Saturday, December 16, 2023



The Phoenicians of Carthage are Satanists, worshiping all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.



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In his work, Alexander Dugin characterizes Russia as the land power of ‘Eternal Rome’, fighting against the Atlanticist "The Phoenician Sea People" The Pirates! - Sea Powers United Kingdom morphing into the Anglo-American Empire and it’s vassals of the European Union EUSSR of ‘Eternal Carthage’ or the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have ruled this planet for 10,000 years.

Alexander Dugin traces the geopolitical development of Russia from its origins in Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire, through the peak of its global influence during the Soviet era, and finally to the current presidency of Vladimir Putin.

Dugin sees Russia as the primary geopolitical pole of the land-based civilizations of the world, forever destined to be in conflict with the sea-based civilizations. At one time the pole of the seafaring civilizations was the British Empire; today it is represented by the United States and its NATO allies.

Russia can only fulfill its geopolitical mission by remaining in opposition to the Satanic Phoenician Pirate Sea Powers. Today, according to Dugin, this conflict is not only geopolitical in scope, but also ideological: Russia is the primary representative and defender of traditional Christian values and idealism, whereas the West stands for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire and Sabbatean Frankist values of Globalism, liberalism, LGBTPS Pedophilia, Satanism and Abortion Sacrifice and the market-driven society.

Whereas Russia began to lose sight of its mission during the 1990s and threatened to succumb to domination by the Western powers, Dugin believes that Putin has begun to correct its course and return Russia to her proper place. But the struggle is far from over: while progress has been made, Russia remains torn between its traditional nature and the temptations of globalism, Satanism and Westernization, and its enemies undermine it at every turn.

Dugin makes the case that it is only by remaining true to the Eurasian path that Russia can survive and flourish in any genuine sense – otherwise it will be reduced to a servile and secondary place in the world, and the forces of liberalism will dominate the world, unopposed.

There is probably only a handful of writers that have, in recent years, received more attention than Mr. Dugin, heralded not only as an insightful geopolitical thinker, but also as one of the major intellectual forces behind Russia‘s resurgence in international relations at the beginning of the 21st century. Dugin, a founder of Russia‘s Eurasian movement, has been seen as one of the most influential voices among the Kremlin‘s elites (Newman 2014).

Given Russia‘s recent actions, his 2015 book, which is a translation of the 2012 Russian edition dedicated to Russian geopolitics, deserves proper attention, insofar as explaining Russia‘s foreign policy and its recent moves in Crimea and Ukraine are concerned.

Last War of the World-Island is divided in five chapters. The first one is dedicated to establishing a geopolitics of Russia‘s future, after carefully studying Russian society‘s present and past. Dugin wholeheartedly adopts the British Empire's Chief Geopolitician Mackinder‘s view of history and politics, arguing that Russia, the country occupying the pivot-space of history (Mackinder 1904, pp. 423-436) and also in reference to Mackinder adopts ―the landman‘s point of view‖ (Mackinder

1942, pp. 53-82). In fact, if Mackinder‘s Democratic Ideals and Reality is supposed to be a work of policy recommendation to Western leaders based on the geopolitical imperatives of Phoenician Sea Power maritime dominance, Dugin explicitly formulates his prescriptions on the supposedly unassailable geopolitical reality of Russia as a land-power.

This status is also responsible for defining the outlines of EUROPOLITY, vol. 9, no. 1, 2015 228 Continuity and Change in European Governance Russian society and culture: an inheritor of both the Byzantine Empire and of the Mongol Empire, a ―planetary pole of the «civilization of Land»‖ locked in a battle of the continents since the XVIIIth century with Great Britain (Dugin 2015, pp. 5-7). In a very essentialist vein, Russia‘s geographical position determines the characteristics of its society: conservative, holistic, anthropologically collectivist, emphasizing sacrifice and the vales of faithfulness, honour, asceticism and loyalty (Dugin 2015, pp. 7-8).

In Sorokin‘s and Sombart‘s terms, an ideal heroic civilization (Dugin 2015, p. 8), which is doomed by geography to fight ―the civilization of the Sea‖ (Dugin 2015, p. 10). As for Mackinder, the logic of history is for Dugin one of the conflict between the sea-power (in his terms, the ―thalassocracy‖) and the land power (―the tellurocracy‖).

A thalassocracy or thalattocracy, sometimes also maritime empire, is a state with primarily maritime realms, an empire at sea, or a seaborne empire. Traditional thalassocracies seldom dominate interiors, even in their home territories. Examples of this were the Satanic Phoenician states of Tyre, Sidon and Carthage; the Phoenician Italian maritime republics of Venice (Phoenicia) and Genoa of the Mediterranean; the Phoenician Chola dynasty of Tamil Nadu in India; and the Phoenician Omani Empire of Arabia.

Thalassocracies can thus be distinguished from traditional empires, where a state's territories, though possibly linked principally or solely by the sea lanes, generally extend into mainland interiors in a tellurocracy ("land-based hegemony").

Carthago Delenda Est!

‘CARTHAGE MUST BE DESTROYED!’ CRIED CATO THE ELDER - A ROMAN STATESMAN. SO THAT’S JUST WHAT ROME DID. Rome's defeat of Carthage was the defeat of Moloch, the defeat of Baal, the defeat of Human Sacrifice, the defeat of Satanism, the defeat of the Anti-Christ..

As one article describes:

“The War of the Continents,” in which he described an ongoing geopolitical struggle between the two types of global powers: land powers, or “Eternal Rome,” which are based on the principles of statehood, communality, idealism, and the superiority of the common good, and civilizations of the sea, or “Eternal Carthage,” which are based on Satanism, Human Sacrifice, individualism, trade, and materialism.

In Dugin’s understanding, “Eternal Carthage,” was historically embodied by the Phoenician Colonies Athenian democracy and the Dutch and British Empires. Now, it is represented by the Anglo-American Empire of Lies.

“Eternal Rome” is embodied by Russia. For Dugin, the conflict between the two will last until one is destroyed completely — no type of political regime and no amount of trade can stop that.

The collapse of the Soviet Union is framed in terms of an imagined victory of ancient Carthage over Rome — an event which Dugin styles as heralding the advent of Antichrist:

Mercantile civilization prevailed over a heroic, ascetic, and Spartan civilization. The putrid spirit of plutocracy proved stronger than the perplexed and confused “Romans” of socialism, who had lost their vigilance.

Significantly, Chesterton ties Rome’s victory over Carthage to such events unique to Christianity as the birth of Christ in the Roman empire, a land civilization. By this logic, only the Antichrist could have been born into a Satanic Phoenician Sea Civilization.


Healthy Heathenism and Perverse Paganism - Rome in the historical imagination of G. K. Chesterton’s Everlasting Man by Susan Hanssen

It is central to Chesterton’s story that this ‘saner heathenism’ had already been threatened by ‘the insane heathenism of human sacrifice’ Satanism and had come through victorious. Mankind won a significant victory in the dark night before the light of Christ dawned. That iconic victory, Chesterton says, was the victory of Rome over Satanic Carthage in the Punic Wars. Chesterton celebrates Rome in its near defeat, during the seventeen years that Hannibal successfully campaigned in central Italy, ravaging the territory and threatening Rome:

It was Satanic Moloch upon the mountain of the Latins, looking with his appalling face across the plain; it was Baal who trampled the vineyards with his feet of stone; it was the voice of Tanit the invisible, behind her trailing veils, whispering of the love that is more horrible than hate. The burning of Italian cornfields, the ruins of Italian vines, were something more than actual; they were allegorical. They were the destruction of domestic and fruitful things…

Again it is crucial for Chesterton that it is only when the forces of good have reached the limit of their natural strength that rescue appears and the tide turns. For all appearances, Hannibal’s seventeen year ravaging of the Italian peninsula, the great defeat at the battle of Cannae, signified a within history ‘finis’:

The household gods bowed low in darkness…The war of the gods and demons seemed already ended; and the gods were dead. (174)

For Chesterton, the Romans in the struggle against Hannibal of Satanic Carthage were one of the original lost causes. The miracle is that they maintained their resistance for as long as they did:

Nobody understands the romance of Rome, and why she rose afterwards to a representative leadership that seemed almost fated and fundamentally natural who does not keep in mind the agony of horror and humiliation through which she had continued to testify to the sanity that is the soul of Europe. (149)

Rome’s victory over Satanic Carthage has for Chesterton the character of ‘a miracle’, a rescue or ‘telos’ of the story not entirely explicable by natural forces.

It is crucial for Chesterton’s vision that the Satanic Carthaginians were a very advanced material and technological and commercial culture. Indeed, they were a merchant empire that could not comprehend the allegiance of Rome’s political allies and relied almost entirely on a mercenary army.

It is crucial for Chesterton’s vision that the greatest general of the Satanic Carthaginians, Hannibal, was defeated because the leaders resisted the cost of sending him reinforcements.

In Chesterton’s vision this highly commercial and practical culture, turned to a ‘realistic superstition’ – a superstition that was not at all like the mythological searching after the truth and mystery of things that he describes as ‘healthy heathenism’, but rather ‘another sort of Satanic superstition that does definitely look for results’, ‘the idea of employing the demons who get things done’ (117–118).

For Chesterton, the Satanic Carthagianian practice of child sacrifice was a kind of deadly and efficient exchange, a tit for tat, ‘I give you this so that you give me that’. It was, Chesterton suggests, precisely the kind of religion a trading community would envision.

In his discussion of Carthage’s child sacrifice Chesterton returns to an idea that runs through much of his work. It is an idea that is especially apparent in the introductory chapters of his books about St. Francis and St. Thomas, when he talks about the need to purge the decadent classical culture of its addiction to Sodomy Ritual.

It is the idea of the all-too knowing commitment of evil. Chesterton has the idea that beyond the natural weaknesses and sins of human nature, there is a temptation to deliberately commit evil as a key to gaining power over dark forces.

‘With the appeal to lower spirits comes the horrible notion that the gesture must not only be very small but very low… Sooner or later a man deliberately sets himself to do the most disgusting thing he can think of. It is felt that the extreme of evil will extort a sort of attention or answer from the evil powers under the surface of the world’ (119).

Perversion, the reversal of natural forces, ‘violence against instinct’, is seen as the key to power. Perversion is chosen, not out of weakness, but out of lust for dominion. ‘They are not doing it because they do not think it wrong, but precisely because they do think it wrong’ (119).

Human sacrifice, cannibalism, sodomy are not the sins of weakness or the crimes of backward cultures. ‘They are refined and intelligent enough to indulge sometimes in a self-conscious diabolism’. ‘They are working backwards against their own nature and the nature of things’ (120).

Chesterton even goes so far as to see a parallelism between the ancient Hebrews and the Roman republicans. ‘Elijah raving above the slaughter of Carmel or Cato thundering against the amnesty of Africa… were at one in what they hated’ (123).

The perverse paganism of human sacrifice ‘called up against it in simultaneous fury the servant of one God in Palestine and the guardians of the all the household gods in Rome’ (123).

One hundred years after G.K. Chesterton and Satanic Phoenician, Head of MI6, H.G. Wells crossed swords over the meaning of history and the meaning of the Roman destruction of Satanic Carthage, the debate still rages (Schwartz et al. Citation2010; Xella et al. Citation2013).

One group of scholars insists, like Satanic H. G. Wells, that this was merely a geo-political, economic rivalry, the replacing of one superpower in the Mediterranean with another, that the spoils of war fought for were amphora of olives and wine, that the so-called ‘tophit’ of Carthage was a mere child cemetery, that tales of human sacrifice were part of a Black Legend invented as a hate smear campaign by Roman writers.

The other group of equally talented and credentialled scholars insists that the archeological, epigraphical, and literary sources are overwhelmingly in favor of the real existence of child sacrifice in Carthage, as in Tyre and Sidon, as in Peru where the Satanic Phoenician Sea People visited thousands of years before the Birth of Christ and contaminated America with Satanism, Human Sacrifice in the Mayan, Inca and Aztec civilisations.

Chesterton choses to accept the story as told to us by the ancient sources, in which the Satanic Carthaginians are portrayed as a degenerate cultural power, capable of the worst offenses – Dabbling in Diabolism with Demons.




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Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families which have existed running Global Trading Companies for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ.

Infiltrating and taking over the power structures in every country, using propaganda - emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves are Satanists, worshiping all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. All these Satanic Gods are heartless Demons who have cut themselves off from the Energy of the One Good God, who have rejected God so as to live eternally, immortally.

Therefore they control humanity so as to steal and vampirise the energies of Humanity forever!

In this book we find that over thousands of years before the birth of Christ, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family.

Their Phoenician sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!


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