Tuesday, May 26, 2020

¡Ashtar insinúa que la Fábrica de Adrenocromos Subterránea para Niños ya no produce "Nutrición" y se elimina!

¡Ashtar insinúa que la Fábrica de Adrenocromos Subterránea para Niños ya no produce "Nutrición" y se elimina! ¡La Humanidad en medio del "The Grand Event"! ¡Gaia es el "Centro del Universo" ahora mismo dice Ashtar!

Indio en la máquinaMay 26, 2020
Greetings human family… I’m delighted to provide to you, some updates which may help you to navigate the rough waters that are now upon us.
1.  The secret war in America is reaching a climax.  There has been a seditious treasonous group of people conspiring against America and the world, and as the saying goes, ‘the snake eats itself’, that is exactly what is happening.
2.  The narrative from here continues to follow what was already planned out:  first the arrests, then nesara, then extraterrrestrials!
3. The media may continue to hide the secret war, hide NESARA, and GESARA and of course, the extraterrestrials, who are now obviously, very ‘terrestrial’!
4. At this point, the focus for the entire world, is to direct all energy towards peace in America, which leads the way to world peace.  I know this may sound crazy, but then against, are you well-versed in the multi-millenial year secret war, that has fooled a large majority of the population who fell into slavery?
5. Now here this…the planet’s destiny is for peace, and this comes from the highest forces… soooo, as the secret war plays out… try not to ‘feed it’ with negativity… instead, celebrate that the negativity is now in the process of leaving.  If you can do this, this will do wonders for the entire process for mother earth, humanity and the galaxy and beyond!

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