Saturday, June 27, 2020


If you spend enough time in spiritual circles, you will inevitably hear long and poetic discourses about how we CHOOSE to come to earth.
The Law of One perspective is far more interesting than just that. What if you are actually CHOSEN?
In my new book The Ascension Mysteries, I talk about the mystery of Wanderers… ET / angelic souls who volunteered to come here, and receive the honor and duty of service.
This is a very high-level mission that is reserved for only those of the highest capability, and is not for the faint of heart. 
In the afterlife, according to Dr. Michael Newton’s scientific research, most people refer to life on Earth as “The War.”
We can easily feel so alone that we wonder if any of this even matters. Doubting the mission, and our higher calling, is not only normal… it’s INEVITABLE. 
However, once you hear about the beings of light that Dannion met with, four different times now after his physical body gave away, you can never think of this in quite the same way again.
Both Dannion and I are known for having that unique gift to “pierce the veil” and bring back wealth that goes far beyond any riches that can be accrued here on Earth.
This is OUR time. This is OUR fight. We made it this far. The Ascension prophecies have already proven to be spectacularly accurate. Why would they suddenly give out now?
Sometimes all we really need is a little inspiration. A new spring in our step… by taking a good, hard look at the actual reality of life after death, and the countless ancient prophecies paving the way for Earth to be transformed into a true Edenic paradise!
We have designed the upcoming experience of The Path of Light as a lamppost, a guide… so you can traverse the great Divine Cosmos within yourself…
And activate the deepest purpose our Creator empowered you with — when you were just a potential spark of love and life in the Divine Mind.
There are less than 24 hours to join The Path of Light. And it is the only time we are offering this live course!

Here are the five modules that we will go through in this jam packed course (well, it’s more of a rabbit hole than a course… NEO!)
Week 1: The Near Death Experience and Ascension
Part 1: Ascension / Solar Flash Prophecies with David
Part 2: Connection of Ascension Prophecies to the Near-Death Experience with Dannion
Part 3: Accessing the Spirit World with Elizabeth
Week 2: Law of One and the Panoramic Life Review
Part 1: David on Law of One and Ascension with David
Part 2: The Panoramic Life Review  with Dannion
Week 3: The Living Universe... and Your Part In It
Part 1: DNA Sacred Science with David
Part 2: Your True Purpose with Dannion
Part 3: Accessing the Cosmic Light with Elizabeth
Week 4: The Illuminati and Integrating the Shadow Side
Part 1: The Law of One Perspective of the Illuminati with David
Part 2: Integrating Your Shadow Side with Dannion
Week 5: The Rainbow Body and The Boxes of Knowledge
Part 1: The Tibetan Rainbow Body and the Afterlife by David
Part 2: The Boxes of Knowledge by Dannion
Part 3: Sacred Breathing and Movement Arts by Elizabeth
We’d love to have you there. Today’s the last day to join!
You can jump on the Mothership right here… and  then it’s blast-off time!
Or actually, to be more precise, it’s time to engage the warp drive... by harmonizing our consciousness and intent with where we need to go!
I will explain more about what that means, and the hot new intel Dannion and I just got that is hiding behind it, tomorrow!
Into the Light,
David, Dannion and Elizabeth

P.S. A lot of people ask why there’s so much darkness on the planet if it’s truly time to ascend. Dannion and I will show you exactly where that darkness lives, and how we can transmute it within ourselves. It’s a noble task, and one we don’t take lightly.
You can walk the Path of Light with us by clicking here. Today’s the last day to join!

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