Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Myka: Love Thyself; Know Thyself - Self-worth, Self-love

In watching the above video with Michael Jaco and Alex Collier, both brave men, I was reminded of what is truly a core issue with people today, especially in Western cultures who have become out of touch with the earth, with the soil, with REAL life.  Real life is what you do every day, interacting with other people, cooking meals, cleaning your house, shopping, enjoying each other’s company, growing your own food, going out to celebrate special occasions with friends and families.

Yet, these past months, beginning in early 2020, people are afraid to look at each other when they walk down the aisle of a grocery store.  They wear masks, hiding their natural expressions, because they have been indoctrinated in believing that there is a dangerous virus ‘out there’ that will kill them.  The 24/7 barrage of fear, fear, fear continues non-stop on the television, in magazines, in stores when you go shopping, practically everywhere you go, especially if you are currently living in a ‘blue’ state.

How did Americans (and other nationalities) become so willing to believe the authorities telling them that it is necessary to obey, to wear a mask, to be thoughtful and considerate ‘of others’ by getting vaccinated, only to be told after you have received your second vaccination that you still have to wear a mask, social distance, and receive more vaccines.  What is going on?

How about a long-term psyops (psychological operation) directed against the American people (and other nations) to ‘combat’ a non-existent virus.  Yes, I said it: a non-existent virus.  What is the REAL virus?  Fear.  And fear is?  The opposite of Love.

What is wrong with people?  They no longer have any sense of self-worth. 

Through the avenues of what passes for ‘education’ on this planet, through all other institutions, if you are a commoner, the poor, the deplorable, a member of a racial, cultural, gender, religious minority… you are regarded with contempt by those who are wealthy.  Those same wealthy people hoard their wealth and attempt to take more from the rest of the population, the 99% of ‘other’ people. 

People have become beaten down.  Young people commit suicide because they don’t feel like life is worth living.  If they do manage to go to college, they discover the promises made to them are worthless AND they emerge at graduation with a mountain of debt.  Then, they can’t find a job that will pay enough to cover rent, phone, insurance, food and other daily/monthly bills never mind the loan payment.

Many are those who have no idea who they are.  They have come to believe they are worthless, that they deserve to be humiliated by their politicians, by tech companies, by banks, by their religious leaders.  There is no fight.  So, when they are told to wear masks, to social distance, to take an untested, unapproved ‘emergency’ vaccination for a virus that has never been isolated, they do it.  What else can they lose?  Perhaps they will be helping someone by obeying what they are told by the boss at work, by the talking head on the evening news, by the arrogant governor on the public announcement… by the ‘authorities’.

Ah, dear ones, do you not realize that you, all of you, who are organic humans are living libraries?  If you have listened to Alex Collier, he tells us that within these bodies of ours, our physical vehicles, our genetics contain the quantum genetic material from 23 star races, Earth humans and 22 extraterrestrial star races.  Is it any wonder that your cousins are wondering what is going on with this planet? 

Our star cousins are not here to ‘save’ us.  Anyone pushing that narrative is still fixated on yet another psyop, what is called a ‘savior complex’, presented primarily through religion, including science… which of late has become a cult of specious belief.  Call it ‘science’ but it is, in actuality, pseudo-science, used to manipulate statistics, hype up prescribed narratives… again, all designed to create fear.  Fearful people will blindly obey anything, to save their own skins, even if it means giving away their own power. 

From my perspective, in many ways, Earth humans have not progressed beyond basic instinctive animal reflects, especially ‘fight’ or ‘flight’… but mostly the latter.  What does it take for an Earth human to stand up, to courageously face-off a police line, to say ‘No!’ to someone insisting they wear a mask or take a vaccine, to walk off a job that no longer feels right… that compromises your basic sense of self-preservation?

There are people who are waking up and beginning to recognize their governments and once-trusted institutions have lied to them.  Everything, every system put into place during the Kali Yuga has been a lie, false, baseless, an artificial construct, a vacuous pile of bovine excrement… to put it delicately. 

Human beings are AMAZING.  Within your genetic structure you have the needed information to do practically ANYTHING, but you have to learn to love yourselves, again. 

It takes courage to move through fear.  When someone or a group have been oppressed long enough, they react one of two ways:  they get angry or they get fearful. 

The people of this planet have been suppressed and traumatized for centuries by ruling families, manipulated and treated like beasts of burden, culled through wars, pestilence, starvation, and poverty.  No more.

Yes, you have suffered, but are you going to carry the chains of victimhood into the New Age, into the Satya Yuga?  Have you learned compassion through your suffering?  Or are you angry, projecting shame/blame out there on everyone who creates for you a sense of fear and anxiety?

It is time to heal, people.  It is time to FIRST work on your self-healing.  If you do not love yourself, you cannot help other people.  There will always be a degree of distrust in the exchange, proceeding from your lack of trust in YOURSELF.  So, man heal thyself.  The ancients knew this simple truth.  Modern man requires reminding.

In order to love yourself, you need to come to a place where you can accept who you are, right now, here and now.  No, it is not necessary or wise to wish to be someone else, like that handsome fellow on the silver screen or that slinky babe walking down the street.  No.  Be yourself. 

First, know that your body is simply a vehicle.  You may be short and plump, tall and skinny, somewhere in between, but the body is merely the means for you, a being of Light, to experience physical life here on the Earth plane.  It is not a reflection of who you are; it is not even an expression of who you are truly. 

“You” are energy, consciousness, a fractal of Divine Creation who has, at some level, agreed to come here to experience what is a very tough love school of sometimes hard knocks.  Get over yourself.  It isn’t easy being here, but it is a privilege, as not all souls are allowed to come to Terra.

Self-worth.  Do you realize just how special you are here, animating a body, feeling your emotions flowing like water through your inner oceans? 

It doesn’t matter if you are not highly educated, or have a fancy car or live in an expensive home filled with elegant furniture.  You can’t take those things with you when you die.  You can, however, take the love and good karma, that you have created by living a full and happy life, filled with love, companionship, creativity, playfulness, laughter, and joy.

Find a way to let go of your emotional burdens you have been dragging around behind yourself for decades like a ball and chain.  Let love dissolve your burden… first love, compassion, and self-acceptance.  When you are stronger and have come to appreciate your special gifts and what you can give to the world, then you can truly assist others through being an example.

It is evident to me that humanity is undergoing a very painful transition from one frequency to another.  Not everyone is prepared to complete the jump, not even the ones who think they can go to 5D without putting in some individualized effort. 

Look at yourself in the mirror.  Look into your eyes, said to be the window of your Soul.  Is there a soul actually there, or is there only pain?  Learn to love yourself first, dear ones.  It is not being selfish; it is being intelligent.  You cannot be strong for others, if you are not strong within your own being.

Love is.  You are.  You are all energy, frequency, resonance, vibration. 

Feel the strength of the Heart Center.  Explore the teachings on emotional intelligence and Heart Math.  The Heart is more powerful than the brain.  Discard the false teachings you were fed in school and feel the warmth centered in your chest when you put your attention there and visualize a tiny flame that steadily grows as you apply more attention upon it.  Like a tiny campfire, carefully add more fuel, by finding something within yourself that is good, beautiful, amazing.  It can be tiny at first; it will get bigger as you practice. 

Meditate.  Learn to meditate.  Listen to music without words or to natural sounds.  Sit outside beneath a tree and feel the ancient wisdom of the being who is sheltering you from the sun.  Listen to the call of birds.  Watch the clouds float across the sky like ships.  Feel the sensation of rain hitting your skin, soaking your hair, running down your face.  Life.  Simple, soulful life.

You are rare.  You are precious.  You are worthy of love.  Start by loving yourself.  Then, expand it outward to others for you are One, a fractal of the Whole.

A reminder:  When you KNOW your self-worth, you will NOT bow down to tyrants.

I AM Myka and honored to serve.

© All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres, www.bluedragonjournal.com and https://sunnysjournal.com


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