Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Most Common symptoms of Ascension - Lisa Renee

Some of the most common symptoms reported include:
  • cranial pressure and headaches
  • extreme fatigue
  • heating up of the physical body
  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • forgetfulness
  • irritability
  • sleeplessness
  • joint pain
  • body aches
  • muscle cramps in legs and calves and shoulders
  • flu-like symptoms
  • kundalini experiences
  • diarrhea
  • feeling out of sorts
  • muscle pains
  • skin rashes
  • tingling in body parts
  • having specific awareness of a internal organ or body part unlike the past
  • diminution of spatial awareness
  • clumsiness
  • feverish feeling, kundalini rising
  • feelings of being there and not being here
  • loss of visual acuity
  • memory loss
  • changes with body and head hair
  • lack of the ability to concentrate
  • feelings of standing up or moving too quickly that create vertigo
  • the feeling that you cannot accomplish anything because there is not enough time
  • anxiety attacks that happen suddenly and disappear just as suddenly
  • Seeing multidimensional energies, i.e. colors, entities, matrices, numbers, symbol codes
  • Seeing extraterrestrials both human and nonhuman in appearance
  • Communicating with nature, animals and people that have passed on
Also, our bodies often experience a rush of heat and energy bursts that are not comfortable. Our bodies are being shifted in thermodynamic ways and with so much light entering the fields of the body, some of the symptoms we experience are actually preventing our physical vehicles from bursting with the intensity of light. We may experience a triad sleep pattern (waking up every 3 hours) or interrupted sleep as we are being recalibrated and worked on energetically at night. This adds to our feeling restless and tired in the morning.
Remember to be gentle with your heart and only allow others within the boundaries of your personal inner sanctum that treat you with the same loving respect. This can be an extremely vulnerable time emotionally. We need to release many fears, such as fears asking for help and take time to invest in ourselves to feel more balanced and healthier. Massage, bodywork, more hydration, organic and clean foods, supplementation, energy healing, spiritual counseling may be helpful.
If I could impart the most important message from the Guardians, it is to emphasize how humans are so deeply loved and cared for by God’s Spirit, Krystal Star and Law of One Light Hierarchies, from all those who serve as One.  The impact of our collective consciousness work during this evolutionary time cycle to shift future timelines, is generally beyond the comprehension of the lower human mind.
Starseeds and Indigos agreed to be the Light stewardship and Ascension Guides for the changing reality structure. Humans are expanding consciousness to become increasingly multidimensional, and finding our heart and true love with God is only one part of the human equation. Clearing ego and emotional wounds, learning to discern the difference between negative ego and the higher self intelligence, reclaiming spiritual light-bodies, and evicting Imposter Spirit parasites, is a part of having an accurate assessment of the requirements upon the shifting earth. The earth needs new ethical guidance and true enlightened humanitarian stewardship. The Galactic community, those in communication with enlightened intelligence fields and higher dimensions, are the first ascending waves to meet those challenges of building structures that support humanity evolving into multidimensional spiritual beings. Our community is the repository of building and supporting the integrated ascension path, as well as cultivating self-leadership in order to lead and support humanity made through a personal example. 
Lightworkers, Starseeds, Gridworkers and Ascension Stewards, Thank you and with deep gratitude for all of your amazing support and work for the Ascension!
Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart and Christos-Sophia path! We are here to reunite the Holy Mother and Holy Father and reclaim the Christos Diamond Sun body for all!
Lisa Renee


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