Sunday, May 23, 2021

Message from Swami Satchidanand - Psychic Powers - Energy Enhancement

Psychic Powers

The third book of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is called the Vibhuti Pada.


The vibhuti or Psychic Powers are all the accomplishments which come as by-products of your Energy Enhancement practice. They are also sometimes called the siddhis, or supernatural powers creating energy, intelligence, long life and health. These powers begin to come with the practice of the final four limbs of Raja Yoga: dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), samadhi (Union with external energies of the chakras above the head etc, ) and samyama (Energy Enhancement).


Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 33. "By samyama on the light at the crown of the head (sahasrara chakra), visions of masters and adepts are obtained."

This is what we teach in The Fourth Initiation Of Energy Enhancement available on our Video Course, Online Course or directly with your teachers at the SOL Villa for personal training.

Student report Aug 2016 "Saw ascended master Jesus Christ. He wrapped me in his arms. Removed a stone blocking my crown chakra and dissolved big sacral chakra blockage. THIS COURSE ROCKS !!!

HAve practiced Macrocosmic orbit. Very soothing on the mind. Loving it. I will practice more and more. Found the energy too much this morning to meditate but had shower and was fine afterwards. Firstly saw you Satch adding one more step to my antahkarana. Lol made me chuckle."


Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 34 Or, in the knowledge that dawns by spontaneous enlightenment (through a life of purity), all the psychic powers come by themselves.


Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 39 By the loosening of the cause (of the bondage of mind to body) and by knowledge of the procedure of the mind-stuff's functioning, entering another's body is accomplished. - At crucial times when great things are happening, In order to change the shape of the future it becomes necessary to overshadow. Ascended Masters and certain living beings have the ability to take this path.


Energy Enhancement Report Boril Nachev dream

I just woke up from a very intense dream.

First, I was in the snowy mountains with a group of people. We were riding down the slopes, but on a very dangerous portion of the track. I was not so experienced in this and the route I chose was the most difficult, because the snow had turn to ice in some areas, the slope was very steep and there were a lot of big bumps, so instead of going down smoothly I was jumping from bump to bump, breaking ice on the way and doing a lot of air time falling to touch ground. I had two huge lumps of ice covering my hands and arms, around the size of a human's torso and they were pulling me from side to side due to their weight. At the end of the slope I slipped and turned in such a way that I found myself on my back with the two ice lumps stuck between a deep bump in the track, cut out by other skiers. I could not move. I cried for help and swiftly somebody came and got me out of the dire situation, helping me to reach the bottom of the track. There I spoke with a girl from my group, telling her about my story. She was one of the most experienced riders and was teaching some kids.

Soon after this as if in another dream I lost all sense perceptions and found myself surging upwards. The center of consciousness that I am was going directly upwards as if through the Antahkarana, going up, merging with the chakras above the head. This did not continue for long and I regained sensory perception again, finding myself lying on some kind of bed with a big rectangular slab of stone at the top side of my head, erected upwards. This stone, that I was looking upwards at, was covered in some sort of a symbols pattern, as if letters, which all shined with light and colors. I immediately thought to myself "alien technology" and the moment I thought this a green/gray alien started emerging from the top part of the stone monument. I did not know if it is malicious or benevolent so I got a little scared.

I immediately felt a presence of two Light entities, on my left and ride sides, which brought light as they appeared and entered the space of the room I was in.

In the dream I felt that these entities were you, Swami Satchidanand, and your disciple, Amara Atmananda. But both of you appeared only as light. The alien fell from the top of the stone to the ground and I lost sight of it.

After this I was again in the mountain but at a lower altitude than the slopes and at a brighter and warmer place. I was with you, Swami Satchidanand and a few of your disciples. You asked us a question, which I don't remember by word, but the meaning was something like "Where is this?". I am paraphrasing heavily here as I don't remember any word of the question, so it might have been something totally different. But the moment you asked us this question I closed my eyes and felt the center of consciousness and began seeking and I have no words to describe this well, but I felt that I was a Soul. And this Soul was pure consciousness, and I felt that everything in this world and in all states - dream, dreamless, waking state, had a soul, in other words had consciousness. And this consciousness was all-pervading and in everything and never-seizing. And All is One. This Supreme Self. And I opened my eyes and I told you the answer of the question and you were somewhat surprised, and asked me how I came to this realization, and I said it was because of your question, because you asked me.

I had episodes of me lying on a bed again, where I asked for removal of alien implants from my body and they were removed as if popping a big zit in the area of my stomach, but I don't remember when exactly were these episodes located. They were two.

I had read or heard somewhere that the Master could initiate a student in their sleep, but I had never experienced anything like this. It was very powerful. The Self-realization episode was the most powerful. The other ones were more as if from a common dream that I would usually dream.

Thank you Swami Satchidanand.


Mornings are silent in prayer. In the afternoon I find time for meditation but usually listen to a mantra to begin my meditation. Aum or Babaji Gayatri Mantra. The meditation right before sleep is in silence as well but has been short.
In meditation I repeat the mantra

To merge with God
I am one with God

In the last few days, while meditating, I perceived an infinite white sun encompassing the whole universe to infinity. The presence of God in the whole Universe.
Today after the dream I perceived that I, as all-pervading essence or consciousness, even infinite as the universe, I am a Son of God, even as a Son of God am nothing compared to Him, but am One with Him, and this Universe is nothing compared to God. He is beyond Infinity, beyond Eternity. Omnipresent. Everlasting.

There is no sweeter purpose than to seek God, to Love God.

Few days ago I found the song "Cloud-colored Christ comes" by Paramahansa Yogananda. When I listened to it, a recording of him, I had a pleasant experience. I have experienced this only a few times before in meditation with two different techniques. The experience that I had was that my center of consciousness that I am moved upwards from my head to a space above my head. While still having sensory perception of my physical body, with eyes closed, I felt that I am alive, outside the constraints of my physical body. I was outside my body, at a space inches above my head. I held this experience for several minutes after the song ended.

Book Four of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali has the heading Kaivalya Pada , or the portion that talks about absoluteness. Kaivalyam means without qualities or conditions, or without Energetic Blockages. The one who has the quality of kaivalyam is Enlightened or Totally Free. It's an experience of absoluteness, unlimitedness.


Patanjali Book 1 Sutra 2 and Energy Blockages.

Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodha or Enlightenment (Yogas) comes through dissolving (Nirodha) the Energy Blockages (Vrittis) in the BodyMind (Citta)

The process of Energy Enhancement is that of finding and dissolving Energetic Blockages in the Chakras which stop the functioning of one of the 7 parallel processors or Chakras of the mind, or the communication between the chakras, stopping them talking to each other or really, the Integration of the whole human being or Enlightenment.


Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 1. Siddhis or Psychic Powers are born of practices performed in previous births, or by herbs, mantra repetition, asceticism, or by samadhi.



Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 2

The evolution of the human being is brought about by the inflow of Nature, or Soul Energy, into the system from external sources.

These are the Infinity of Chakras in the Antahkarana, the rainbow Bridge which connects us with the chakras of the Universe.

It is a Pranic Cylinder, a Staff or Flute Like Creation between heaven and earth which contains our Psychic Body of Seven Chakra Parallel Processors and also an infinity of Chakras connecting us with the Highest Energy of the One God with 10,000 names.

The first chakra above the head is called the Soul Chakra which controls all the lifetimes of our limited bodies on this planet. Thus it is Immortal. It is the Soul Infused Personality which absorbs and Integrates the Alter Ego Sub-Personalities of the Desire Filled Selfish Competitive Ego in order to become Enlightened. 

In this way there can only be One. This is the light of the Soul which we contact in the Energy Enhancement Video Course and on the Live Energy Enhancement Courses Worldwide.


Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 3

The effortless movement of Soul energy does not directly cause natural evolution; Evolution naturally happens because the energy from external chakras is used to remove the blockages by The Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement in the body - as a farmer removes the blockages in a water course (Energy meridian) running in his field.

This is the process of Energy Enhancement. When the blockages to the flow of Energy are removed, naturally the Soul Energy Flows without hindrance and the Soul Energy is Maximally evolved. It needs no Evolution. Our evolution requires the removal of all Energy Blockages. The end is Enlightenment when the Soul Light is channeled perfectly and our Aura Glows with the Light of the Soul. Soul Illumination.


Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 4

The egoistic personality, channeling psychic energy, is the cause of artificially created blockages, Alter Egos  or Sub-Personalities or as they are sometimes called, Implants.

Sub-Personalities are created in each lifetime by trauma and pain then exist henceforth in every lifetime gaining experiences and Talents. Some of them are just upset and emotionally angry or sad. Some gaining great talents like the banking and business sub-personalities. But whenever, through the Energy Enhancement seven step process, these sub-personalities are dissolved and integrated back into the Soul, the Soul infused personality then has complete conscious access to the talents acquired by these sub-personalities.


Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 5

Although the functions in the many created blockages may differ, the original mind-stuff of the magician is the director of them all. The Original Mind Stuff is the Mind Stuff of the Soul which eventually creates the Soul Infused Being or the Enlightened, Illuminated by the Light of the Soul. Love and Light we say in Energy Enhancement.


Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 6

Only the artificially created minds born of meditation, of white magic, of soul connection are free from karmic impressions, that is, they have no blockages and because of that, have powerful effects. The other created minds are called evil sub personalities formed from shocks, trauma, torture.

Blockages CREATED in Black Magic are entities and implants which channel the energy of the victim back towards the Black Magician, using the victim as a battery, like in the Matrix Film, and creating negative emotion, control, pain and disease in him.

Blockages in white magic are angels, healing and protection. The white magician has the ability to dissolve all the blockages of his clients or students.




Energy Enhancement and the Lord of the Rings

“One Ring, to rule them all and in the Darkness, Bind them.”




The word “Chakra” from the Sanskrit means “Ring”.


Yet the most important science above and beyond all the sciences above which is never mentioned or taught is the 250,000 years old Meditational Sciences which has been used to create and destroy civilisations over all that time where bad people create energy blockage implants to control populations and to take over the bodies of their sons and thus the control and wealth of their families and thus live for thousands of years.


This 250,000 years old Science of meditation and Energy Blockages is the most important and hidden science in the World!!

Ancient Myths have talked about this for thousands of years. Recently Joseph Campbell wrote books about this.

Myths are the Source of George Lucas "Star Wars" and its Evil Sith Emperor and Tolkien's Classic, "Lord of the Rings.."

The One Ring is a Blockage. It is Separate, sentient energy blockage put into the Ring created by the Black Magician, Sauron.

“One Ring, to rule them all and in the Darkness, Bind them.”

And this Ring Blockage is created to control all the other rings, in our case, us!!

The secret Hindu meaning of Ring is Chakra. Chakras are psychic parallel processors of the Mind.

Energy Blockages are created to control the Seven parallel processors which comprise the mind. The seven chakras or Rings within us.

It does this by creating Blockages in the chakras above the head - above the chakras of the body. Cutting you off from your Soul and thus from your conscience. The higher the evil implant blockage, the higher the control.

The Created Ring Blockage OR IMPLANT when implanted into the body, creates perversion, desire and emotion within the person who comes close to it.

As you read the book or see the film of The Lord of the Rings, you understand that the Rings action is to pervert people, yet in order to be further perverted, some egoistic flaw must be there in the person which makes them think the Ring, the psychic blockage, is necessary. The blockage is drawn by the ego-flaw and exacerbates it.

The Great Ones, Gandalf, Galadriel and Aragorn refuse The Ring when it is offered to them because they know. They have been down that road many times before and they know where it ends.


“I have passed the test.” says Galadriel when she is offered the ring by Frodo. “I shall remain Galadriel and pass to the west”

Thus, the ring merely exists to tempt the unwary. It, the blockage, teaches and tests us with all the addictions we consider necessary to a good life.

"After all that, here are complete instructions on Enlightenment" Sutra One, Book One, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

"This planet is a factory for the production of Enlightened Beings"

Only after we have spent many hundreds of lifetimes entering into every path.

Only after we have been there, done that, got the T Shirt.

Only Then when we know that which is legitimate for us to do - The Right Thing.

Only then can we start to heal the egotistical desires.

Those desires we feel we can not do without. Addictions to Food, Sex, Cigarettes, Drugs, Gambling, Television, Books, Power, Religion, in a way, all the aspects of the Ego. As we evolve, we learn about the effects of blockages in our system.


In a way, we learn that although we have been given free choice, in the end we only have one choice, as Zen Master Hogen says, "A Choiceless choice." and that is to do the Right Thing.

This ability, the ability to know what is the right thing. That thing which puts us into alignment with the energy of the Soul, puts us into alignment with the energy of Dharma, comes through many lifetimes of painful experience.


"Not my will, but thy Will be done!"

We see that every selfish desire ends in pain as we become disappointed every time over many lifetimes. We learn that intense disappointment can kill us. We learn, “Don’t take the Ring!!” Don’t open yourself to blockages.

You start to know intensely, a matter of Life and Death,

“The blockages must be removed!”

Be the Energy Enhancement Hero in your life!

Become Super!




"I know the key is the removal of energy blockages and no one else is offering this with any real success. There are those offering japa and fire ceremonies and saying have faith and patience, “just believe”—but no one that I know of is hitting the nail on the head like you are.

Energy Enhancement is HUGE! It needs to get out to thousands of people now! This is what many good people are looking for even if they don’t know it just yet."


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Jaime, Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

Jaime, Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma

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The Infinite Energy of the Perfect Thief, the Authentic Man, Prometheus



COME TO IGUAZU! true success will only come with the transmission from the Living Master...
Jaime, Get Brazil Winter Sun at Iguazu Falls the seventh Natural Wonder of the world - choose an Elegant Hotel or Get Your EE Course at the Energy Enhancement Ashram Buddhafield- 5 Day Mini Courses, 28 Days - Two Levels, 56 Days, 84 Days.. Three Levels, Four Levels of Energy Enhancement

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I know the key is the removal of energy blockages and no one else is offering this with any real success. There are those offering japa and fire ceremonies and saying have faith and patience, “just believe”—but no one that I know of is hitting the nail on the head like you are.

Energy Enhancement is HUGE! It needs to get out to thousands of people now! This is what many good people are looking for even if they don’t know it just yet.


Jaime, Incredible Savings! - Save - 50% Off!! - Get Five Levels at 50% Off! for a Limited Time Only - Get All Five Levels when you Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course.. Come for a Live Course to Iguazu..

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