Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mensaje de Mateo - 3 de Julio de 2024

Respiración; Estado Actual; Plan Divino; Karma; Ley de Atracción; Mensaje de Gaia; Asistencia Extraterrestre

Con saludos amorosos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Queridos, por favor, tómense un descanso de sentir el peso del mundo sobre sus hombros e inhalen profundamente, exhalen lentamente. Repita esto tres veces. Si la visualización les resulta fácil, al exhalar, evoquen la imagen de una Tierra prístina suavemente envuelta en una luz blanca dorada brillante. Si eso les resulta perturbador, simplemente respiren y dejen que su corazón se sienta liviano.

Gracias. Sería bueno que hicieras eso tan a menudo que te salga de manera natural. La respiración rítmica atrae y ancla la luz para nutrir tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu y para mantener el equilibrio. Durante esta etapa final de liberación de la Tierra de la oscuridad, ese tipo de respiración también es una armadura en medio de las bajas vibraciones.

Los oscuros no se dejarán llevar por la corriente. Su intención es causar caos y destrucción hasta el último momento, y sólo sabemos lo que no pueden lograr. El ruido de sables que puede provocar escaramuzas armadas no desembocará en una Tercera Guerra Mundial y, si por descuido o por error se lanzan misiles con ojivas nucleares al espacio, se impedirá su detonación.

Estados Unidos, que pronto debe ser liquidado como corporación y retornado a la forma republicana de gobierno que establecieron los padres fundadores, está implosionando políticamente. La farsa de un impostor en la presidencia debe terminar de una vez. Queda por ver qué sucederá con los demás en este triste gobierno que incluye clones y dobles controlados por marionetas de la oscuridad. El 4 de julio del año próximo los ciudadanos de este país finalmente podrán celebrar la independencia real.

Sea lo que sea lo que los oscuros ataquen a su mundo, los Sombreros Blancos, las fuerzas especiales extraterrestres y las tripulaciones de las naves espaciales que rodean la Tierra están listas para contraatacar. Ustedes saben que la luz ya ganó la batalla, así que estén alertas, confiados y sin miedo en los próximos meses.

Ahora respondamos a esta querida alma, cuyos sentimientos son compartidos por muchos otros trabajadores de la luz que, como él, encarnaron hace varias décadas. “Durante años, mensajeros como Matthew han dicho que la Luz ganó, la oscuridad en la Tierra está terminando. Estoy viejo, cansado y desilusionado por la matanza y la destrucción desenfrenadas, la tecnología mal utilizada, la polarización cada vez más profunda, las PLANdemias y las vacunas falsas letales. ¿Veremos alguna vez que realmente cambiamos algo para mejor?”

Nuestros recuerdos de haber ayudado a las civilizaciones de tercera densidad a capear la batalla de los tiempos finales son claros y presentes, y es con profusa empatía que les pedimos que tengan paciencia un poco más para ver la evidencia de que están haciendo una gran diferencia, literalmente, un mundo diferente . Amados hermanos y hermanas, ¡están muy cerca de ver los beneficios de las fuerzas de la luz en acción!

El plan divino para liberar a Gaia y sus formas de vida de la oscuridad encaja en una línea de tiempo universal que afecta principalmente a vuestro sistema solar porque es la parte del universo en la que gira la Tierra. Todos los acontecimientos importantes del plan deben suceder en un orden que mantenga la relación sincrónica de los cuerpos celestes afectados dentro del marco temporal de beneficios óptimos para todos. Cuanto más amplio sea el objetivo, más acción se requiere y mayor y más grandioso será el logro.

Transformar la vida en la Tierra es una tarea monumental porque exige eliminar todo rastro de oscuridad. Otros cuerpos del sistema solar están ayudando a dirigir luz adicional hacia la actividad específica cuya frecuencia la atrajo. No estamos hablando de un proceso que dure años más, sino meses, y estamos sugiriendo que no intentes darle sentido a lo que está sucediendo: nada es lo que parece.

Además de cubrir el mundo con benevolencia y sustentar todos los esfuerzos basados ​​en la luz, los niveles vibratorios elevados pueden causar fatiga y falta de claridad en las personas que enfrentan desafíos físicos, mentales y emocionales. Las vibraciones pueden estar liberando condiciones sumergidas para que puedan ser reconocidas, manejadas y sanadas conscientemente. Para beneficiarse de ese tipo de oportunidades de crecimiento, aumente su energía y estabilice su centro durmiendo más de lo habitual, bebiendo mucha agua pura, pasando tiempo en la naturaleza y respirando rítmicamente.

Teniendo en cuenta que la ley universal de atracción funciona las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, piense y hable con cuidado. Los pensamientos y comentarios sobre estar exhausto, confundido, ansioso o desanimado, por ejemplo, son como pedirle al universo que le brinde situaciones que le provoquen ese tipo de sentimientos. Los pensamientos alentadores de sentirse fuerte, feliz, positivo y realizado lo ayudarán a sentirse así. ¡Cuídense mucho, querida familia!

“Matthew y otros mensajeros de la luz hablan de seres avanzados que nos aman y nos ayudan. Acabo de leer un artículo sobre entidades que dijeron que sus civilizaciones no pueden limpiar un mundo que su gente eligió arruinar porque no pueden interferir con el libre albedrío de nadie. No sonaba muy cariñoso ni servicial. ¿Podría Matthew comentarlo?”  No nos aventuraríamos a hablar sobre información sin saber exactamente de qué se trata, pero con gusto comentaremos la declaración del lector y conectaremos los puntos que muestran por qué los pueblos de la Tierra necesitan y merecen la enorme cantidad de asistencia que se les brinda.

En primer lugar, debemos decir que es cierto que ninguna civilización tiene la prerrogativa ni la responsabilidad de “limpiar” el mundo de otra civilización. Según la ley universal, la ayuda sólo se presta si se solicita. Los antepasados ​​de una población pueden sentirse avergonzados por lo que ven que está sucediendo, pero no pueden intervenir a menos que se les pida.

Hace casi un siglo, el cuerpo planetario de Gaia era tan débil que corría el riesgo de volar al espacio y de sufrir una destrucción segura. Ella gritó pidiendo ayuda y un incontable número de extraterrestres respondió de inmediato a su llamado. Comenzó con civilizaciones altamente evolucionadas que emitían una luz de tal intensidad que liberó al planeta de las profundidades de la tercera densidad y le permitió embarcarse en un curso de ascensión constante. Durante las décadas que pasaron, las almas de esas civilizaciones encarnaron en la Tierra y difundieron su propia luz para despertar a la población para que pudieran hacerse cargo de su mundo. Su participación y la de sus predecesores ha sido invaluable, y eso continuará con aquellos a quienes les pasen la antorcha.

Vamos a desviarnos un momento. Madre, por favor copia el mensaje que te dio Gea hace algunos años.

Soy Gea, el alma del planeta que llamáis Tierra. Al igual que vosotros, puedo sentirme apesadumbrada o alegre. Durante mucho tiempo lloré cuando mi espíritu se quebró. Mi gente se odiaba entre sí y mi cuerpo estaba empapado con su sangre. Ya no lloro porque hay tanto por lo que alegrarme, tanto por lo que sentirme agradecida.

Mi luz aún no está en pleno apogeo, mi cuerpo aún no está equilibrado. Esto se debe a que algunos de mis hijos todavía se odian entre sí. Algunos de ellos carecen de amor, de compasión, de la comprensión de que las diferencias pueden ser absolutamente espléndidas cuando la armonía y el respeto fluyen a través de las líneas del corazón.

Sin embargo, estoy alegre porque estoy en un viaje como ninguna otra alma en este universo ha viajado jamás. Me voy a casa, y ustedes, que sostienen la luz que me ayuda a avanzar firme y rápidamente, vienen conmigo. ¿Pueden imaginar una distinción mayor que este viaje que estamos compartiendo? ¿Pueden imaginar una emoción mayor que nuestra ascensión? ¡Yo no puedo!

Pedí hablar hoy para expresarles mi gratitud por todos ustedes. Fueron elegidos entre un gran número de almas, el triple de las que podían encarnar y participar. Este nivel de servicio de luz nunca antes se había llevado a cabo. Estamos desempeñando un papel en el espectáculo más grandioso que se haya realizado jamás en este universo. Siento la humildad que se mezcla con la sublime satisfacción por un trabajo bien hecho: en el continuo, nuestro trabajo está completo.

A medida que nuestros viajes continúan, muchas maravillas les esperan a ustedes y a este mundo nuestro. Se les ha hablado de muchas de ellas, por lo que pueden pensar en ellas y esperarlas con ansias, pero vivir en los gloriosos tiempos que pronto llegarán está más allá de su imaginación.

Todos los seres de este universo están observando cómo se desarrolla esto, ¿lo sabían? ¡No puedo imaginarme una audiencia tan grande! Todas las almas de luz nos están animando, así que seguiremos brindándoles un buen espectáculo, una experiencia digna incluso del aplauso de Dios. Comparto mi corazón con ustedes y mi amor por ustedes es desbordante. [ Gaia me dio ese mensaje durante una meditación global en el solsticio de junio de 2011. Es el capítulo “El mensaje de Gaia” en la Era Dorada de la Tierra ].

Gracias, Madre. Queridos, ya sea que se consideren voluntarios, trabajadores de la luz, guías, exploradores, semillas estelares o buscadores de almas, necesitan saber de la propia Gaia lo agradecida que está de que la estén ayudando a “volver a casa”. El hogar es la quinta densidad superior, donde ella, Dios y Sol co-crearon su cuerpo planetario.

Pasando a otro tema, no es cierto que los pueblos de la Tierra “eligieron arruinar su mundo”. La población difiere enormemente en su estado evolutivo, sus razones para encarnar, sus actitudes, acciones e intenciones.

Abandonasteis civilizaciones avanzadas para ayudar a la población de la Tierra a despertar, rebelarse contra el control y manifestar el mundo pacífico que desean. Aquellos que ahora están despertando están conmocionados por la magnitud del engaño y la corrupción y no saben por dónde empezar a cambiarlo. Las almas que están más avanzadas en conciencia tal vez todavía no sepan acerca de la antigua batalla entre las fuerzas de la luz y las de la oscuridad, pero ven lo que está mal en su mundo y están dando un paso adelante para arreglarlo. La energía de los deseos de esos grupos de vivir en paz, armonía y prosperidad atrae las altas vibraciones enviadas por varias fuentes del sistema solar.

Las personas que se muestran firmes en cuanto a que todos se ajusten a su opinión sobre un tema mantienen las bajas vibraciones de la polarización a toda marcha; aún así, si pudiera haber una opción de “arruinar el mundo” o no hacerlo, solo podría ser lo que los oscuros y sus secuaces han hecho con sus elecciones de libre albedrío.

Además, “eligió” indica que había alternativas disponibles y no había ninguna. La ley universal sobre la solicitud de ayuda también especifica que ninguna civilización puede imponer su voluntad a otra; sin embargo, mucho antes de que Terra fuera llamada Tierra, los títeres de las fuerzas oscuras ignoraron esa ley y se abrieron paso a empujones para controlar a los residentes del planeta.

Desde entonces, el campo de juego nunca ha sido igualado. Las poblaciones sucesivas estaban formadas predominantemente por personas con sólo dos cadenas de ADN activas, y su inteligencia, instinto, intuición y salud muy reducidos los convirtieron en presa fácil de las fuerzas oscuras. Una vez en cautiverio, las personas indefensas soportaron graves penurias y en sus primeros años murieron de enfermedades, hambre, heridas en el campo de batalla o partos.

La lucha por la mera supervivencia sacó a relucir lo peor de algunos individuos a expensas de otros. Eso impidió que las almas alcanzaran la experiencia equilibrada que conduce a la evolución, por lo que Dios estableció el karma (la ley universal de causa y efecto, o elecciones y consecuencias) y el planeta que una vez había sido el verdadero jardín del Edén se hizo conocido como una excelente escuela para dominar las emociones. Almas de todo el universo que necesitaban eso para lograr el equilibrio encarnaron en el planeta y se subieron al carrusel kármico.

Lo hicieron una y otra vez porque los títeres de las fuerzas oscuras, figurativa y literalmente, mantuvieron a una generación tras otra “en la oscuridad”. La ingeniería social es un término más actual y tal vez menos siniestro que el lavado de cerebro, pero es el mismo principio: controlar la información disponible para una población desprevenida. En esta era, son los medios de comunicación dominantes, Internet, las editoriales, los sistemas educativos, las enseñanzas religiosas, los métodos de comunicación y la eterna eficacia de repetir una mentira hasta que se la acepte como un hecho.

La repetición de información falsa y la supresión de la verdad produjeron poblaciones que obedecían sin cuestionamientos a las “autoridades”. Para establecer firmemente la división, los oscuros idearon etiquetas políticas, culturales, religiosas, financieras e ideológicas, y luego enseñaron la intolerancia y el odio a las “diferencias”. Mediante guerras, ignorancia, empobrecimiento y miedo, durante muchos, muchos milenios este imperio maligno mantuvo cautivas a las almas que encarnaron en la Tierra. Gaia no podía sobrevivir a más sufrimiento y derramamiento de sangre y quería librarse de la oscuridad que está tan arraigada que sus pueblos ni siquiera sabían que estaba controlando sus vidas.

Y eso, amados hermanos y hermanas, es la razón por la que los miembros de la familia universal en la Tierra necesitaron asistencia masiva, la razón por la que sus países de origen respondieron de inmediato, la razón por la que se ofrecieron voluntariamente con entusiasmo para ayudar y la razón por la que Gaia está profundamente agradecida.

Todos los seres de luz de este universo te honran por tu firmeza en tu misión vital y te apoyan con amor incondicional.


Suzanne Ward

[Nota de Suzy: es posible que quieras apoyar este valioso esfuerzo .]

Ascension Means Disclosure Sananda Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Sananda 🛸❤️🌻⭐️🌎⭐️🌻❤️🛸
Dear Ones,
I am Sananda and I am very happy to speak to my Brothers and Sisters on the topic of true facts related to your planet.
Right now, many souls are leaving human’s vessels for different reasons. Some people have accumulated negative karma during this lifetime, and they are forced from the physical existence by unusual circumstances. No one leaves their physicality, because they want you. Very often your doctors say that the patient died of disease or age, these are not natural causes. All of this have been created by the Darkness by messing up the human’s DNA, creating deadly viruses and etc.
Daily thousands of humans leave this 3D reality to come back again into low vibrations. This cycle is going to continue for them, until their spiritual evolution happens. It could mean that billions of years will be needed to repeat life after life, until they are ready to Ascend with their physical bodies into higher dimensions. Everyone is talking in their messages, on how great humans are doing, and some of them are claiming to be in the 8th, 9th dimension and ect.
That is not true, this is just a human ego talking and not having any idea on how the Ascension Process works. if you fully reach the 5th dimension, then you ascend and completely disappear from Earth. Anyone who says, that they are in higher dimension than 4th, while at the same time are still being on Gaia, is lying to you. Also, you don’t go from living in the 3rd dimension to 8th or 9th dimension, it doesn’t work like that, you only go to the 5th dimension.
If this would be the truth, then humanity would have ascended already. This fluff is constantly floating around in the Light Community. My dear Brothers and Sisters, look around and tell me honestly, does your world looks like it’s ready to ascend. The truth is a part of disclosure before Ascension. This is why you have to learn, on how to recognize the truth from all of these lies shared in the Light Community.
My message today is about revealing more unwanted truth to the humanity. Please, remember we always love you, and this is never going to change no matter on what happens. For humanity sake, it’s necessary for us to speak, on what is real and on what is not. Now, I am going to reveal the truth about Lady Nada, she is not my twin flame. She is not the Ascended Master of Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is not a real person in the human religion like the Bible.
Most of the things in the Bible are made up stories with false information. Yet, a big portion of the human population thinks, it’s a holy book, which is not. When I was Jesus on Earth no one by the name of Mary Magdalene was following me. Lady Nada doesn’t exist. Also, Light Beings in higher dimensions do not have names after a gender like Lady Nada, Lady Venus, Lady Rowena and ect. All of these beings are not real. Messages from them are fake. I am going to reveal, on who is my real twin flame in the future.
Also, Light or Galactic Beings never appear in a channeled message as a pair or more than two beings. We always give the message as one being at a time. One of us will step a side everytime and let the other one do the message and wait for our turn. Messages that have two or more Light Beings in one message, they are fake.
There is a new information about the monolith in Las Vegas, Nevada, in United States. The Dark Ones removed it from the location. They said for public and environmental safety, that is not true. The Negative Ones took this monolith to Area 51. This was not smart, as the monoliths are alive even in your 3D reality. When you walk around them and touch them, nothing negative will happen to you. When you try to remove the pillar from its original location and take it somewhere else, it becomes hostile.
The monolith releases invisible radiation, which is very harmful. The Dark Entities want to find out the secret behind these pillars. They will not succeed, the monolith will be either completely destroyed or it will disappear from Area 51. There is supposedly a new monolith appeared in Northern Colorado, United States. This one is fake made by humans. The family that owns the land, where this pillar is, they paid someone to make this monolith and install on their land.
It doesn’t look like others, it’s much wider, and it has two openings on the top. At the bottom of this fake monolith there are bolts, which were used to bolted it down to the concrete pad. The real monoliths don’t have bolts at the bottom or are not attached to the concrete. The family did this to attract attention and people to the area, as they own two businesses, a Cafe place and a dairy farm. The woman even added some items on the menu in her Cafe to incorporated the monolith.
This received news coverage and people came to see it, which brought more customers to their two businesses. Sadly, humans will do anything for money. These are a few new facts for humans to process and realize on how easy lies are created not to benefit the human race, instead only to satisfy their own ego and make money anyway they can. It makes me very sad that humanity is still in an infancy stage, and only a small number of humans are ready to move into a New 5D Earth.
The disclosure will continue and more people are going to be exposed to the truth, even if they don’t want to believe it. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
Ascension Means Disclosure
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Ascension Means Disclosure Sananda Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Sananda 🛸❤️🌻⭐️🌎⭐️🌻❤️🛸
Dear Ones,
I am Sananda and I am very happy to speak to my Brothers and Sisters on the topic of true facts related to your planet.
Right now, many souls are leaving human’s vessels for different reasons. Some people have accumulated negative karma during this lifetime, and they are forced from the physical existence by unusual circumstances. No one leaves their physicality, because they want you. Very often your doctors say that the patient died of disease or age, these are not natural causes. All of this have been created by the Darkness by messing up the human’s DNA, creating deadly viruses and etc.
Daily thousands of humans leave this 3D reality to come back again into low vibrations. This cycle is going to continue for them, until their spiritual evolution happens. It could mean that billions of years will be needed to repeat life after life, until they are ready to Ascend with their physical bodies into higher dimensions. Everyone is talking in their messages, on how great humans are doing, and some of them are claiming to be in the 8th, 9th dimension and ect.
That is not true, this is just a human ego talking and not having any idea on how the Ascension Process works. if you fully reach the 5th dimension, then you ascend and completely disappear from Earth. Anyone who says, that they are in higher dimension than 4th, while at the same time are still being on Gaia, is lying to you. Also, you don’t go from living in the 3rd dimension to 8th or 9th dimension, it doesn’t work like that, you only go to the 5th dimension.
If this would be the truth, then humanity would have ascended already. This fluff is constantly floating around in the Light Community. My dear Brothers and Sisters, look around and tell me honestly, does your world looks like it’s ready to ascend. The truth is a part of disclosure before Ascension. This is why you have to learn, on how to recognize the truth from all of these lies shared in the Light Community.
My message today is about revealing more unwanted truth to the humanity. Please, remember we always love you, and this is never going to change no matter on what happens. For humanity sake, it’s necessary for us to speak, on what is real and on what is not. Now, I am going to reveal the truth about Lady Nada, she is not my twin flame. She is not the Ascended Master of Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is not a real person in the human religion like the Bible.
Most of the things in the Bible are made up stories with false information. Yet, a big portion of the human population thinks, it’s a holy book, which is not. When I was Jesus on Earth no one by the name of Mary Magdalene was following me. Lady Nada doesn’t exist. Also, Light Beings in higher dimensions do not have names after a gender like Lady Nada, Lady Venus, Lady Rowena and ect. All of these beings are not real. Messages from them are fake. I am going to reveal, on who is my real twin flame in the future.
Also, Light or Galactic Beings never appear in a channeled message as a pair or more than two beings. We always give the message as one being at a time. One of us will step a side everytime and let the other one do the message and wait for our turn. Messages that have two or more Light Beings in one message, they are fake.
There is a new information about the monolith in Las Vegas, Nevada, in United States. The Dark Ones removed it from the location. They said for public and environmental safety, that is not true. The Negative Ones took this monolith to Area 51. This was not smart, as the monoliths are alive even in your 3D reality. When you walk around them and touch them, nothing negative will happen to you. When you try to remove the pillar from its original location and take it somewhere else, it becomes hostile.
The monolith releases invisible radiation, which is very harmful. The Dark Entities want to find out the secret behind these pillars. They will not succeed, the monolith will be either completely destroyed or it will disappear from Area 51. There is supposedly a new monolith appeared in Northern Colorado, United States. This one is fake made by humans. The family that owns the land, where this pillar is, they paid someone to make this monolith and install on their land.
It doesn’t look like others, it’s much wider, and it has two openings on the top. At the bottom of this fake monolith there are bolts, which were used to bolted it down to the concrete pad. The real monoliths don’t have bolts at the bottom or are not attached to the concrete. The family did this to attract attention and people to the area, as they own two businesses, a Cafe place and a dairy farm. The woman even added some items on the menu in her Cafe to incorporated the monolith.
This received news coverage and people came to see it, which brought more customers to their two businesses. Sadly, humans will do anything for money. These are a few new facts for humans to process and realize on how easy lies are created not to benefit the human race, instead only to satisfy their own ego and make money anyway they can. It makes me very sad that humanity is still in an infancy stage, and only a small number of humans are ready to move into a New 5D Earth.
The disclosure will continue and more people are going to be exposed to the truth, even if they don’t want to believe it. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
Ascension Means Disclosure
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Puede ser una imagen de 1 persona




Namaste Sacred Star Blissed Light Beings of Eternal Life,

Keep blazing this realm and all Sentient Beings of the Way with the Violet Flame for full transmutation and transfiguration in the Light

Much Love and Blessings in the LIGHT...The Eagle and the Condor


todays transmission from White Gold Eagle my 12th Dimensional Venusian, Lyran, Vulcan, Elven Avatar:

Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Spiritual Warriors of our Rainbow Tribe of New Earth

We have massive energies flowing in through todays Portal.

As Neptune, planet of inspiration and the mystical, stations retrograde in Pisces we finalize and release the Piscean Age as we fully transition into the New Age of Aquarius. All is coming into alignment and Harmonic Convergence for our Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of New Earth.

The Sirius Stargate also opens today as the Dog Star sends in the Sirian Reinforcements of our Blue Ray Nation of New Lemuria. Our Spiritual Star Sirius comes into full alignment with the Sun and Earth on this Friday the 5th synchronizing with our auspicious New Moon in Cancer with the Sun also in Cancer. This will Trigger a Mass Great Awakening across our Sacred Lands of Terra Nova Gaia.

We had a big spike of White light in the Heartbeat of Gaia, appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 43 and 48 hz. Fifth Dimensional energetics fully anchored in and rising!

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 were born for this. After many timelines and lifetimes of preparation for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness, our Ground Crew Team are stepping into their Divine Roles as Wayshowers and Guides to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!

CLICK HERE for the transcripts of today's transmissions



In today's transmissions we Enter the New Dream of Heaven on Earth made manifest!

Join us on the Path here...


New Earth Ascension report and astrology reading for the week of June 30th through July 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor

New! on Patreon ~ New Earth Ascension report and astrology reading for the week of June 30th through July 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of June 30th through July 6th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Prayer for the New Moon in Cancer this week.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste



If you would like to help support our work and mission and help us to continue creating our daily New Earth transmissions, the best way is with a monthly pledge on our Patreon page at

We have lost many of our financial supporters over the past few months so every pledge or donation will assist us to continue our daily work and transmissions and keep releasing them free to the our Tribes and the World. Also our videos and work are being suppressed on youtube and all social media by dark forces to prevent our messages and teachings getting to our Good People of the New Earth.

or if you could support us with a donation the links are at

If you can't afford a monthly pledge or donation it would also be very helpful to us if you could share every video on social media sites and other websites on the internet. We truly appreciate you and are grateful for all of you that have supported us over the years and those that continue to support us, Our Angels of the New Earth! We could not be doing this work without you.

We send Much Love and Blessings in the Light. The Eagle and the Condor...A'ho!


Guided Meditation to Ease Anxiety ~ Finding Inner Peace with the Sacred Condor (Divine Feminine)


FREE Guided Meditation from my Sacred Condor: Meditation to Ease Anxiety * Finding Inner Peace


Cape Hatteras National Seashore North Carolina

I AM Presence

If you haven't joined us in the I AM Discourses Please be sure to start your FREE 33 Day Journey with us in healing and transforming your Life in the most Positive Ways!!

Start Here >>>>>I Am the Way


Guided Meditation Healing Ceremony with the Avian Star Nation from Pegasus Constellation

New! on Patreon: Reiki Healing Guided Meditation:

Connecting with Universal Energy with my Sacred Condor

CLICK HERE for the Healing Reiki Meditation

This session is designed to help you Connecting with Universal Energy and activate inner peace, balance your energy, and promote deep relaxation and healing. Whether you are new to Reiki or have experience with this powerful healing practice, this guided meditation will support you in connecting with universal life force energy.

What to Expect:

Calming Environment: Begin by settling into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Light a candle or use essential oils if you wish to enhance the ambiance.

Guided Relaxation: We will guide you through a gentle relaxation process, helping you to release tension and calm your mind.
Reiki Energy Activation: You will be guided to visualize and feel Reiki energy flowing through your body, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Chakra Balancing: The meditation includes specific focus on balancing and harmonizing your chakras, aligning your energy centers for optimal well-being.
Affirmations and Intentions: Positive affirmations and intentions will be used to reinforce healing and inner peace.
Closing and Integration: We will gently guide you out of the meditation, helping you to integrate the healing energy into your daily life.
Benefits of Reiki Healing Meditation:

Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Balances energy and chakras
Enhances emotional and mental clarity
Supports physical healing and well-being
Increases feelings of peace, love, and joy


The Messenger

Paul White Gold Eagle
Divine Invocation for the Sirius Stargate


Sacred Space: Find a quiet and serene location. Arrange items that resonate with you spiritually, such as candles, crystals (like lapis lazuli or selenite), and incense.
Meditative State: Sit comfortably and take several deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize a protective white light surrounding you.

Invocation Steps:

1.Opening the Stargate: Begin by calling upon the energy of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, known for its ancient wisdom and spiritual significance.

"Divine Sirius, star of wisdom and enlightenment, I call upon your radiant light. Open the stargate to higher realms, Guide me with your Celestial might."

1.Invoking Guidance and Protection: Ask for protection and guidance from higher beings associated with Sirius, such as star beings, ascended masters, or spiritual guides.

"Guardians of the Sirius Stargate, Beings of light and love, Surround me in your protection, Guide me from the Heavens above."

1.Connecting with Sirius Energy: Visualize a beam of bright blue-white light descending from Sirius, entering your crown chakra, and filling your entire being with its energy.

"Celestial light of Sirius, Flow through me and awaken my soul, Infuse me with your wisdom, Make my spirit whole."

1.Setting Intentions: State your intentions clearly, focusing on spiritual growth, healing, and enlightenment.

"I seek the wisdom of the ancients, I seek the light of Truth, Guide me on my spiritual journey, Empower me with your Power and Knowledge."

1.Gratitude and Closing: Express gratitude for the connection and the guidance received. Visualize the light gently withdrawing while leaving a lasting glow within you.

"Thank you, Divine Sirius, For your light, your love, your grace, I carry your wisdom within me, In this sacred space."

1.Grounding: Take a few moments to ground yourself. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the Earth, anchoring you back to the physical world.


Join our Tribe of the Eagle and Condor:

Big Welcome and much Gratitude to our new supporters this month on Patreon!!

Zahra H.

new Tribe members go here for our teachings and trainings:

Thank you for the new pledge in our Youtube Monthly Memberships this month!

Michael M.

thank you for raising your pledge on youtube memberships:

Thank you for the donations today from

Milosh R.


A Living Poem from the Eagle to the Condor

In Eternal LOVE and TRUTH, The Eagle and the Condor live our Higher Purpose and Mission in the Truth of Divine Union (Hieros Gamos) in the LIGHT of ONE.

In Hieros Gamos we live in Unity Consciousness and Fly to the New Heavenly Host in our Ascension Journey of Unconditional Love and Bliss in the LIGHT. Joining together in Oneness as we Usher in this Eternal Time of Freedom and Peace for all God's Children of the New Earth... (The Prophecy is Fulfilled in this NOW!)

As the Solar Sophia Divine Feminine makes her Union with the Solar Krystos Divine Masculine the Harmony of Heaven on Earth is made Manifest in the Image of the Unconditional Love of Infinite Prime Source Creator (Mother/ Father God).

Our Divine Dispensations are at hand (We CALL in our Holy Jurisdictions in this NOW) of our Divine Wealth and Sacred Lands for our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia. Divine Cosmic Mother Goddess is with us for our full activation and integration of our Buddhic Rainbow Diamond Bodies of Infinite Eternal Light.

We are re-united to the Fountain of LIFE as the nectars of Source Gnosis flows freely into the hearts and minds of our Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144.

In the Still White Magnetic Light at Center of your PURE PRESENCE is where the nonphysical is made physical and emptiness manifests into form. We expand the non-linear out physically from Source and Return there by compression through physical matter into the One Still Center.

The Original True Nature of your indestructible Diamond Mind is Empty, Clear, Bright and Free. She reflects herself perfectly into the Mirror of Eternity...

You are remembering your True Essence of the Holy Temple of Light of Divinity, the True Face of Love before all Creation. In the Clear Light of Bliss all things are Revealed. This shall call in the Transformation into your Holy Avatar of New Eden!

All things are Perfectly Resolved in the Unborn Mind of the Buddha. With the Bright Virtue of our Indestructible Diamond Mind of Pure Awareness we are
In the final days of waking from the Dream of Illusion into the "Real" as we rise in the Glory of the Dawning of our New Heaven upon the New Earth!


- Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 255


8 MEN - 2 JULY 2024


I harmonize in order to create
Modeling mind
I seal the output of VISION
With the Galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of self-generation.

Mother Mary
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