Monday, July 29, 2024

Alchemise Your Life in the Shift

Dear Openhanders,

We're living in a grand simulation of reality - that is blatantly obvious. But, here's the good news - we DON'T have to acquiesce to it! Openhand is here to light up your life and light up your Shift. What are the daily processes you can apply to catalyse joy, intrigue and upliftment in your life? Let's explore. <<< Open 馃拵


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A Life of Magic

My Dear Friends,

No matter what your life circumstances are, a life of high alchemy is possible for every single one of us that chooses it. How do you begin your day? Is it with conscious rituals that connect you into the source and amimate your soul? Are you tuning in with nature in your back garden? What are the signs and synchronicities that provide a feedback loop of support and upliftment? Most people simply turn to the mobile phone instead, then get sucked into the simulation.

Just by starting our day with 10 minutes of connectivity, even before you meditate or do yoga, attunes you with your soul, the wider field, and your "Why?" in the Shift - the purpose of it all.

Remember, that you are a part of a much bigger divine process at work, that's speaking through the Shift, and multidimensionally through the Star Beings that have come in to support us. Whatever direct circumstances you find yourself in, whatever the challenges of the dramas and the minutiae, by taking this bigger pciture perspective, and actively taking the time to tune into it at the start of every day, ensures your life is invigorated with meaning and purpose.

I accept that the multidimensional world is one of uncertainity. But when we're prepared to adventure there, EXACTLY WITH uncertainty, then the whole landscape of our lives can transform. You start with possibility, which then progressively refines into probability. What does that feather falling at your feet mean? Tune in, feel it, stay open to the inquiry. You're moving beyond the merely black and white. Now you're sensitised to feel the subtle flows of energies that are wanting to infuse and uplift your life.

That's exactly what the Openhand Team is here to do and to encourage. The simulation tries at every twist and turn to enslave the psyche and the soul. Let's not acquiesce - but with every step, every breath and aspect of consciousness, let's enourage each other on, to that spectacular new beginning of the New Paradigm. It begins now, for everyone of us that chooses it.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 馃拵

High Alchemy

Dear Openhanders, it's been enthralling to feel the connection with the Lyran Dragon Energy, infusing the planet right now. It only began by observing cloud patterns! But then being prepared to entertain possibility of what they could meen? And then observing authentic crop circles, or seeking out a new crystal. Before long, I could feel their uplifting energies all around. Such is the magic of the multidimensional, that we're working tirelessly to connect people into. Intrigued? Come join us!

The Future is Bright <<< Open 馃拵
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