The Buddha said he was a physician trained to open people's eyes.
Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
Jaime, Spiritual Misconceptions..
1. The only people that have problems with demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are people who believe in them or give them power. If you do not believe in demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages then you are not going to pick them up.
This is false.
Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
The fact remains that regardless of what you believe or don't believe makes no difference whatsoever as to whether you will pick up demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages. Demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are not a belief; they are a simple fact of life and just because you have chosen to not believe in them does not mean that you cannot pick them up.
That is like saying, if you do not believe in cancer then you can't get it.
If you have chosen to deny the existence of demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, that only causes you to stay unaware of the truth. You may end up having some type of dark force or spiritual attachment, but because you have chosen to not believe in them, you will ultimately end up living your entire life with them. It is the people who decide to deny spirit and demonic attachment that will have the most problems because they will be completely clueless as to what is really going on with themselves on an energetic and spiritual level.
And this is the point of the work of the Dark Forces over 10,000 years of recorded history. Dark Forces have consciously removed Energy Enhancement techniques from all books of meditation for all this time. Dark Forces have consciously removed all mention of Dark Forces from all history books for all this time.
And the aim of the Dark Forces over all this period has been to create a compliant source of energy food much as H. G. Well´s book the Time Machine posited that the beautiful vegetarian Eloi were the food for the Evil underground hidden Morlocks.
Dark Forces consciously censor, and have censored for over 10,000 years, Fake News, any spiritual techniques, any spiritual history, any spiritual warnings, that Dark Forces exist, and that spiritual techniques exist to defend and heal their depredations.
These normal happenings of Energy Blockage implantation and Soul split only happen because people think they do not exist or have never been educated in techniques to find and remove negative energy and energy blockages. Because of mal-education by the dark forces who live off the spiritual energy of their prey, us..
“There is an explanation,” don Juan replied, “which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, gallineros, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”
The idea of non-physical beings is still a taboo and difficult concept for most people to accept and understand. If this is something that you have chosen to not accept that is OK. You are just not ready for this and you are better off focusing your time on much more earthly concerns. I am not in the position of proving anything to anyone and if you refuse to accept this information you are free to that choice.
Here is a history book detailing the methodologies of the Dark Forces to control the minds of humanity - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 - one of the Nine Energy Enhancement Against Satanism history books - The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019
See http://www.energyenhancement.
In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.
2. There are no demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, spirits, angels, or a god. The only thing that exists is life on earth.
This is false.
Beyond the Matrix physical dimension of life on earth there are beings which are non-physical, which are both dark and light. Human beings who cannot see beyond the physical dimension of life are actually trapped on a consciousness level. Their consciousness is trapped on the physical dimension. It is like only being able to see a small part of life, and then thinking that that small part of life is all that exists. Let’s say for example you lived in a small town, and you were only allowed to live in that town.
In that town there were no televisions, cars, or big buildings, airplanes, or technology. Now if you spent your entire life in that town, it would be all you knew. In fact, you would believe so strongly that what was in that town was all that there was in life. If someone new came into your town and told you that there was something called a city, that had automobiles, airplanes, television and technology you would not believe them. In fact, you might even call them crazy.
You would not believe them because you spent your whole life in a limited environment, and you became trained to believe that this environment was all that there was. Now very similar to this story is the dimension of physical and non-physical life. People who have not gone beyond the physical dimension are trapped within it, and for 10,000 years have been trained by the Dark Side to believe that it is all that exists.
The Buddha said he was a physician trained to open people's eyes.
Open your third eye with Energy Enhancement!
3. Only atheists, non-religious people, or "sinners" can pick up demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
This is false.
All people can pick up demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages regardless of age, sex, intelligence level, religious preference, financial status, personality, hair color, etc. This is a made up religious belief created by the Dark Forces to control humanity for over 10,000 years to keep people who believe it trapped in the belief and unaware of the truth. No section of humanity is immune to the attachment of demon energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages because they are of a certain religion, or because they meditate, or do yoga, or any other type of spiritual practice.
Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
4. Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages can be removed with spells, chanting/mantras, reiki, sound, prayer, salt, magic, sorcery, aura cleansing, energy healing, positive thinking/wishful thinking, incense, sage/smudging, candles, white light, meditation, methods used by religions, reading the bible/koran/bhagavad gita or any other religious book, or just believing in the universe/creator/god, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or some other deity.
This is false.
It should be understood that when energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are implanted by the Dark Forces and their minions/helpers it is not going to leave without being forced to leave.
It has been implanted to stay with you till death and unless you can come up with some type of action to seriously force it to leave, it is not going anywhere.
Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages can only be removed with an energy stronger than themselves.
This energy is love. Love is the only thing that is more powerful than fear and all fear based beings, energies, thoughts, and emotions. But you must know how to use love in the correct way. Anything you use or do which does not invoke a supreme power or energy of love will not work.
Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages also need to be purified and sent into the higher chakras to support, make you stronger, evolve your spiritual - all of this is explained and easily performed on the Energy Enhancement meditation course.
You cannot just say Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages leave me, or go away. Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages must be purified and taken to where they are needed to go, and they all go to different places in the higher chakras depending on the types of entities they are.
This is the reason most religious methods, chants, prayers, white light visualizations, and everything else do not work, because they are not complete removal methods, nor do they have the intensity of energy required to remove non-physical beings. Removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages is not an easy task especially if you are not using the Energy Enhancement Meditation Advanced techniques and you are not using the correct form of energy behind that method.
If you are using the Energy Enhancement Meditation Advanced techniques and you use those techniques with the correct energy and intention behind it then removing whatever is attached to you or someone else is very easy. Anything is difficult when you do not use the correct tools. Most Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages removal methods do not work, especially the methods used by most common religions and some types of spiritualists/psychics/
Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
5. Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are something you should fear.
This is false.
Demons and spirits are not something to fear, but instead they are something to understand. To Master! If you fear them, then you have chosen to give them power. If you fear them then you have not learned how to deal with them and not dealing with them will only make you fear them even more. What you deny and hide from only creates a bigger more powerful form of fear.
6. You have to be highly trained to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
This is false.
Maybe in the past it was taught that only the ministers, or the top priests were able to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, but that is not true. Anyone on earth can remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, even small children if they were trained correctly. It is like saying that only certified exterminators can kill rats and mice from your house, when in reality a small child can kill a rat, all it takes is knowing how to do in the right way.
You can easily learn the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
7. Removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages is painful.
This is false.
Removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages is never meant to be painful or stressful or take longer than a few minutes to perform. All the hysteria from movies have trained people to think that removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages is hard, and painful, and will make your head spin around. In reality removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages is actually painless, and makes people feel like a weight has been taken off of their shoulders, or a heaviness has been removed from them.
Removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages using the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
With the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels your lifetimes of messy daily energy paintings can become clean white sheets again.
"Oh, I'm carrying a heavy load" - take the weight off your shoulders with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels.
8. You can only get Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages from paying attention to them, or focusing on them, or thinking about them. If you do not pay attention to them you will not pick them up.
This is false.
This is like saying if you have sex with someone who has an STD, but you do not pay attention to them you will not pick up their disease. Now your mind and thoughts are a form of energy and if you are constantly thinking fear based thoughts about how Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are out to get you, then that may attract more of them to you, but it will not cause you to pick them up.
The only real causes of people picking up Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockage attachments is fear, and all fear based emotions, lowering yourself in any way through drugs and/or alcohol, or losing a form of your power/energy through Soul Splits or soul loss.
9. You have to be hearing voices or be crazy to pick up Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
This is both true and false.
You do not have to be psychologically ill to pick up Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages. People who hear voices and/or talk to beings that are not there or real are psychologically ill. But most people are not at that level. To be at that level you have to have had some serious trauma and opened some serious doorways in your life.
Most people are "partially psychologically ill". Partially psychologically ill means that a person is still fully functioning, meaning they are able to have a job, have friends, and do all the normal things that people do, except that their thoughts, emotions, and energy are partially influenced by a small amount of Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
Most people do not open doorways big enough for a massive amount of Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages to enter them. Most people open small doorways so that they get a few Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages attached to them, and usually it is 1-3. People who are heavy drug and/or alcohol users tend to pick up more serious types of attachments like Demon Dark Force Energy Blockages in multitudes.
10. If I had a Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages attached to me I would know it.
This is false.
How would you know it if you had a demon or spirit attached to you?
If you are not meditating using Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels then 99% you will have Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages and their symptoms.
You may have some of the symptoms stated on this site, but you also may have become used to those symptoms and not think that they are serious. It is almost like having a nail stuck in your hand. In the beginning you would feel the nail, but over time you would get used to the feeling of the nail.
This is how Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages work within people.
As time goes on they become more and more a part of the people they attach to. They get taken over. Most people with Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages do not know they have them because the attachments feel so much like their natural self.
It may sound odd that a person would not know that they have something distinct from themselves within their energy fields/aura, but it is the way things work. Most people are shut off and closed down on so many levels that they just have not developed the gift or ability to sense, see, or feel something non-physical within them.
It is a psychic gift that only so many people have developed.
So most common people walk around completely unaware (spiritually asleep) that they have something external to themselves within them. I have also had the opportunity to meet many healers and psychics who were also completely unaware they had some spirit or dark force attached to them.
But when you start to use the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels then you will be taken through a cleansing process which will remove all your Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, one by one or in droves.
11. Psychics/mediums, priests/preachers, shamans, and other healers are very good at removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
This is false.
Most healers, 99% of preachers/priests/ministers, and most psychics and mediums have no idea how to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages.
They may have developed some type of method or technique they use, but that does not mean those methods work. I have had many people come to me telling me this healer or psychic removed Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages from them, when in reality the dark entity or spirit was never removed.
The healer may have done some other type of energy work that masked the feeling of the spirit or dark force attachment for a temporary time, but when that energy work wore off the spirit or dark force revealed itself again.
There are many Shamen who can remove spirit attachments/ghosts, but not dark forces. Shamans and shamanic healers in general do not know how to remove dark forces or are themselves working for the Dark Side. The Satanic Rothschilds jet Shamen in for Conferences Worldwide every year.
Can you trust the Therapist? Or Can you trust The Rapist?
One past life therapist I know was using a witch to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages from his patients because although he could hypnotise he could not "see" Spiritually. However, although the witch removed the Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages she replaced the blockages with blockages containing her more Powerful demon!
Do you want to be Raped or Totally Raped?
Most healers are just not trained in the removal of Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages , or they have certain beliefs, or ideas about them which are not accurate. They will not detect them in you and they will leave them attached to you.
Just because a person has the title of "healer" or "shaman" or "psychic" does not mean you should trust them or work with them. There is a dark side to healing, and some healers are not working with the "light", and may cause you more problems, implant you with Energy Blockages for the Dark Side, than before you encountered them. Ask them questions, notice their responses, check and verify them, see what other types of healing work they do, and examine them as a whole.
One of our students was a Taoist Priest, Martial Artist skilled in Bagua, and a skilled healer in Bagua - sixteen years with a Bagua Master in California. He knew about grounding energies into the center of the earth. He told us that all Chinese Martial Arts were based on Black Magic and that implanting Energy Blockage Demons into the base chakra of the opponent to reduce their energy in a fight, to vampirise their energy systems, was normal.
However when we told him about chakras beneath the base chakra he asked why his Bagua Master had never told him that? And when he found an implant energy blockage with the face of his Bagua Master four chakras beneath the base chakra, we understood that his Bagua Master had implanted him to vampirise his energy system!
He Was Surprised!
Better you start to use the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Five Levels by yourself as being the only person you can trust.
You yourself are the Only person you can trust!
All enlightenment techniques are personal. You do them yourself. Although you might get energy presents, I Satchidanand am only a midwife or a guide and you must walk every step of the way by yourself!
Then you will be taken through the Energy Enhancement Meditation cleansing process which will remove all your Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, one by one or in droves.
12. You cannot remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages from people at a distance.
This is false.
In the world of spirit, distance makes no difference in healing. Removing Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages from people at a distance is the same as removing them if they were in front of you. In fact, many healers who do spirit releasement work prefer to work at a distance as it helps to protect themselves from picking up any of the clients attachments. Healers who cannot do at-distance spirit removal work are not at an advanced level of removing non-physical beings. Every healer who does that type of work should have no problem working at a distance.
13. Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages like certain people more than others.
This is true.
Some people have an unknown ability within themselves, and if they developed that ability or gift it might cause them to become "threats" to the dark forces.
These people may be called light workers or something of that nature.
Basically there are some of us who possess a potential to create immense light on this planet and shift the negative and dark energies here in such a way that it would create a major shift within this planet. By creating this shift we would therefore be diminishing the dark light or darkness in this world. People like this are threats to the dark forces, and so in a plan to control and dominate light workers, Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages are actually tasked or sent to certain people.
They have also been known to wait for these "special" light workers to incarnate again after dying in a previous lifetime.
They would follow them around as soon as they entered a new human body and wait for them to create some type of opening so they could attach to them. Now all people are in some way or another a potential light worker, therefore all people are treated as if they could possibly be threats to the dark forces.
But there are certain "gifted" individuals who may actually create some serious damage to the dark forces agenda, thereby causing the dark forces to have less power and control over humans.
These "special" people are treated as goals or prizes among the dark forces.
Anyone who works for the Light is aware of the constant pressure to submit to the Dark Side from Childhood. We show our Mastery by our durability in the fight. We know the work is slow but it is sure, and we have contracted to work for the benefit of every living being for many lifetimes. Only by constant work for a long time and with enthusiasm against every threat sent against them is a Master known and proven.
14. Your own fears are good, healthy and a natural part of being human. You could never stop having fear.
This is false.
Fear is not a natural part of being human.
Fear and Anxiety is caused by Energy Blockages. No Energy Blockages, no fear!
You have absorbed and been implanted by the dark side with Energy Blockages be given fear.
It is a learned response. It is how animals that do not have any self-control function.
It is also only a choice if you have been given the Energy Enhancement techniques to remove the fear blockage.
It is how you have chosen to function through wrong habits, ideas, and lifestyles - Lifetimes of wrong thinking promoted by 10,000 years of the Dark Side - to Control you, to Steal your Spiritual Energy!
This is how people feel because they are dis-empowered. If you have spent most of your life with Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages attached to you, that has influenced the way you think, feel, and respond to life.
Anger is also an energy blockage like fear, just directed in a different path with more intense negative emotions and energy added to it although if you choose to be angry then the energy of Anger can help you to overcome many obstacles.
It is a Soul quality to control anger and not have anger control you.
Fear is also an energy. It is the lowest level frequency and vibration that exists in the universe. Because it is a lower form of energy, it attracts everything that is of a lower form of energy - Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages, paranoia, violence, fear based thinking, etc.
Most people whether they understand it or not are operating under some level of fear. Even advanced healers and masters who project an image of being enlightened and evolved have fear repressed somewhere within themselves. If there is anything that you fear, then there is a part of yourself that has not been healed. A part of yourself is still connected to a lower level, and by repressing it or denying it only makes it grow and have more power.
Fear encompasses so many things beyond emotions and thoughts, like your energy, vibration, and frequency. Every human has a certain vibration or energetic frequency. This vibration is also connected to fear. You may not be afraid of many things, but that does not say that your energy does not vibrate at a fear level.
For instance, many people consciously from the Dark Side or completely unknown to themselves by being taken over by some soul split or Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages feed and live from the life-force (energy) of other people.
People like this have been called energy or psychic vampires, emotional vampires, draining, needy and empty people, etc. These are all people who are in a very dark and lower vibration (fear) because in this lifetime or in past lifetimes they have been through Dark Rituals implanting themselves with Energy Blockages in the Heart to prevent empathy and in the chakras above the head, cutting themselves off from the Energy of God. This how psychopaths are created under the tutelage of the Dark Side.
Now these people may project confidence, positivity and power, yet their energy and aura emanates a very low level fear based energy. Because their energy, aura and light is dark and dis-empowered, they have to feed off of other people's energy and power in order to compensate for their own lack of power and energy. And this is how many people function.
Their methodology is like the example of the Bagua Master above. They will implant you with a blockage. They will have a permanent energy cord going from them to the implant blockage in you. They will drain your spiritual energy through this cord.
Fear is an illusion designed to dis-empower you and keep you locked in the structure and physics of a psychological and spiritual dimension, the fear dimension.
In reality fear is the power of the fear energy blockage in you.
Remove the fear blockage.
Remove the Fear!
Only the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and the advanced techniques of Grounding of Negative Energies and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy blockages or spirit energy blockages or Dark Force Energy Blockages can remove Energy Blockages and lifetimes of negative karma from your system.
" My gut instinct told me that you were both good people and that you would help me with my goals. Here is my advice to anyone who is unsure if it is wise to fly half way around the world to join you: DO IT! " ... Arwen Evenstar (US) Dancer/Artist/Actor
- Satchi is very helpful in emails and I have emailed him many times…he got back to me and gave me some hard truths and also honest support which helped me to continue making progress.
- The frequency of energy is the most powerful and high frequency I have worked with, it charged me up really fast and enabled me to see blockages psychically.- I started to sense astral beings a lot more (most of them not very nice) but we got taught how to deal with these in Level 2 with the Seven Step Process.
I also felt some very wonderful presences of spirits and ascended Masters associated with the course who were helping teach me.
- The level 2 method 7 step Process of removing energy blockages is simply amazing.
I use it every day. I’ve used it to dissolve or ‘ground’ negative emotions, fear, anger, to clear negative energy from astral entities, deceased human spirits who were inside my aura… random spirits who would come to me to get guided to the light and so on.
This method has been far superior than all other methods which I have used.
- The level 2 methods allowed me to personally get through some very bothersome subconscious programming and blockages which no other methods were healing…I was under heavy psychic attack at this point and I got what I needed to stop it. Problems grounded and dissolved in the light of the earth chakra.
- The level 3 methods to remove deep karma - The Karma Cleaning Process - actually do work. I said in another report that I saw that it would have taken me 500 lifetines to clear my Karma and become Enlightened . Now using Energy Enhancement Techniques I see that all those 500 lifetimes of Karma have been disolved!! Perhaps Enlightenment is Next!!
My body feels so bright and purified, so light and fresh, I have used these methods to clear the karmic bonds between me and other human souls. It feels like all the ‘history’ between you becomes instantly neutralized back into peace and light.
Although it also dissolves the ‘good’ karma too, for example it will neutralize positive attachment’s between you and others and make you feel a more evenly spread benevolent peace to humans in general.
So I’m currently in the middle of energy enhancement level 3 (out of 4 levels).
It is very good. The methods are extremely powerful. I am having difficulty going back to my previous method’s of yoga and Meditation because the ones Satchi gave me are just too powerful and effective.
Get it Now!!
We recommend you complete Five Levels of The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course before you come to Iguazu for more Advanced training..
Your Starter in Energy Enhancement!! #0 THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SUPER CHI IMMORTALITY PRANA COURSE - LEVEL 0 - The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will exponentially increase and direct your energy. and #1 Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality http://www.energyenhancement.
Without Yoga, no Meditation!
Without Meditation, no Yoga!!
Yoga is bottom up.
Meditation is top down.
Here is Yoga, Plus!!
Get it Now!!
The Energy Enhancement Quantum Immortality Streaming Video Course and Live at Iguazu Falls..
Now!! FREE!! with Level 1 purchase!! Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality http://www.energyenhancement.
Jaime, Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma http://www.energyenhancement.
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. The Karma Cleaning Process to Totally Eliminate All Your Karma!! http://www.energyenhancement.
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal the Family!!MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS http://www.energyenhancement.
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