Monday, May 18, 2020

Message for The Ground Crew - By Valerie Donner

Message for The Ground Crew
Straight from the Heart
By Valerie Donner

Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s a message from Apollo on April 29, 2020: “We are shepherding the children. We are making certain things are going well for their healing and recovery. The ones that have done these horrific things to them are being dealt with in a final way. They will never be allowed to step on this planet again. We hold these truths that all of humanity are created equal. The souls of these dark beings are past the point of redemption. Much love and healing are needed for the children and for the entire populace. We are saying this is so!”
On April 30, 2020, Apollo gave this message: “We have to be very precise with our work. It is proceeding well. The outcome is worth it. Please stay well-connected with each other and expand the ground crew. Get everyone connected under reasonable terms. This is the grand finale to have a planet moving from the dark’s control and ascending into the light. Soon the spotlight will be shining on those who have hidden and done nefarious things. The entire world will hear the story. Send a blind eye to the naysayers. Let them be for when the spotlight shines they will be shocked to the core. It has to happen this way. There will be no more coddling. The light will heal all. This is Spirit’s way. We are with you. Blessings to all.“
How are you doing ground crew? These are intense times on the planet. Everyone is affected and we are doing the best we can to ride the waves of change. Most of us are feeling confined for too long, restricted, some are fearful, and many are longing for the truth in a sea of disinformation. As ground crew, one thing we know for sure is that we are in the time of the great awakening. We know that our lives will be different when the restrictions are lifted. We don’t know how different our lives will be but many are reevaluating their lives, values, and priorities. Some are getting creative and finding new truths. Our hearts are being cracked open with the suffering and the loss due to the coronavirus. We know this is global and transformative.
Many people are starting to awaken and are asking questions. Some are still asleep and are prey to the mainstream media’s brainwashing and mind control. It can be challenging when talking with friends and family members who are under the spell. My lightworker friends ask me: “How can we wake them up?”  The truth is we cannot awaken them. We must remember that there is a plan and it is our job to trust the plan. Every soul is taken into consideration and into account. No one will be left behind. Perhaps our greatest fear for our loved ones is that they will not wake up. Do the best you can to not create separation with your families or with your friends. You could just be playing into the hands of the dark ones who like to see families being broken up.
Some of us are receiving information that from today, May 1, until July, things will really be heating up. We know that the secrets will be coming out, so we are likely in for some big shocks. It is up to us to remain calm, grounded, balanced, and centered. I feel that we will be needed and that others will come to us for solace and understanding. Please be assured that what we are going through right now is pivotal for the great awakening.
Trust Spirit in everything. In some ways, we can sit back and relax and watch the show!
What are you doing to uplift your spirits? I’ll tell you a few things that I am doing, and I hope they’re helpful:
  • Writing poetry
  • Making good food
  • Going out in nature
  • Taking walks
  • Calling friends and family
  • Practicing constant gratitude
  • Focusing on not what I am missing in my life but on manifesting what I miss and visualizing it coming to me.
  • Playing beautiful music
  • Prayers and meditation
  • Giving myself a little treats
  • Laughing every night before I go to bed by watching something funny on YouTube.
  • Paying attention to some good news and victories for the light
  • Dancing
  • Looking at the night sky and seeing our galactic friends up there
  • Participating in zoom meetings
  • Working with the light in raising my vibration
  • Spreading good vibes when I am out masked in the world
  • Following my heart
  • Trying to make light out of all this nonsense while still honoring the process
  • Reassuring myself at the best is yet to come
  • Realizing that we are all actors on the stage
  • Reminding myself but the light has already won
  • Constantly looking within for truth and light
  • By being the biggest know it all I can be!!!  Ha Ha! Not true!
At the beginning of this siege upon our freedom, there were a lot of toilet paper jokes. I have not seen as many lately so people might be getting bored with them. I was called to write a poem about my hair: 

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