Monday, July 8, 2024

A Message from Sananda - Given through Eli Galla on a Private Call June 18, 2024

Special Edition July 8, 2024

A Message from Sananda

My dear beloved Brothers and Sisters, I'm very happy to be on this call with you all tonight. Beloveds, breathe into your hearts with me, inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth, and feeling the Light of Love generate in your high heart centers.

Beloveds, you are coming upon this time where you would say you are on shaky ground, because so much is coming up to be cleared. All of the old ways are being recognized for what they really are as forms of enslavement of humanity. And there are many beloved people on your planet that are pointing this out and are calling for the massive changes that NASARA has been designed to give to all of Humanity at this time.

But Beloveds, many people still think that this is a third dimensional event that is about to transpire. And from our perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. Because what you will begin to feel is this massive up shift into fifth dimensional energies.

Beloveds, if you could think from the perspective that all of us of Humanity that have incarnated on beloved Mother Gaia, at one time of what the Bible wants to call the Garden of Eden, that we were on a fifth dimensional timeline. And yes, there were off-world races at that time. And some of them were, we would say benevolent, but many of them were not. And they were just waiting for their chance to take over this reality. And that is what happened. Because we were driven to such a point of despair, of fear, of overwhelm, that we let them run the show.

And this is what we you cannot allow to happen this time. And we have talked about this, in the meetings that we have had, across this 26,000-year timeline. And yes, by us coming in and you being a part of the group at this time, we have given you little upticks about what needs to happen at the time it needs to happen for you once again, to feel sovereign, and to be free of the tyranny that has plagued humanity for these 1000s of years.

It is really all about you, empowering yourself with these high frequencies of love and light. Because yes, you have all been imprinted to think of your reality in terms of third dimensional limitations, instead of thinking of yourself as divine sovereign Beings without limitation, but that is the truth of what is transpiring right now before your very eyes, because each day it seems more and more of the truth is coming about.

And by allowing yourself to feel into your hearts, to feel joy and not fear that these changes are transpiring, and to be aware that your 3D negative matrix programming is designed to send you into this spiral of fear when anything new pops into your reality.

But it is very easy at this point to reprogram, because all you need to do is to call us in and to breathe into your high heart center - and to say with your intentional requirement –

“I let go of my attachment to things. I let go of my attachment to the 3D matrix negative mind control programs that were designed to help me survive by playing the game of this Cabal. And now, I AM free. Now I AM a Sovereign Being. Now I AM exhibiting the attributes of being in the fifth dimension of grace and harmony and joy, and brotherhood and sisterhood and compassion.”

And Beloveds, the connections, the heart connections that you make with all of the beloved Beings who come your way during these times, with what you are able to share with them, and to open their eyes and to plant seeds with them, will be very well received we feel, because you will be looking at things with the perceptions that allow people to empower themselves, instead of relying on the same old institutions that got Humanity to this point, of fear and separation whereby all of the old systems had to implode, and the new ones had to come online.

And yes, you could call this period a pause, as some of the people are doing. Or you could call it a period of revitalization with your true divine Sovereign Nature.

It's only logical that people would think of people who are ascending in this period of time - because this is a process that you are going through - and for many, it's not going to happen overnight. You're not going to ascend as soon as the Cabal is taken out. And although you are basically on the fifth dimensional timeline again, there is still much to assimilate and integrate in the forms of different phases of ascension protocols.

But once you do ascend, then you're going to be in what you would call a type of light body. And so this is going to be where the very advanced spiritual gifts that people like David Wilcock are talking about will come in, and you will be able to create your reality whereby survival is no longer a factor.

And in the transition period, many Beloveds of Humanity will be using advanced technology to provide for their survival needs. So, if you could, yes, think of this as every time that you go into your High Heart Center, and you feel the Love for yourself and all of Humanity and for beloved Mother Gaia, that yes, we collectively have been doing this, we have been doing this as a group as a family for a really, really long time.

And now, you are seeing it go into full forward thrust of bringing to completion this phase of it - this phase of you having your victory of the Light over evil, to take out all of these miscreants, who have sold out Humanity, who have sold their souls. Very many of them started out as humans, but they gave their power away to these hybrid reptilian races and their DNA was compromised by doing so.

So we think it is very telling that the cabal wanted, yes, they wanted a new race. They wanted a trans-humanist race. But what we see transpiring is Humanity, once again, being in the fifth dimension, and this mass ascension event, enabling all of Humanity, everyone who chooses the Light to ascend, so that Humanity becomes ever so much stronger - and so much more consciously aware, that you as a race will never allow these agents of evil to come in and perpetrate your timeline, like they did in this last 26,000 year timeline that you are making this transition from into this new timeline.

Given through Eli Galla on a Private Call June 18, 2024

Spirited Clearings - holistic/spirited clearings

Copyright Eli Galla 2024

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