Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lord Orion: The Advent of the Light

Lighted Earth Grid

Lord Orion:  The Advent of the Light

I AM Orion.  Greetings.

Today, we are going to try something different.  I will be dictating to my scribe another essay. Let us begin:

It would appear to the average person that the world has gone berserk, but is that really the case?  Not at all.  It is simply that all which has been hidden from the common people, the working people, is now being revealed.

The Dark Archons who have controlled the planet have been removed by the one who accidentally was the major factor in their creation, Sophia.  Thea Sophia has now departed the planet and taken her miscreations with her, which were part of the essence of her own dark unresolved shadows.  Study the Gnostic teachings if you wish to learn more about Sophia and the Archons.

What is left on the planet today are the archons who are hidden within individuals.  This is, of course, one aspect of the darkness that exists upon Terra.  Another explanation or alternative perspective speaks of the dark ones from the Orion Empire, who joined forces with the Dracos and Reptilians to conquer portions of this solar system many millions of years ago.  During that timeline, the energetic ley lines of the planet were overtaken and intentionally perverted, setting the planet off-keel, leaning on its side instead of being upright.  Anti-life codes were embedded into the ley lines, creating a limited energetic pattern that repeated upon itself… until quite recently.  Now, that pattern has been released and the energies of Cosmic Light has been free to penetrate deeply into the dark shadows so carefully erected by the dark minions.

Now, the planet and certain regions of the solar system of Sol are undergoing a purging of the darkness that has striven to control and dominate.  The purpose of creating a cyborg military force made up of formerly ‘human’ beings, now super soldiers, was to enact galactic takeover and invasion of the worst kind.  So, the forces of Light have come back in time to rectify the situation, having identified the source of the galactic plague of locusts as beginning here on Terra, the Moon, and Mars.  Read the works of Alex Collier for more details on this staged galactic invasion by the Dracos, negative Orion Empire, and their Reptilian allies.

So, what is happening on Terra today? Events are being orchestrated by a band of rebels, men and women whose fellows recognized decades ago that our country had been invaded from within by forces from Nazi Germany, who, despite what Americans were told post WWII, did not lose the war.  Wealthy Americans with German roots provided cover to bring in hundreds of Nazi scientists and former officers and place them into important positions within all kinds of industries and federally-funded research centers, including the North American Space Agency or NASA.  President Eisenhower warned the public of the growing influence and reach of the military-industrial complex, but he didn’t mention the alien influence coming from the off-world allies.  The evil branches of mad scientists with anti-human agendas penetrated deeply into the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, into ‘medical’ research labs that pursued genetic experiments, seeking out agents to breakdown human immune systems, and eventually to create the human cyborg super soldiers as desired by the alien forces.  For more information, research the articles, books, and videos presented by Dr. Michael Salla and others relating some of this dark and hidden history.

So, what is happening today with the push to get experimental vaccines to as much of the population as possible?  For one, there is an ongoing push towards depopulation and dehumanization of the remaining population, so that the former minions of the alien and interdimensional dark forces can take over control of the resources of the planet.  With their genetic prowess, they can create super soldiers in labs, utilizing cell lines.  They do not require billions of ‘useless eaters’ to continue their existence; they have served their purpose acting as servants and slaves, stripped of free will and the power granted them by their divine connection to Creator Source energy. 

What is the purpose of the vaccine?  It certainly is not to cure or prevent infection.  Despite the extreme level of censorship, some statistics and scientific studies are reaching people and being disseminated throughout the Internet.  And despite all efforts to choke off news, people have been able to observe the negative effects of the vaccine on their own friends, colleagues and family members as formerly healthy individuals have suddenly developed exotic conditions like Bells Palsy, heart conditions, nervous conditions, and have allegedly died of Covid. 

What is the underlying factor emphasizing the current desperation of the dark ones?  They know they have been discovered, their plans laid out in broad daylight despite all their efforts to remain hidden and in the dark.  What is currently being played out, on a world-wide scale is a silent cyber war of information, where one team, the White Hats, are orchestrating events that illuminate and define the horrible extent of the agenda long planned of the dark ones to take down and pervert society to their will.  In opposition are the forces, really the remaining minions of the dark forces who are stubbornly, defiantly attempting to pursue that same dark agenda and take down as many humans as possible before they are taken down.  Yes, matters look desperate when you glance at certain events like the ill-thought-out bumbling with the removal of military forces from Afghanistan and the finger-pointing being directed towards the unelected ‘president’ of the United States, a puppet-character called Biden.

Who is the puppet-master of Biden?  Well, that would be Obama, the Manchurian candidate designed by the Central Intelligence Agency and other foreign intelligence agencies including British MI6 and Israeli Mossad to fulfill their wishes to initiate a sixteen year plan to take down America by weakening its military forces, its economy, the middle class, and to bring perversion into the culture utilizing legalized propaganda through media sources and lies presented as truth to the populace.  Through the persuasion of numerous and multiple sources, seemingly disparate sources, poisons were introduced into agricultural practices, poisons were introduced into pharmaceuticals, psychological warfare and mind-programming was introduced into the schools, laws were put into place that benefited aliens (non-citizens) and attacked the rights of the native born… as the nation was taken down to its collective knees until an unlikely candidate was selected by a secret cabal of military intelligence to spearhead a movement to bring awareness to the people, to give them hope and strength to endure the changes that must come to overtake the dark agenda, break the power of its minions and policy-makers and make it clear, once and for all to the world what was really going on for centuries here on this planet.

 The plots of the dark are failing.  Why?  It is the natural cycle of ascension that periodically returns to this world which is allowing for the forces of good to overtake and destroy what has been attempted by the dark forces.  Yes, you will say… “But, my lord, people have been hurt, people are dying, from fear, from starvation, from the effects of the vaccines…” Yes, my children… you have in the midst of an undeclared war, a war of information, where one side has had to weigh the effects of its operation on the general populace whereas the opponents have gone all out in an attempt to destroy as much as possible out of desperation for, they know they are losing.  Call it a scorched earth policy, destroying as much as possible before the opponent gains victory so the winners have, in effect, lost nearly all in the end. 

Yet the dark ones, the ones who do not contain the sacred and fiery heart of the Divine within their physical form, have defied the laws of the Cosmos.  They do not care.  There is no god but their dark god that seeks to devour, destroy and pervert all goodness.  All kinds of ‘isms’ have been designed to interpenetrate society, to create division and to sow discord between genders (Feminism), politics (Marxism), religions (Satanism), nations (‘United’ Nations, NATO)… to poison the minds of the young and destroy those who spoke out against the subtle erosion of individual and national rights and privileges, conditioning the common people to think and believe that they were somehow lesser beings, deserving punishment and hardship all their miserable hand-to-mouth existence.

That cycle of scarcity and destruction is coming to an end, truly.  The advent of the Light is upon humanity, bringing clarity and insight to those who are still standing as stalwarts against the mass-induced psychosis brought upon the populace through the propaganda-driven statistical computer-generated pandemic of a non-existent ‘virus’… which is the common cold.  Covid 19 is simply an imaginary phantasm designed and constructed by those who wanted to bring the populations of the planet into panic and fear, to empower the ultimate agenda to begin a long-planned depopulation agenda driven by a tiny minority of so-called outrageously wealthy and arrogant ‘elite’.  The agenda is being exposed through the soul-level sacrifices of many lighted individuals who made the choice to receive vaccinations.

Covid-19 has never been ‘isolated’.  The ‘virus’ is simply the common cold.  The measurements coming from the so-called testing have been purposefully elevated to ‘measure’ the existence of any RNA, the statistics then altered to include all possible means of death including motor vehicle accidents, long-term pre-existing conditions like Diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer and other factors.  All of this was loudly and incessantly proclaimed to drive fear into the hearts and minds of the populace and to give ‘permission’ to the governments of the world to crackdown and isolate and separate their people from their normal everyday affairs, from their own family members, from each other, from their own common sense.  Research into the work of John Rappaport to see the ‘reality’ behind the medical mythology of virology. 

The takedown is here… what takedown you may say.  Well, the revelations, the grand unveiling of all of the plots against humanity are being uncovered.  The election of President Trump was a major defeat of the dark agenda. His apparent defeat at the hands of the Democrats in 2020 was a ruse, played out for the benefit of the common people everywhere.  What appears to be the disintegration of our nation, of our society, is the unveiling of the extent of the infiltration and penetration of the deceit, the lies, the manipulations, the perversion of all institutions and systems by the dark, anti-human agenda.  It is all being exposed to the Light and will wither in the heat and attention placed upon it by the righteous anger of a newly awakened people. 

Why now?  Cycles, my dear ones… cycles.  Time exists in vast cycles of creation and destruction.  Now, is the ending of a vast cycle called the Great Year, as the planet moves through the ending of one age and into another, from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian, in the grand precession of the equinox.  Then, there is the fact that the entire solar system is moving, has moved into a particularly light-filled region of space referred by some as the Photon Belt.  See this article for more explanation regarding ancient beliefs and scientific findings about the Photon Belt:

Whatever the reason, the planet has been plunged into a transitional cycle, with new energies replacing old energies, new systems (both positive and negative) being tested out for effect as the battle is staged by the dark forces to finally achieve victory or the light forces to finally achieve freedom for humanity and the world.  Who will win?  God wins.  Creator source energy wins, even as it is embodied within those individuals who seek to defy the Draconian measures being forced by some governments upon their own people.

This time, long foretold in the spiritual teachings of indigenous peoples worldwide, in religious and spiritual philosophies, has arrived upon the horizon, the Great Apocalypse or unveiling of all the secrets designed to both destroy humanity and to save humanity.  You are living through a tremendous upturning of all that is unhealthy, the revelation of all the dark anti-human, anti-life plots of the malicious forces that have long had illusions of grandeur of their own self-worth, and designs against their fellow creatures.

The plots needed to be played out before the eyes of the world and so you are now seeing the visuals, wincing in disbelief as the inhuman agenda is exposed, the machinations of centuries of deceitful manipulation is being unveiled for those with eyes to see and ears to hear… and the heart flame to KNOW the Truth when it is being revealed in all of its ugly glory.

This sorrowful and hope-filled journey is not yet over, dear ones; there is still much to play out on the world stage as the Draconian governments are taken down and removed by their outraged citizens and replaced by… well, that is yet to be determined.  However, it was deemed necessary to expose the dark agenda in its entirety, which means unveiling and uncovering the ugly nature of what has been done and what has been planned.  The agenda of the dark is sordid and deeply-rooted in our societies, world-wide.  All institutions have been corrupted and infiltrated; none will exist beyond their sale date, but will have to be rebuilt, transformed into a new way of living. 

There will be no more coercion, whether overt or covert, by governments designed to control the populace.  People will have to learn or remember how to govern themselves, whether working alone or in groups.  Cooperation, generosity, creativity and innovation will be inspired by the sudden freedom to make choices beyond what was begrudgingly allowed in the past. 

The creative abilities of humanity, when released from the binding effects of Draconian measures, can succeed and reveal solutions to all problems that have existed and persisted within the limited means allowed by the controllers.  A freed humanity, freed of the burden of debt, from imperious laws and regulations, freed of fear, lies, and deceit… and reconnected with the true source of unlimited power, their connection with Source energy… will soon exceed their own wildest dreams with a world filled of abundance, peace, and boundless love for each other. 

It is because the former controllers knew of this possibility, that humanity would be freed from their slavery through the advent of this long-awaited Ascension cycle that they have hurriedly effected their plans to thwart, yet again, another ascension cycle.  For, yes, many such cycles and ascension windows have been closed due to the machinations of those who know just enough to deny the creative divinity that exists within the heart flames of humanity.  Yet, the flame of freedom has long burned within the hearts of men and women, who longed to breathe free, to be able to think for themselves outside the artificial layers of societal mores pressed in upon them by alien influences.  And help has come from outside of humanity as lighted souls volunteered to come here, in obedience to Cosmic Law, to take part in seeding the Light, acting as embers to restart the fires within the hearts of mankind, that humanity might see the Light, know it for what it truly is and seek to free themselves from the traps in which they have been long bound within, the artificial matrix of the dark ones.

The Light or intelligence of the Divine is now breaking through the mechanical and unnatural defenses of the dark systems.  People are waking up realizing that their governments are designed to control them, not to aid them, but to defeat them.  They are rising up in rebellion, a righteous rebellion emboldened and inspired by the divine flame of Life that exists within every lighted human being, true organic human being, on this planet.

Much will be revealed in the coming days, months, and years.  This transitional period will see a reduction in the human population which will occur due to the free will choices made by those who are unwilling to step forth into the Light and to see what has been perpetrated against humanity through the long dark ages of the Kali Yuga and beyond.  This will not be a time of unicorns and bubbles for many, yet hope will reign as humanity again renews its connection with the Divine and remembers its power and creative potential that exists within all organic humans.

And now, dear ones, we will end this essay… Hopefully, we have delineated in short form some of what is going on, what is being revealed.  We merely give you avenues and suggestions that you must pursue on your own for we are not here to give you answers like candy presented on a silver platter.  No, dear ones; it is up to each of you to decide whether or not you wish to gaze upon the harsh truth that has long been denied and hidden from you… and to see beyond it to the promised land of milk and honey that exists for all those who have chosen for themselves to align with Cosmic Law.

And I see into the hearts of men, what has been hidden for long painful ages, now being dissolved by the Light of Creation, by the Love of the Divine Feminine with the return of balance and the reformation of the true power and beauty embedded into your sacred and unique plasma Light Bodies.  Humanity… there are no limits save those you create in your own minds.  Seek and ye shall find that ye are Gods in potential, even as the Son of Man told you long ago.


We are One.

I AM Orion.

Scribe:  Eliza Ayres

© All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres. Videos and recordings of this written material is not permitted. and

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