Monday, June 3, 2024

6/6/6 (2+4=6) New Moon Meditation + 4 Big Astrological Squares from 8th-12th

144K Gemini New Moon Mass Meditation - Links Below!



You Can't Make This Stuff Up.


There was another intense battle & clearing last Thursday, that seemed centered around the 10's of millions of years attempt by the dark ones to hijack or replicate the Goddess Creation Of Life / Birthing Of Life abilities.


It consisted of dark wombs, that looked like regular dark spheres from the outside, and there were thousands of them throughout some realm or frequency on Gaia I didn't have the time to work out.


Some women on the surface helped take on some of this trauma, while others were used in dark ritual processes back in Atlantis, as part of the attempts to create a 'dark womb of the Goddess'.


Yes, I know ...


But we know what darkness is like, and this is why we fight! 


So if last Thursday (US times) was a crappy day for you, that's likely why.


These spheres/realms/wombs were unsurprisingly containing swarms of entities.


All cleared ... so it's full-stream ahead with our freedom ... but it resulted in another lost day of 3D productivity.


Oh well ... I guess that's what 144k HQ on Patreon 

(hint: Galactic Contact packages are June's Patreon Gift to you)...


....& the monthly 144k training webinars are for :- )




June 6, 2024

New Moon in Gemini Event



As 'The Plan' continues to mature & take-shape per the Trump conviction (to cause outrage over how blatantly rigged the system is, in the unconscious majority) ...


... what's left of the dark ones are getting all excited about this New Moon being on June 6th, with the last two numbers of the year coming to 6 as well.



The 4 Astrological Squares


Possible Danger Period



They're also hoping to take advantage of 4 planetary squares from the 8th to the 12th ... with the peak being Mars Squaring Pluto:


Venus is Squaring Saturn on the 8th


Sun is Squaring Saturn on the 9th


Mars Squaring Pluto on the 11th

(the main danger day, possibly violent, very combative, collectively & personally) 


Mercury Squaring Saturn on the 12th



This means ...


... saddle up ... buckle up ... and BE THERE to help remove as much non-physical garbage that'll make things go out of control & far worse


... if not pre-emptively removed!



The Dark ones KNOW this, and are gearing up.


It won't save them of course ... but their actions can hurt & cause huge frustration, at a personal level too.


Saturn is squaring this New Moon ... which means work, practicality & realism is the name of the game ... which the dark occultists know & understand.


Thank goodness the 144K will be there with the same understanding ... professionalism ... and practical realism when it comes to energy work & Planetary Liberation ...


... to thwart & reverse the dark ones' rituals, so that Planetary Liberation receives another timeline upgrade & acceleration.


The 'counter-evolutionary forces' will still attempt false flags, (economic, war, biological weapons, etc) between the 8th & the 12th ... and groups like the 144K will ensure this all fails & backfires on them!



Making their demise even faster ...

if enough of us show up!



It's unlikely any real intel will come before the June 6th New Moon event, but who knows.


Breakthroughs will occur more regularly now.


See you on the higher planes ... 3 days from now ...


....where the biggest difference is made!





Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 







June 6th - 2024

New Moon In Gemini

144K Mass Meditation



Date: June 6, 2024


Time: 8AM EDT [US]


New Moon Peak: 8:38AM


Your Timezone:


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Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638






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