Friday, July 5, 2024

Bringing a TON of Light Through Sirius - could trigger The Event!

The astrology for this July 5th New Moon is quite profound....





July 2nd - July 7th is the Sirius Gateway...


....which allows us to raise our vibration and unlock higher wisdom, recharging our souls and bodies. It is also connected to the vibration of FREEDOM.




We successfully took advantage of Gaia's alignment to the highest spiritual star to energize Freedom & Independence [for the whole planet] while Americans in the USA celebrated July 4th Independence Day, most of them not even knowing that

St. Germaine was behind the founding of the Sacred US Constitution, nor that the US Constitution is a huge part of what has helped preserve Freedom for all of Humanity during the brutal past four years of the plandemic.






The planetary situation has been escalated quite drastically in a week or two. That means we are in the final key moment. During that time, the battle between light and dark will intensify. 


This intense period has a great potential for both great Breakthrough and great Risk and Danger. This is the time period where all the dark forces finally realize that they will lose.


-RM Spokesman Cobra



The 144k will take advantage of the energies coming through this Sirius Gateway to complete and direct the energies of our Spiritual Sun towards

Reality Manifestation

in our 3-D Here and Now !






There is a big chance of breakthrough in July.



If we don´t reach this timeline, there will be a crisis in November, and another (assumably lesser) opportunity to trigger the Event in December. 






The aligned cosmic energies of freedom ... and independence ... are a golden opportunity & an obligation for the 144K to absolutely RUN with!  



Therefore ... we must act, on this New Moon to accelerate freedom in the systematic, disciplined way that the 144K is known for!


Let's trigger The Event now!



Let's quicken the quickening ... 


Join me tomorrow.... on the higher planes!





Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






July 5th - 2024

Cancer New Moon

144K Mass Meditation



Date: July 5th, 2024


Time: 6 PM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


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