Thursday, June 27, 2024

How do you know if a demon is following you around?



If a demon is following you, they will usually let themselves be known. You will experience scratching sounds on doors and walls, foul smells, cold spots, the air will feel dark or heavy (you’re not alone feeling.) They will sometimes knock 3 times on the walls to mock the holy trinity.

You may hear disembodied growling or voices, you might be scratched or even deal with possession if it gets bad enough. Another experience is constant vivid nightmares of them attacking you in your sleep, sleep paralysis, objects in the house being moved or thrown. They can manipulate people into arguing with each other and fighting.

There are many signs that show demonic presence. If you experience a couple of these I would talk to a church as soon as possible because the longer you wait the more they infest the house and individual.

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