Sunday, June 30, 2024

July 4th Mass Meditation - The Quickening Begins


                   July 4th 144K Meditation Links are At The Bottom



The second half of 2024 has safely become the culmination period of Planetary Liberation ... and it is finally upon us.


From July 4th, the quickening will start to be felt by most active Starseeds, thanks to extreme intervention by wildcard surface groups like the 144K ...


... these groups were long forgotten & left-for-dead just like the depleted ... ragged ... & starving continental army of the revolutionary war.


And here I am ... burning the midnight oil just like Thomas Payne did, pulling inspiration out of nowhere & igniting hearts with the written word.


The Light Forces are hastily but carefully removing the remaining hidden & super-advanced blocks of mostly a technological kind that look more like magic than technology.


They're dotting the i's and crossing the t's (especially with the removal of the Lurker - further updates pending developments), and they will continue to do so until the September Equinox ... after which the final push will start.


They're not taking any chances!


Not after everything we've all been through since the beginning of the dark age.


We'll be making a big push on this July 4th Meditation, to allow for a shorter manifestation meditation the next day on the New Moon.


They're both essentially one meditation.


I won't bore you with news you already know or can find elsewhere.


This is not a news outlet - it's a planet changing - matrix altering army.


Make no mistake about one thing ... All dark technologies that may pose a danger to private off-world/inner-earth contact for active Starseeds like you & me is being searched for and eliminated ruthlessly & systematically.


But it could still be a rough ride, so we must act, this July 4th!


Let's quicken the quickening ... where it matters most.


On the higher planes!





Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






July 4th - 2024

America The Freedom Key

144K Mass Meditation



Date: July 4th, 2024


Time: 2PM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638




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