21, 2024

Med in 6 HRS! Culmination Phase Begins. End of the Pluto in Capricorn period!


Click on the above image for a short inspirational video connecting us to the positive dragon energy that is




FYI: Dragons eat the quantum anomaly.


Exciting times....


This is the beginning of the visible,


final-culmination-phase of the Event itself.



Be sure to have your galactic cintamanis (and/or any cintamanis you meditate with) with you for this one! case you don't have cintamanis, use whichever gems or crystals you normally work with. Dragons and the crystal kingdom are deeply connected to each other, so this will help you anchor this energy.


The RM/off-worlders are briefing active surface Starseeds about the fact that the surface area of this little blue planet is the final & central battleground of the last bastion of darkness ... The Lurker.


They also confirm that Mass Meditations "help a lot" with the final dissolving of the Lurker & sub-quantum anomaly...


...time to MUSTER the 144k!


The RM have also briefed us on the return & surfacing of two critical game-changing energies between July 11th - July 21st ... that will set the planet free:


  1.  Dragon Energy
  2.  Divine Masculine Energy


The return of these two energies & how well they're anchored into this realm is a

required fundamental ...


... which will decide how the 

final culmination phase  

goes from July 21st to Dec 21st.





The 144K has its orders for this Full Moon In Capricorn, which astrologers are also saying is centered around some kind of final completion of something (aka the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle which began in December 2007 and then the s^**t really hit the fan in mid-2008).


Start polishing you boots & helment ... and get ready.


Be at the center of the action ... !


Freedom .... freedom ... freedom!







Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 



ps. We will be including this Tibetan Dragon Line Activation at the exact moment of the FULL MOON during tonight's 144k Mass Meditation... to help us anchor enough Divine Masculine Energy on this planet to trigger the Event...!








July 5th - 2024

Full Moon Meditation

144K Mass Meditation



Date: July 21, 2024


Time: 5:30 AM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


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