The Archon Network
by Teri Wade,
Understanding who the Archon Network is puts everything that’s happening to the human race and our planet all in perspective.
Archon Network
“1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (Draco in command)
2. Insectoids (higher executives)
3. Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives)
4. Regular Grays (workers)
5. Small Grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)”
The Draco race, who rules our planet, are just part of the Archon Network.
The Archons are an ancient group of discarnate spirits, demons, regenerate ETs, some greys, reptilians and serpent beings who feed off negativity and care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Hence, the continuance of war and the destruction of our planet
. Their program is to keep you enslaved through your very own mind and to create as much separation, pain, and suffering as possible.
This is done with programming, various kinds of media, societal programming, religious programming, psychotronic technology using ELF, microwave, radionic and other frequencies, not to mention mind to mind manipulation with the Archons themselves.
Your tv and the news is one of the most obvious… designed to keep you fearful, insecure, and in need of a savior “outside of self”. It is also designed to keep you focused on the material world, acquiring acceptance and approval outside of self, being well adjusted to society for your very own survival.
Religious programming does just this…looking for approval/acceptance and a false security from an outside source other than you which is so detrimental to your evolution and based on a false reality. There is no higher authority than oneself!
The Archon Network’s first and foremost goal is to separate man/woman from the GOD WITHIN. It is to keep you focused on the external and control you through the base attitudes and emotions of the first three chakras – Survival, Sex and Power. These Archons cannot let you operate from the Heart because once you move up into the heart and beyond it loses its power over you. THIS IS THE CROSSROAD WE’RE AT NOW!
We live in a world of veiled consciousness but that veil is thinning hence, mankind’s Awakening. “The closer you get to Nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads.” Mankind is in the fight our lives and any choices and actions that are not of love will be met by Universal Law, what is known as Karma. Remember, the love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.
Teri Wade
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