Tuesday, January 2, 2024

'X5' Solar Fare, 7.5 Earthquake, Mass Upheaval. And 2024 just started

Firstly, allow me to extend to you a warm & loving Happy New Year, if you follow artifical time of 3D consensus reality!!!


I'm more a fan of the energetic [real] New Year, which doesn't start till about the Chinese New Year, (late Jan/early Feb ... that's why it always still feels like the previous year, throughout January).


Remember what I said about 2024 in the Shadow Work Central Training?!



1) Support & Update for 2024



Those who attended or watched the Shadow Work Central Masterclass will remember the intel segment on what to expect in 2024, where I said that it's going to bring us the most intense internal & external cleansing ...


... thanks to far greater [purging] Central Sun energies & Solar blasts (forget winds) than 2022 & 2023 combined, (which was hard enough :- /  )...


And sure enough ... we were all 'fire-hosed' with an unprecedented 'X5' Solar Flare (I didn't know such a classification & measurement existed) ... and 2024 has barely started.


This is a prophetic heralding & higher vision of the fact that 2024 is the year of unprecedented internal & external upheaval, unless:


  • the 144K is 'on the ball' and clears the external blocks, for gentler but quicker liberation of humanity that reduces geological & societal volatility ... and saves lives
  • you're 'on the ball' with quick & easy to use tools that go deep enough, transmute enough & to heal and release the baggage we all know we can't take with us, for anyone serious about ascension.


We'll all 'get there'...


So no need to worry ...


But there's always the hard road (perceptually longer) ... or the easy road (perceptually quicker). 


The purging cosmic winds are not the issue. They're needed to get us freed!


It's how we handle it. 


I want to stress that, it DOESN'T need to be hard, in any morbid perpetual way!


That's what these two webinars are all about.


The preparations for initial off-world communications are progressing & evolving well, to ensure it's safe for us, and safe for a true two-way communication.


This is what the second webinar is mostly focused on.


You'll enjoy an uplifting revelation on why your personal abilities need to be unraveled at a higher level, for PRE-Event contact!


Hence the:


Unravel Your Abilities

Accelerated Ascension Training, with the

 4-Step Protocol To Galactic Family Contact BEFORE The Event

Now on Saturday, Jan 6th




I want to make it all happen for you way sooner  :- )


Watch your inbox for the registration link!


...coming tomorrow....




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior


ps. like Shadow Work Central ... you'll get the 4-Step Protocol & you'll also qualify for amazing New Year's specials on powerful 144K tools you may have missed in the past ...  for a small $20 fee, to keep the 144K ship going full steam ahead.




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