Saturday, August 28, 2021

COVID-19 - Masks - Virus

You cannot acquire a virus through breathing or sneezing. You can only catch a virus if it is inserted into you on a swab such as the COVID-19 tests, which have been proven to be contaminated, or it is injected into you in the COVID-19  Injections. DO NOT take the covid-19 swab tests, and DO NOT take the covid-19 injections. Adults and Children SHOULD NOT wear masks. Wearing a mask can result in Byssinosis, also called brown lung disease, which is a respiratory disorder caused by the inhalation of an endotoxin produced by bacteria in the fibers of cotton, such as cotton masks. Wearing masks can also cause pneumonia, or an infection that inflames the air sacs of one or both lungs. Wearing a mask can result in you being affected with bacteria or fungi.

On February 23, 2021 Dr. Fauci stated we will all be wearing face masks until such a time that humans  evolve a nose and mouth covering at birth, probably in two million years from now. Dr. Fauci is eighty years old and should have been sent out to pasture long ago. He is suffering from the same disease as President Biden, namely dementia.  They should both be euthanized as they have both become useless  to society,  the same formula they are using  on all the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals who they consider useless eaters.

This planned coronavirus event is just a fabricated event to collapse the U.S. dollar and global economy to introduce a digital currency as the Mark of the Beast. The planned Coronavirus event was also designed to destroy the middle class and put the wealth of the world into the hands of a few Jewish bankers and Luciferians.

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