Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Brink ... 144k New Moon Mass Meditation

44K Gemini New Moon Mass Meditation - Links Below!



We're on the Brink.



If one knows what they're doing, June is easily turned into the month when that major energetic breakthrough finally reaches the surface.


This will radically impact the lives of ones who can RECEIVE such a positive impact


... in other words, Starseeds who are ready.


But it will also have a more unifying effect on the surface population, and that's sure-as-heck becoming more & more vital, with what's coming.


The goal is to create pockets of minimal or no sub-quantum anomaly on the surface.


Preferably on grid-nexus points & other such vital spots.


June Provides Us with This Opportunity!


Obviously this has always kicked-up stupid amounts of dark realms (in dark spheres) hidden within the quantum/sub-quantum anomaly ... which is why we've been working on them, particularly in the last 144K Meditation. 


Who wants to go through that again ... hey!?


So creating large pockets of quantum/sub-quantum anomaly free zones on the surface is one of the main conditions that must be met, for the final & last acts of the surface physical Light Forces in Oct/Nov, in accordance with 11.3 Laws Of War.


That's when we physically get freed ...


This New Moon & the always big June Solstice presents us with the opportunity of ....


... bringing us to the brink of such zones on those vital Gaia gridpoints - that will make a massive difference in finalizing our victory of

The Grid-Wars


This will also really help our off-world brethren finish off any last remaining dark physical groups (still sticking around from whatever millions-of-years-old era they've existed for) with less casualties.


And like I said in the first report for this New Moon Campaign, the dark ones will use the 4 Astrological Squares from the 8th-12th, for False Flags. Especially next Tuesday when Mars Squares Pluto



June 6, 2024

New Moon in Gemini Event



Let's TAKE CHARGE ... while everyone else is 'waiting' to be freed!


As a reminder ...


The 4 Astrological Squares


Possible Danger Period



Venus is Squaring Saturn on the 8th


Sun is Squaring Saturn on the 9th


Mars Squaring Pluto on the 11th

(the main danger day, possibly violent, very combative, collectively & personally) 


Mercury Squaring Saturn on the 12th



This means ...


... saddle up ... buckle up ... and BE THERE to help remove as much non-physical garbage as possible.


That 'garbage' could make things go out-of-control if not...


... pre-emptively removed!



The Dark ones KNOW this, and are gearing up.



See you on the higher planes in a few hours ...


....where the biggest difference is made!



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






June 6th - 2024

New Moon In Gemini

144K Mass Meditation



Date: June 6, 2024


Time: 8AM EDT [US]


New Moon Peak: 8:38AM


Your Timezone:


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