Monday, July 1, 2024

Electrifying Your Soul-Ray-Harmonic - Openhand

Dear Openhanders,

Your Soul-Ray-Harmonic is the essence of life itself. It's what makes us feel alive, engaged, connected and electrified! It's something only Openhand is speaking of right now. Let's explore how an understanding and application of it can literally light up your life! <<< Open 馃拵


How to Quantum Shift with the Star Beings



What's Your Why?

My Dear Friends, why do you do the things you do?
Where do your choices come from in life and what truly motivates you?

These are huge topics of exploration, and not necessarily with an immediate answer. But discovering what really motivates us, what's our "Why?" is crucial to fulfilment and "success" in life and on the spiritual path. How can you be successful at anything if you don't know why you're doing it!

Where does the end goal fit in? What about achieving dreams and objectives?

I put it to you, that these are not necessarily what brings fulfilment in life. But rather the emergence and growth of soul in the process of moving towards objectives and goals.

What about frictions in life and blockages or obstacles that we have to overcome?

These can be of great value too, in that it's through these challneges that we can forge soul and grow - which is tremendously rewarding and fulfilling.

I would say then, that what's really important, is to be working to unleash your Soul-Ray-Harmonic in any given moment - it's the essence of your authentic expression. Work towards goals and objectives, yes. But learn to recognise what your soul is trying to express and forge in the process.

Will you ever find contentment this way? Yes... and no!

You won't necessarily find contenment in life's circumstances. I'd day this is an illusinary pot at the end of the rainbow anyway - because life is always changing. You might not even find contenment within yourself, because in following the flow of life, you are always being encouraged to forge the soul through life's circumstances - there weill always be something you need to work on. Always a boundary to push back on. However, there can be the deep contentment of you, as the core essence of you.

Harmony and balance are attained then, by developing soul within the challenges, opportunities and frictions of life, WHILE connecting deep into the core of you and centering in that.

Finding this attunement leads to mastery of life itswelf. Not that you can master all cirsumstances, nor even need to. But that you can know yourself in your core presence, as the mast in the stiorm, but also then leaning into life, expanding, growing and evolving in your Soul-Ray-Harmoinic.

Now you're in a game which you can always win. You'll be always growing, AND there'll be the inner contentment too. How about that for a "goal"?!

It's sometiing we'll be working on at the upcoming Ascension Exchanges this coming Saturday. I can gurantee that there will be priceless insights into this dynamic - it's something that inspires my soul in any given moment. Come join me, and have the experience potentially electrify your life too!...

Ascension Exchanges 6th July: Electrifying the Soul

Bright blessings
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Meaning and Purpose

Dear Openhanders, I say to you that seeking happiness or contenment is actually a fruitless orientation in life that only leads to inertia and stagnation. But what about electrifying our lives by always challenging the bpundaries of self-expression? Then to find contentment in the process of growth itself - you at the core of it.

That's where you'll find us - at the cutting edge of life. There's simply no better place to be.
Come join us there! <<< Open 馃拵
For all event into and Bookings:
Contact Tilly Bud

Openhand Evolutionary Book Series


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