Thursday, June 13, 2024

YouTube Live Q&A - Thursday - Join Us! 馃槉 Papelera Caroline Oceana Ryan

Hello, my Friend -

So Earth life has become a bit of a pressure cooker these days. 

Intense solar energies pouring in, crucial astrological shifts happening, personal issues rising -- 

And you might feel like you can only watch the news when you're feeling strong enough to deal with it. 

In this quick video, I hear you -- and help is on the way! 

    Live: Channeled Answers to Your Life Questions 馃槆 Thurs, Jun 13

    If you'd like some support as you move through these intense energies, and all the challenges of these pre-NESARA days -- 

    The Collective and your Spirit team are happy to shed some Light on whatever you're going through now . . .

    Please join me tomorrow -- Thursday, June 13 -- for:

    A Live Q&A with the Collective & Your Spirit Team

    Here on YouTube Live

    Thursday, June 13, 2024

    12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern Time [US & Canada]

    Join us here on Thursday, and write your question into the Live Chat!

    You'll receive a channeled answer that offers the insights of the Collective and your guides, Angels, and higher self.

    If you can't join us live, just email your (one) question on any life issue, to Include relevant details, please -- the Collective don't read minds, and I don't either!

    Where we are right now on this planet is dissolving old issues, old blockages, and defunct soul contracts -- individually and as a human race.

    All the while, supporting each other in birthing our dreams into reality, including a liberated Mother Earth. That's a big job!

    If you can't be with us on Thursday, the link above will lead you to the replay of the live Q&A (same link), and that will hold all the energies of the live channelings.

    See you soon!

    Much Love & Light,

    Copyright © 2024 Caroline Oceana Ryan, All rights reserved.
    Ascension Times Publishing / The Abundance Group

    Our mailing address is:
    P O Box 24078
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-2407

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