Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Don't wait until 2024 ∞The 12D Creators: a Non-physical Collective Consciousness

Don't wait until 2024 ∞The 12D Creators: a Non-physical Collective Consciousness

No espere hasta 2024 - los creadores de 12d - canalizado por daniel scranton - canalizador de extraterrestres

Don't Wait Until 2024 ∞The 12D Creators: A Non-Physical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

"We are here for you. We are the Creators. We are a collective of non-physical beings from the twelfth dimension and we are here to help. 

We really enjoyed experiencing its evolution. We have a lot with you all on the astral plane while you sleep. We know who you really are and we know that you can wake up within the dream you are living and start living the best of both worlds. You can start doing this now or wait until 2024. You can wait until the next eclipse or until the next solstice. It's your decision. You can begin to live as unlimited beings of unconditional love in which you are right at this very moment, if you can convince yourself that it is possible to do so. 

If you can begin by recognizing that everything is your creation, that will help you, because you will find it easier to stay in the state of unconditional love when you recognize that everything that is in front of you is your creation. You can love it or hate it. You can accept it or resist it. You can leave it as is or try to fix it. It's entirely up to you, but who you are is so important that you enjoy challenging yourself to become more fully who and what you really are. That's what we like to see you do, and while it may seem like you're just being punished, or even tortured, imprisoned for being there, remember that you are the only ones who could choose that experience. 

And you choose each experience from a place of power and a place of mastery. You don't choose your experiences from a place of guilt or from a place of shame. You don't think that you have so much growing to do that you then have to face all these challenges. No. The opposite is true. You know that you already are that being of light and love, but you want to experience the movement that comes from growing in that from a place where you don't know it, and we are here to support you in that and remind you of who that is. you really are every step of the way. 

Now, when you get enough of these messages, they override your initial programming, telling you something quite different from what we're telling you now. And you are there to tear down the old beliefs, the old systems, the old ways of doing things, and start with something new, something fresh, something different, something more life-affirming and more empowering, and that's what You are doing. YouTube calls the people who make YouTube videos "Creators," because that's what they're doing. You are creating something and you are sharing it with others and they can choose to resonate with it, enjoy it or not, but you created it.

You create something, again your entire reality, and then you decide what you think about it, how you feel about it, what the impact might be, and you can start right now, living that truth of who you really are and sharing it. the messages that come through you to anyone who wants to be more than they are, who wants to have more power. Again, you don't have to wait for any big event or any moment on the calendar that says "Now is the time!" You have received our invitation and the invitation of your soul, your higher self, Source. We are all here to encourage you and then witness your beautiful growth experiences. 

We are The Creators and we love you very much.


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