Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ashtar Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

The 🛸Galactic Civilization called Transmuters XXX5 with almost no flesh robotic creatures opened a portal above in the sky in 🇺🇸United States, Arizona. They have very advanced technology, who can open portals anywhere for themselves and enter anywhere in the 🌌Cosmos. Transmuters XXX5 tried to scan 🌎Gaia through the portal. If they like the planet, then they land and take over the territory. We call them the Galactic 🏴‍☠️Pirates.
They can destroy a whole planet and take only with them, on what can be useful for them. Basically, they were scanning the surface of your world and released a small robotic system to take accurate data about 🌎Mother Earth. Vrillon with his team on my command sealed the open portal, before they got a chance to think about landing. Their presence leaked into your dimension, some humans took pictures of this event. It look like circular rings in the ☁️clouds.
The Transmuters can’t create another portal, as we installed a special device in the atmosphere of your planet, which will not disclose the real position of 🌍Gaia. Don’t worry, you are safe from the Dark 🛸Galactic Civilizations from invading your planet
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces


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