Friday, February 28, 2020

✠ A Mortal Enemy: The Anglo-American Alliance of the New Atlantis

✠ A Mortal Enemy: The Anglo-American Alliance of the New Atlantis
Thus, what the Freemasons have done, and continue to do, is replace Christianity with anything else as long as it mocks the Biblical God under a false guise of freedom. Have they succeeded? Look around. While today's "American patriots" interpret evil living among them in the form of their "commie neighbors," our true enemies remain unhindered in their work to destroy the nation itself. We tend to believe that our government operates within the parameters of law, decency, fairness, and good, and many still hold that America itself is incorruptible within the framework that it's supposedly been founded upon. But what if the people finally discovered that their own nation is anything but theirs, and has been operating from a corrupt angle by increasingly powerful corporate entities for centuries, who have an agenda that neither regards the rule of law nor the future of mankind, but facilitates evil itself? 2 Corinthians 4:4 informs us that Satan is the literal ruler, power, and Prince of this world. And yet, who has become the most powerful nation in this world? Perhaps better asked, from which nation did America derive? So while, like Anglo-American Freemasonry itself, America seems to go to great strides to be the "light of freedom" and democracy to the rest of the planet (at times, enforcing such democratic freedom in the most violent ways ever seen in this world) there have always been internal forces working within that seemingly benign bastion of hope and charity whose loyalty lies with their perceived "god of light and freedom" of whom the most ascended Master Mason of the inner-caste believes is Lucifer himself. Most of those same elder Templar families who have emigrated to America, from Western Europe, have strong roots in the north-eastern United States, are of Celtic or English stock, and have held political and financial influence in the New World from the start. While true, the Masonic-allied factions within the American government over these last two centuries have become well-entrenched and wholly allied to the ancient Templar cause that propels them to undertake and achieve the sinister goals of Anglo-Cainite racism, the rest of the American government carries out its duties ignorant to the central plan of the inner-caste, much like the inner caste of Freemasonry itself, as blood-keepers of the Oath [to Lucifer], keep their central secret far removed from the lower caste, who by their own connections, and lack thereof, are not entrusted to such knowledge and power. This may come as a shock to some, but to the Masonic mindset, America is nothing less than a joint venture between London and Washington in the form of a grand Masonic experiment called 'The New Atlantis,' whose 'twin pillar' political spectrum is dominated by their Left vs. Right paradigm. Of course, we have been told we carry the defining choice between what we view to be either good, or evil within the construct of our given political spectrum, and that through our collective votes, we can alter our said reality, but that in itself is a lie. The paradigm was originally based upon the schism between Satan and God Himself, of which each of us still have an ultimate choice between. Thus, in place of God's eternal and Heavenly Kingdom, is our temporary Masonic Kingdom on earth, by which most have been absolutely brainwashed in its service, believing it is the apex of all human accomplishment that carries with it the divine prominence of the [Masonic] God. The powers behind both the left and the right serve the same entity, however, having even darker forces behind them that work toward a global dictatorship that promotes their counterfeit 'God' and his son, in direct opposition to God and His Son, the 'two pillars' who are being so effectively counterfeited. In other words, Satan has merely counterfeited everything of God, including God's own Royal Son, the Prince of Peace, in Heaven, for an earthly version arising from a supposed "divine Royalty" here on earth. While God has His "chosen people" that comprise the nation of Israel, Satan also has his, but again, in complete counterfeit.

*Read Article British Crown and Vatican Own the United States: Two Constitutions in America
*Read Article United States are Still Under the Authority of the British Crown and Monarchy
*Read Article America Established by British Masonry to Perpetuate False 'Freedom'
*Read Article America's Atlantis Stone: The Meanings Behind America's Monuments
*Read Article Mystery Babylon: Rosenkreutz Mystery of the 'Georgia Guidestones'
*Read Article America's "Atlantic Council" Supported by the British Foreign Office
*Read Article America: The New Atlantis is the Womb of the Antichrist

With new and advanced mind control networks and programs facilitated by their tightening control over the internet itself, their older projects Bluebird, Artichoke, and Mk-Ultra, never ceased, but merely perfected their control over those who remain willingly ignorant to vainly believe their thoughts are entirely their own. As I show in this website, it is this same "New Atlantis" and its hidden alliance with its mother country, Great Britain, that is dividing the world, America included, in a campaign called the 'Great Work' to further manipulate our collective perception in advance of a coming New World that arises like a phoenix from the ashes of our present "old world" into a glorious New Aeon. The plan is such that whatever remnant may arise after the Collapse, easily falls in line with the New Messiah that will also be presented, based upon a perfectly-tuned Orwellian agenda that has permeated the West, and namely our own American government and culture since literally day one. Understanding this, and knowing all they've achieved thus far, what is the ultimate goal of destroying one empire of their own design to pave the way for another? Answering that question goes to prove of whom they actually worship, why they built America, and answers more precisely who they really are. Their goal? Antichrist, conveniently presented to a hurting, apocalyptic world in need of a savior. Evidence of that can be seen in the way education increasingly shuns Christ completely, in favor of Satanic, pagan, or any other religious messiah in His place, to the way higher academia, corporate workplaces, and the Bible-denying news media do the same. While end-time signs rage all around us, instead of the media presenting what is actually happening to our world, they'll go at great lengths to force a false narrative that it's not an increasingly angry God reacting to man's sins on earth and causing all these signs of the end, but "climate change." And it's not just the theory of climate change that they're pushing, but on the other side of that topic, networks like CNN will present a panel of New Age guru's explaining that to truly clean the planet, we all need to adopt New Age thinking, "greener-living" practices, and become better "Global Citizenry," as outlined in the Anglo-Masonic plan that is preparing this planet for a 'One World mindset' backed up by a 'New World King' to lead it all. So while the left-wing media is distracting us with all of that, conservative news outlets want to make it appear they're not being increasingly herded into a White nationalist viewpoint, as the corporate powers behind the Republican party continue to produce pesticides, pollution, and antibiotic-resistant viruses that's literally killing both us and the planet. Day after day, you'll see and hear how things are getting worse on seemingly every front, with no definite answers on how to counter it, other than accepting the worldview of the Masonic hegemony. Perhaps the most dangerous distraction the media and the dark forces behind their corporate interests are causing, is pitting us all against our neighbor, the exact opposite of what Christ taught, which is fitting since the Masonic overlords are preparing us for their Antichrist and must bring us into a certain mindset, and the world into a certain Collapse, before they will push him to the forefront. For Americans today seeing how the far-left wants to bring anarchy to destroy the State, and how those on the far-right want to counter that by bringing a second American Civil War, a wiser mind would determine that both of these current mindsets end in the Masonic-devised Collapse of the present world system, which is precisely their goal.

*Read Article Republican Strategy on Shootings Revealed: Downplay White Nationalism and Blame the Left
*Read Article Trump Wants to Label ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization, But Not White Supremist Groups
*Read Article FBI Agent Says Trump Has Hamstrung FBI Efforts into Investigating White Terror Groups
*Read Article TIME MAGAZINE: Analyzing America's Resurging Brand of Racism in the Trump Era
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for 'Aryan Laws' and a Return to Pagan Worship

Interestingly, when looking closer at what motivates White supremacists in America, e.g., those who aren't persuaded to worship Odin or some other pagan incarnation of Lucifer, they actually believe they are working under God's divine will and purpose of creating a Christian homeland for Whites only. However, what they don't realize is that they are basing their entire belief on a Masonic lie that claims Great Britain and the United States have inherited what is God's ancient promises for Israel. Furthermore, they are completely ignorant of how that same false belief ends up in bringing the Antichrist to power, ultimately, over Israel. Does all of this mean we should not support American patriotism, on its face? Of course not. The American ideal is a noble one for what most of the people still believe it is, or could be, but while everyday Americans still believe they are somehow "free" from tyranny, their high taxes that seem to go nowhere, while their nation takes on the kind of national debt that will eventually sink the nation, would indicate otherwise. No to mention when the hidden hand brings forward such men like Obama only to then bring in men like Trump in order to expedite the fracturing of American society itself (one of their goals), how is their control over American society itself not all pervasive? Of that first tier of hidden government that is not elected, but generational, no one can deny that America's once defining Christian identity is being eroded into a planned "Novus Ordo Seclorum," where Christianity gives way to their hidden Luciferianism. Whenever Christianity is pandered to among the American populace, it is only done within some form that is not of God, but panders either to those who are inherently racist or fall into one of many Satanic-serving denominations that ultimately push Antichrist. I have personally witnessed this first hand in a local Episcopal-Anglican church that not only preached a very false and New Age doctrine, but the symbols engraved into the floor and found in every corner proved its true pagan influences, not to mention they greatly honor the British Royal Family and uphold its Queen as the head of their false church. But no where can their twisted endeavor be seen more than in our Godless, state-funded academic institutions, called schools, where the goal of these pagan-churning centers of higher learning release an increasing number of radical liberals into society, conditioned toward social utopianism, carrying an even greater inviolable form of systematic atheism than the generation before it. Understand also, these dark forces increasingly gain advantage no matter which party holds office in America, and while they never appear in public to announce their hidden agenda, you can see their nefarious working as the proof of their obvious existence nonetheless. If the Republicans win the most influence, then all of their Anglo-corporate monopolies take advantage, where profits are always placed far above the people. If the Democrats lead in America, that is the time when laws are pushed that further erode the people's former Christian values to the point of non-existence. In either case, our hidden masters win and the people's reward is only the Antichrist. That said, I've recently sat in on a "round-table debate" with young adults discussing "The Building of a Global Utopia Amidst Climate Change" to hear all of the points made to best achieve it - as if this was the Millennial's own collective goal for their generation, never realizing they were literally programmed with such thoughts during their formal years in the education system's own curriculum and programming that daily provided them the mental building blocks toward initially envisioning a wholly secular, environmentally-centered, pagan-friendly, green "global village" ideology propagated as mankind's would-be highest achievement. Such thoughts have never left their collective mind. Today, they still discuss it, proving the impact of all that "education." Tomorrow, they shall enact it, fulfilling their master's timely will.

*A MUST READ London's Tavistock: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Economic Decline of the US
*Read Article ABSOLUTE PROOF That the Evil Illuminati Global Plot is Directed by London's Crown Windsor
*Read Article Under Trump, America Might Become the Next 'Associate Member' of the British Commonwealth
*Read Article Bank of England Mark Carney Calls for a Global Monetary System to Replace American Dollar
*Read Article With Trump Favoring Britain, The UK is Going to Have 'a Very Favorable' Post-Brexit Deal
*Read Article US General Michael Aquino (Professed Satanist & Nazi) Operates Within National Security
*Read Article Like the 1930's, Anti-Semitic White Racism Again Suddenly Spreading in Europe Today
*Read Article The Modern British Royal Family Are Actually German, Having Nazi Family Ties
*Read Article The British Royal Family Loved and Supported Adolf Hitler and SS Nazi Party
*Read Article How the British Royal Family Facilitated Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power
*Read Article Prince William Greets Jewish Holocaust Survivors of Auschwitz

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