Sunday, June 2, 2024

❤️ Making Contact w/ETs Course ❤️ 50% Off Readings & Channeling Lessons ❤️ New Moon Manifestation Event ❤️ Melchizedek's Activation

Hello, Sweet Souls. Here are my Newest Offerings...

50% Off Sale ∞NOW. Use the coupon code LOVE and get 50% off almost everything on my site: Private SessionsChanneling LessonsOne Hour Coaching Session with MeChanneling Lessons from My GuidesStore ItemsSpiritual Business CoachingRecordingsLight Language Healing SessionsMeditationsMega Bundles & Master CoursesNot included in the sale: Group Events, Courses, Classes, Mega Courses, Personal Message from Your Spirit Guides, Personalized Mantra(s), Toning for Your Intention, Ask a Question, Light Language for Your Intention, Series of Sessions, Mentorship Program & Memberships. 

Get a Private Session with The 9D Arcturian Council for 50% Off by Clicking Here

Register for My Making Contact w/ETs Course Here - STARTS: Monday, June 10th at 3:00PM Pacific/6:00PM Eastern and for the next 2 Mondays – June 17th & 24th. In this THREE-WEEK COURSE – Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials – I’ll be teaching you everything I know about connecting with our E.T. friends. I will tell you all about my own experiences with connecting with e.t.s, and I’ll explain how and why I believe they happened. I’ll also teach you all the tricks I’ve developed over the years to connect directly with our galactic families, and of course, I’ll teach you how to channel e.t.s. This course will also be about connecting to the e.t.s all around us, the e.t. DNA within us, and eventually, making that physical contact with extra-terrestrials in the flesh that we are all so excited about! There will also be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions before, during, and in between all three of the one-hour classes.

I’ll also be channeling The Zetas, Hathors, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven. I’ll be leading you through some exercises and processes that I’ve used myself, and I’ll be enlisting the help of my E.T. friends to help guide you to your own E.T. experiences, both physical and non-physical in nature. The various extra-terrestrial groups I channel are very involved in the creation and teaching of this class, as they are forever connected to me and all that I say during the hour-long classes in each of the four weeks we’ll be gathering for this course. I’ll share with you my own experiences with E.T.s and UFOs and how I believe they came about. Also, there will, as always, be an emphasis on how you can find the vibration within you to create these experiences for yourself. Register for My Making Contact w/ETs Course Here

This June New Moon Manifestation Event is on June 6th and this event will take place at 3:00pm Pacific/6:00pm Eastern. I am excited about working with the New Moon Energies to amplify the powers of manifestation that we all have inside of us. Manifest Your Desires with the help of this magical time and the faster moving energies. You can attend via Zoom (camera on or off) from anywhere in the world. The New Moon energies are powerful and represent new opportunities to create, as we have the opportunity to set new intentions. It’s a wonderful time to start fresh, whether those goals are for yourself, your family, or humanity as a whole. First, I will read all of the intended manifestations prior to the start of the event, and then I’ll give everyone in attendance an activation, and then I will channel light language and tones and overtones with the intention that they will open all available portals and activate the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to actualize everyone’s manifestations.

Live attendance is not necessary
 in order to receive the full benefits from this activation. All you need to do is submit your intention(s)…you can choose 1, 2 or 3 intentions…prior to the start of the event, and then you can listen to the recording of the entire 60 minutes when you have the opportunity to give it your full attention. Register for my June New Moon Manifestation Event Here

This Spiritual Business Mega Course starts June 19th 2025! Starting and running a spiritually-oriented business. It may seem like a daunting task to you right now, whether it’s based on your channelinghealing practice, or psychic abilities. You might want to be a spiritual life coach, a woman’s empowerment coach, or a lifestyle coach. Whatever it is you want to do with your spiritual gifts, the steps to becoming successful in business at it are pretty much the same. But then again, you might not even know what type of business you want to start, how much you would need to start it money-wise, and how much support you’ll need once you do start it. That’s where I can help. I haven’t just started a successful spiritual business, but I’ve also started a successful non-spiritually-oriented business. So one thing I do know is how to succeed in business and what it takes to run them.

My business has become more financially successful than I ever dared to dream it would become, and I can show the ropes and tell you exactly what I did to start it and grow it. And no, my help doesn’t involve you spending thousands on Facebook ads, google ads, or any other kind of ads. I ran one Facebook ad for like $50, and that was the end of that. So much can be done with so little these days. The Internet, social media, podcasts, YouTube, and word of mouth will do most of the marketing for you - Register for My Spiritual Business Mega Course Here

NEW Category! All of My Light Language Transmissions Are Now 100% Pay Whatever You Want. 460 Items!

Pay What You Want for These Master Courses! Minimum of $22.27...

Learn to Channel Master Course ∞Ascended Masters, ETs, Archangels, Faeries & More

Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In ∞A Master Course

Perfect Health, Infinite Vitality & Ideal Body Weight ∞A Master Course

Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love ∞Master Course

Making Contact with Extra Terrestrials ∞A Master Course

Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension ∞Master Course

Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others ∞A Master Course

How to Attract Your Twin Flame and/or Soulmate Master Course

Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams ∞A Master Course

Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Starting a Spiritual Business ∞A Master Course

Pay Whatever You Want for All of My Mega Bundles - Minimum of $22.27...

Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle

Manifest Your Best Life ∞Mega Bundle

Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle

Money & Abundance Flow ∞Mega Bundle

Raise Your Vibration ∞Mega Bundle

Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle

Heal Your Physical Body ∞A Mega Bundle

Connecting with, Receiving from & Channeling Your Spirit Guides ∞Mega Bundle of Recordings

DNA Upgrades, Healings & Activations ∞Mega Bundle

Attract Your Soulmate/Twin Flame & Love Yourself ∞Mega Bundle

Emotional & Energetic Healing ∞Mega Bundle

Mind & Brain Upgrade ∞A Mega Bundle

Confidence, Courage & Personal Power ∞Mega Bundle

Ascending to the 5th Dimension ∞A Mega Bundle

The Yeshua Collection ∞A Mega Bundle

Chakra Recordings ∞Mega Bundle

Protection from & Clearing of Negative Energies ∞Mega Bundle

Pay What You Want for These Melchizedek Activations...

Melchizedek’s Vibrational Upgrade Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation of Your Healing Abilities ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s 7 Main Chakra Upgrade Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Higher Mind Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Passive Income Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Clairaudience Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Starseed Lineage Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Throat Chakra Activation for Speaking Your Truth Setting Boundaries & Expressing Yourself ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation for All of Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation for Your Ideal Timeline ∞Pay What You Want 


Melchizedek’s Activation for Youthful Appearance & Vitality ∞Pay What You Want


Melchizedek’s Crown Chakra Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Weight Loss Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Soulmate Relationship Activation ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation of Your Pineal Gland & 3rd Eye Chakra ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation of All 12 Strands Of Your DNA ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation for Activating Your Channeling Abilities ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek’s Activation for Healing Your Physical Body ∞Pay What You Want

Melchizedek's Abundance Receptor Activation ∞Pay What You Want

ALL My Pay What You Want Items

THIS CATEGORY IS NEW and there are over 150 Offerings...

Pay What You Want for the First 151 Items in My Store...

Here are the Other Pay What You Want Items on my Site...

Buy the Recordings from my Latest Beginners Group Channeling Class Here ∞Pay What You Want - The 2 hours  you will spend with me while listening to these recordings of my March 2024 Beginners Group Channeling Class will include the following: A lecture from me on channeling, all the tips and tricks I've developed over the years to get into the channeling state and bring through valuable teachings, questions from the attendees and answers from me, 2 processes for putting you in the channeling state

I know that these techniques work, because I've been teaching channeling since late 2013, and I've seen so many of my former students develop into amazing channelers after working with me. I've even taught a few channelers who now channel professionally. In my experience, the methods in this class work and they work consistently.

Now, I had no one to teach me how to channel, so I'm self taught as a channeler, and I do believe that is what makes me an effective teacher of channeling. Any of you who listens to these recordings may then decide that you want to work with me for one-on-one lessons. You can sign up for one or a series of four of those here: Learn to Channel with Daniel Scranton

NEW Offering! - When you purchase this Personalized Mantra from The Buddha, I will record a short mantra and send it to you via email whenever I get a chance to get it done. I’ll channel The Buddha, as I love channeling him, and he seemed like the best choice to call forth for this offering. Once you do receive it, you can use your mantra in any way that you would like. You can meditate with it. You can repeat it while you’re doing something mundane, like washing the dishes or brushing your teeth, and in so doing, you’ll be able to stay more mindful and present with whatever you’re doing in the moment. This mantra will be yours and yours alone, and you will feel the resonance with itPersonalized Mantra from The Buddha

Using the Power of Your Voice to Heal, Manifest & Ascend to 5D - Audio Recordings - Purchase Here - In this course, Kimberly Rieli – my original voice coach from 2011-2013 – and I both taught and provided practical exercises on the topic of how you can use your voice to heal, manifest & ascend to the 5th dimension. I’ve experienced the power of toning, speaking light languages, and speaking mantras in my own creation process, and so has Kimberly, who is an accomplished singer, sound healer and teacher. We can both say that the use of sound and tones in our lives have without a doubt brought us more of what we want to experience in this world. In each of the three weeks of this course (each recording is over 1 hour in length), we covered different ways we all have of using our voice to heal, create our reality, raise our vibration, and ultimately ascend to the fifth dimension. Using the Power of Your Voice to Heal, Manifest & Ascend to 5D - Audio Recordings - Purchase Here

Moved in to New Home Australia & Requesting Help via Donations - As you already know, we got the loan for the house, but we still need to furnish it. So I am still open to receiving your donationsThanks in advance for even considering this, and I do not want anyone to feel obliged to give. But if you want to and can, here is the link...Make a Donation to Daniel Scranton for His Continued Chaneling & Healing Work

My NEW Book is out!!! "Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 5."  Order it on here! The paperbackhardcover and Kindle editions are all available. But you can also buy volumes 1 through 4 if you want to. All of those are available in hardcover and Kindle editions.

July 2023 Beginners Group Channeling Class 2-Hour Audio Recording - In the first hour of this recording, I talked about channeling, and I took questions from the class about their experiences with channeling. I offered tips and tricks that I learned over the years from being a channeler (I’ve been channeling since 2010), and I also spoke from the place of having learned a thing or two about channeling from Abraham, Bashar, and others. The first hour of the class is one that is filled with practical steps, information about where to channel, how to help yourself get there, and how to take care of your body as you do. I also talked about the expectations that you and others may have about your channeling, and I attempted to set everyone’s minds at ease about the possibility of accessing “all the answers” for the rest of humanity. Love <3

In the second hour of this recording, I took the class through two exercises, and I gave everyone in the class the opportunity to channel the being/collective that they had connected to during those exercises. You as the listener can always pause the recording if you want/need more time to connect and potentially bring through some energy and information from above. It is my belief that with these two hours of recorded class materials, you have everything you need to become a full verbal channelerJoy! - July 2023 Beginners Group Channeling Class 2-Hour Audio Recording

What Is the Becoming a Professional Channeler Mentorship Program?

This is a one-year mentorship program where I will walk you through the process of becoming a channeler, and I will then take you through the steps of becoming a professional channeler. In other words, I’ll teach you how to make money doing the thing you love that also happens to be of service to all of humanity. I’ve been working as a professional channeler since the Fall of 2010, and I’ve been earning a six-figure income doing so since 2016. Not only do I love teaching people how to channel, but I also enjoy exploring the business side of being a professional channeler. That means I’m excited to work with you! And you can start this mentorship program at any time during the year…you definitely don’t have to wait till the first of the year to sign up. Love <3

What Do You Get With This Mentorship I’m Offering?

We will meet 3 times a month for one-hour sessions. In those sessions, depending on where you are in your journey, we will either have a channeling lesson, or we will discuss how to take your channeling to the people in order to make money from it. You can use the 60 minutes however you like. In addition to that, you’ll be able to attend any of the classes in my Mega Courses: Learn to Channel & Spiritual Business. There’s a good chance I’ll be doing at least one of them per month (sometimes more than one per month) during the course of your mentorship with me. That’s a total of 48 hours of time learning from me as well. 36+48=84. That’s 84 hours of total time learning to channel and becoming a spiritual entrepreneur with me, someone who knows a thing or two about both. Joy!

What Else Do You Get in Working with Me as a Mentor?

We can have as many email exchanges as you need, and we can also communicate by text via Instagram direct messages or Facebook messenger. If you don’t like either of those platforms, we can use Whatsapp or Viber. It doesn’t matter to me. We can communicate by messaging on whichever platform you prefer. And on top of all of that, I will monitor your progress by reading or watching your channeled messages and visiting your website. I’ll also review marketing materials you have, like pages on your website, ads, etc., and I’ll give you my feedback. I look forward to working with you! - Become My First Ever Mentee by Clicking Here!

June 2023 Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council ∞Audio - This 2-Hour audio recording is from my Advanced Group Channeling Class with The 9D Arcturian Council that took place in June 2023. This is a recording that you can listen to several times, or you can just choose the exercises you really like, and listen to those particular processes over and over again…to practice your channeling skills! (And practice really does make perfect). In the course of this 2-hour recording, you’ll hear the Arcturians teaching the entire class and offering all the exercises, bringing the class participants into the channeling state so that they could bring through their higher selves, spirit guides, a faerie being, an ascended master, an archangel, an Atlantean past life self, a Pleiadian, and a group/being that they could be surprised by. Love <3

The 9D Arcturian Council and myself are the only beings/people you will hear speaking on this recording, and therefore, even though you didn’t attend the class live, you will still be able to benefit from it as though you were there! You have the luxury of listening at your own pace, pausing, stopping it after 30 minutes or so and coming back to it. The recording can be used however you like. Joy! - June 2023 Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council ∞Audio

If you've ever wanted to see what most people are interested in purchasing on my website, click the big purple square below...

These Mega Bundles of Recordings Are All Priced at Over 50% Off. That Means with the LOVE Coupon Code & 50% Off Sale, you will Receive the Recordings in these Bundles at over 75% Off. There are Bundles for Learning to ChannelMoney & Abundance FlowRaising Your VibrationProtection from & Clearing of Negative EnergiesDNA Upgrades, Healings & ActivationsActivate Your Spiritual GiftsHeal Your Physical Body, Connecting with, Receiving from & Channeling Your Spirit GuidesThe Yeshua CollectionMind & Brain UpgradeAscending to the 5th DimensionConfidence, Courage & Personal PowerManifest Your Best Life, Physical Body Upgrade All of My Chakra Recordings.

Check Out the Bestselling Items in my Website's Store Here

Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset - In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset. Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your dayJoy! <3 - Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset

Learn to Channel Master Course - 21 Recordings - Over 9 Hours of Content - This is a NEW offering - a Master Course on Learning to Channel. You get a 2-hour recording from my Beginners Group Channeling Class, a 2-hour recording from my Intermediate Group Channeling Class, and a 2-hour recording from my Advanced Group Channeling Class...PLUS you get 18 additional meditations, light language transmissions, sound healings, and other channeled recordings that will put you into the channeling state, and get you channeling higher-dimensional beings of light and love! Learn to Channel Master Course - 21 Recordings - Over 9 Hours of Content

Archangel Michael's 15-Minute Guided Meditation for Right Before Falling Asleep. Sleep. It's a mysterious time where a lot of things can happen. Tossing and turning, dreaming, astral traveling, and visitations from e.t.s. It's good to fall asleep with the right energy and in the right frame of mind. It's also nice to feel protected as we drift off to sleep and begin our travels in the astral plane. That's why I channeled this 15-minute guided meditation with the help of Archangel Michael. This meditation will help you drift off to sleep with the knowing that you're going to wake up feeling refreshed, and you'll also fall asleep more quickly, as it will take you out of your thoughts and worries about the previous day and the days to come. Love <3

Listening to this meditation every night as you fall asleep will set you up nicely for a restful night's sleep, and it will also help to ensure that your astral travels are safe and memorable. If there are any e.t. visitations coming for you during the night, and/or any upgrades and activations from your guides, this meditation will help all of that go smoothly so that you can receive the full benefits of what your spirit guides and e.t. friends have in mind for you. Joy! - Archangel Michael's 15-Minute Guided Meditation for Right Before Falling Asleep. Sleep

Archangel Michael’s 40-Minute Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing - Our Seven Main Chakras. I don’t know if the average person understands their significance in our lives, but if you’re reading this, I gather you do recognize their power! This is a 40-minute recording of a very meditative process for opening, clearing, cleansing, and activating the seven main chakras in our bodies. Archangel Michael was the ideal candidate for me to channel for this recording, because they offer such a soothing tone of voice, and the energy infused into this recording reflects the enormity of this being of light. This offering contains visualizationsprocesseslight languages and overtones to work on each of the seven main chakras, individually and one by one, starting at the crown and working down to the root chakra. It’s powerful, healing, and will certainly be very long lasting in its effectiveness. Love <3 - Archangel Michael’s 40-Minute Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing

Master Course - How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame - For this Master Course, titled: How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame, I’ve included over 8 hours of recordings from two of my 3-week courses and 12 other recordings from a variety of the beings and collectives I channel, including: Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, The 9D Arcturian Council, Archangel Michael & The Creators. The first of the two 3-week courses is called “Attracting Your Soulmate: Let Love In.” The course focuses on self-love, letting go of trauma from past relationships, and finally, attracting the love partner in that you do actually want to connect with next in your life – your soulmate. I have also included the 3 hours of recordings from the 3-week course titled “Integrating the Divine Masculine & Feminine: Becoming Whole Again” because I believe that integration is also a HUGE step forward in being in the romantic relationship of your dreams. I also believe that self-love is so important in the process of attracting your soulmate/twin flame. That’s why I included my wife Maricris’ 5-week Journey into Divine Self Love. And there are also a whole slew of other recordings included in this master course. - Master Course - How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame

Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞A NEW Master Course - This Master Course includes 32 recordings, totaling over 8 hours of listening time. First, you’ll want to listen to the 4 one-hour-long recordings from my “Making Contacts w/E.T.s 3-Week Course.” Next, you’ll be able to choose from the other 28 recordings, which include Meditations, Light Languages, Breathing Exercises, Mantras, Sound Healings, and Activations. There are also a few “How-To” recordings. All in all, it’s one of my biggest master courses yet! I recommend listening to the meditations daily, while choosing from the other recordings whichever ones jump out at you initially. Listen to them all several times to get the full effect, and then prepare for your contact experiences to manifest in your reality! ∞Love, Daniel - Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞A NEW Master Course

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