Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family

The Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family

By 2016, this report continues, the United States had effectively been ruled over for nearly 40-years by the Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family swapping out their family members to each take turns being President—with President Barack Obama having been put in power by both of them as a caretaker leader in order to keep this criminal conspiracy from becoming more widely known to the American people—and during this cycle saw the choice being between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton—that is until Donald Trump carved up both of these criminal families and got himself elected President.
After both the Clinton Crime Family and Bush Crime Family were thrown from power in 2016, this report details, they knew that the entire US federal bureaucracy, military establishment and intelligence community (aka Deep State) were filled with thousands of their supporters, that along with the mainstream media would quickly make mincemeat of President Trump and throw him from power—except, and as he previously proved by being elected in the first place, nothing anyone has done has even come close to destroying President Trump.
With the 2020 election drawing nearer by the day, and everyone of sound mind knowing there’s not a chance President Trump will lose, this report further notes, more drastic measures were called for—which saw the Clinton Crime Family marshalling their socialist forces in an attempt to stage a revolution—while the Bush Crime Family choose their most familiar path, bloodshed and murder, and are being guided by what they caused by assassinating President Kennedy—after whose murder came the 1964 election that saw President Lyndon Johnson being overwhelmingly elected—and who now believe that if President Trump is assassinated, too, the American people will blame the Democrats and overwhelmingly elect a Republican Party successor—who, of course, will flood their administration with Bush Crime Family loyalists—most particularly because no decades-long Trump loyalists exist.       

The grave miscalculation made by both the Bush Crime Family and Clinton Crime Family in their sordid plots to destroy President Trump, however, this report concludes, was that for decades Russian intelligence agencies have tracked and documented every move they’ve ever made—invaluable information Russia’s top three intelligence chiefs made their historic visit to Washington D.C. in early January-2018 to turn over to President Trump—and President Trump’s loyal intelligence officials have been using ever since to unravel all of these plots--specifically in this assassination plot by US Attorney John Durham—whom SVR chief Sergei Naryshkin advised not to look for high officials, but rather low-level operatives having military experience, like the Cuban mercenaries used in the plot to assassinate President Kennedy he “could pull the threads on”—advice Attorney Durham put to quick use to track the communications of the “Boogaloo Movement”—which led to the February-2020 capture and arrest of Bush Crime Family connected Greenwich-Connecticut police sergeant Joseph Ryan and his gun runner to the “Boogaloo Movement” drug addict Malique Martin—that was followed on 12 March 2020 with US federal forces killing Duncan Lemp, who was a “Boogaloo Movement” financier known as “YungQuant” knowledgeable about secret crypto currency payments to other operatives—flushed out from hiding a 23-year-old “Boogaloo Movement” operative based in Connecticut named Peter Manfredoniawho murdered two innocent people before being captured by US federal forces—flushed out from hiding a 36-year-old “Boogaloo Movement” operative named Aaron Swenson, whose capture by US federal forces in April led to the further capture this week of dangerous “Boogaloo Movement “ US military trained operatives 23-year-old Andrew T. Lynam Jr., 35-year-old Stephen T. Parshall and 40-year-old William L. Loomis—and yesterday saw Boogaloo Movement” operatives 30-year-old Robert Alvin Justus Jr. and US Air Force Sergeant Steven Carrillo being slammed with a criminal indictment carrying the death penalty for them having killed a US federal officer—the only “Boogaloo Movement” operatives permitted to be openly named in this highly-classified report—but most terrifying to know about, are all highly trained US military operatives whose primary mission was to infiltrate protests in order to inflict suffering and death the socialists would be blamed for—and whose secondary mission was to assemble and assassinate President Trump—thus providing further clues as to why elite CIA assassins attacked a US Air Force plane in Iraq last week carrying “terrorist leaders” fleeing from the United States as US Attorney Durham and his forces closed in on them—and also why Bush Crime Family aligned top Department of Justice officials are now fleeing, too.  

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