Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sophia ~ This spiritual journey


Hello, and welcome once more to this complimentary edition.

Thank you for all of your many loving wishes and thoughts. Although I haven't responded personally to everyone, know that I've read them and felt your love. It has helped a great deal.

I am hoping to return in full by next month. I am surrounded by people offering their love and their help. This is a journey, and I appreciate all of the support that I feel as I embark on it.

The video shared below was sent to me and it resonated. It simplifies things somehow, and feels very down to earth. It is not long, about 12 minutes. I think you'll enjoy it.

The conversation with One that is shared below took place a few weeks ago. It is beautiful and a reminder of who we are.

Please share this complimentary edition.

Thank you for all that you are.

I appreciate you all.



PS -When shopping on Amazon, using this link helps me out, and doesn't cost anything extra! (click here). Thank you!

It is the One.


Thank you. Is there something to say?


You (both personal and general) are about to move forward, to advance, in your spiritual journey as well as your inner awareness of that journey and what it entails. The emptiness you feel so viscerally now will eventually be filled to overflowing with a Love you have only imagined but never known; not while physical anyway.

This is a Love that transcends all others. It is of form and substance beyond, yet at the same time, accompanying and enveloping this physical realm.

This is the Love you yearn for. It is the knowing of its existence that has you always feeling as if you are being punished; as if you’ve done something wrong. The lack of this Love in your physical life is the reason for feelings of loneliness, of abandonment, of something not being “right”.

When this Love is recognized and realized, so much of your life will make sense. You will see then the reasons behind each event and choice. It was always Love.

There is never a situation in which only one side of a partnership, arrangement or relationship is helped. Always, events occur that hope to yield the highest and best outcome. These plans and partnerships and decisions are founded in Love always.


What is this Love that is not often seen or experienced while physical?

It is a knowing of your core truth.

It is recognition of Source in self.

It is Loving all that you see without reservation or condition.

It is bigger than what you imagine you can hold.

It is You.

It is Pure Light.

It is Pure Love.


Once you accept the Truth of your core, you see that Truth in every other. Absolute Pure Love is the only inevitable conclusion, and the answer to all pain.

This is what you will realize on this journey.

Self-Love translates to loving each reflection, while knowing their imperfections as well. It becomes a guiding principle in every interaction, as self is All and All is One.

The reason for a physical existence is so that you feel both the beauty and the horror of choices, and you do so from every perspective. There is nothing you have felt that you haven’t caused another to feel as well.

There will come a time when you will have felt it all, and realized in the feelings, regardless of how glorious or hideous, that they began with Love as a base frequency. At that point on your journey, you will have a choice. Either you can cease the physical portion of the journey altogether, or, you can return to teach. The latter choice is that of a Master.

At this current moment on your Earth there are Masters among you. They are here to offer an assist. They are here because they chose to be.

Their choice was birthed in an abundance of Love for all of life, and a wish to return the glorious Love that they feel. They wish to return the gift that they so keenly feel. It is a gift of Pure Love.

Many who read these words now are Masters such as these. They Light the Way for others who are sharing this journey.

The recognition of this Love, while physical, is a knowing and feeling beyond description. This is where you are headed. You are in for such a treat.

That is all.


Thank you.

~~~The Book Shop~~~

That's it for today!

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