Monday, June 17, 2024

New Openhand Ascension Academy Events 2024

ALL NEW EVENTS 2024: Openhand Ascension Academy
Dear friends, we're witnessing a deeper complexity in the derailing simulation that humanity and the planet are embroiled within. But help is at hand!

We're excited to announce a whole new line-up of evolutionary events for 2024, including Pilgrimages to Sacred Stargates, groundbreaking online retreats, and of course, the regular Ascension Exchanges.

Openhand aims to be your virtual Academy, your mast in the storm, to help steer you through the turbulence and into the bright new consciousness of 5D. It is our passion to serve. Check out what's in store. <<< Open 馃拵
How Can Openhand Ascension Academy Help You?
Our New Program has everything you'd expect from Openhand:
  • Groundbreaking spiritual practices;
  • Supportive guidance to illuminate your journey;
  • Epic adventures and high alchemy;
  • Working with the Star Being Nations to build a bridge across the divide;
  • Sitting in Ascended Master Consciousness to activate your next big shift.
Incorporating the newly acclaimed RESURRECTION processes:
Just what the Earth Needs right now. Genius!
Sky Dancer
We'll be out at Sacred Sites and Stargates...
"WOW WOW WOW!!!! There are never emotive enough words to express the deep, bottom of my heart, gratitude that I have for you both and how life-changing it has been for me finding my way to Openhand (tears of joy and gratitude are still rolling). What a priceless and profound gift to have given me and the lovely souls I've shared this time with - the unshakable knowledge that YES WE CAN!"... Alex
We'll be online, broadcasting from the Heartchakra of the Planet:

"It is simply eye-opening to be a part of these Ascension Exchanges. In such a short space of time, we managed to delve so deep - it was like a retreat in one afternoon!"... Gisela


We'll be sitting in Ascended Master Consciousness:

One of the most powerful messages for me was, "You are not human."    Wow, Wow, Wow!  In those few seconds so much fell into place. It wasn't something I didn't already know if that makes sense, but to hear it put so simply, so directly, with such clarity, it seemed to lift a veil that has been covering my eyes for as long as I can remember in this lifetime."... Heather


We'll be bringing the 5D Human Alive in You!

"Can't wait to experience the magic once again and the depth we all went together. Something says it's going to be even more special and transformational this year."... Vimal


Mark Your Calendars!

6th July: Ascension Exchanges
8th-14th July: Facilitator Summer Conference
7th Sep: Ascension Exchanges
12th-14th Sep: RESURRECTION on Zoom
21st Sep: RESURRECTION 1-Day Workshop, SEDONA
23rd-28th: 1st Nations Pilgrimage, SEDONA
5th Oct: Ascension Exchanges
10th-12th: Facilitator Development Conference, Zoom
20th-26th Oct: Himalayan Energies Pilgrimage, INDIA
2nd Nov: Ascension Exchanges
10th-15th Nov: RESURRECTION, 6-day retreat, SYDNEY
29th Nov-1st Dec: Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage, GLASTONBURY
7th Dec: Ascension Exchanges.


It is our passion and our privilege to support your journey to 5D. It's what we thrive for. See you there!  <<< Open 馃拵
Browse the Academy Calendar Now

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