Friday, February 28, 2020

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed
Since the dawn of man, they have existed. Since Enoch, have they created the world's most infamous secret societies with such names as: The Order, the Council, the ancient Mystery Schools, the White Brotherhood, the Celtic Druids, the French Priory of Sion, the French Cathars, the French (and later, Scottish) Knights Templar, the British (and later American) Freemasons, the British Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the British Ordo Templis Orientis, the Bavarian Illuminati, the German Rosicrucians, the German Thule Society, the Occult-driven German National Socialists (Nazi's), the Anglo-American Skull and Bones, the American Bohemian Grove, where the ancient demon Molech is revered by influential politicians and Presidents, among many other such organizations connected to British and American Freemasonry and their increasingly pervasive global institutions. Thru the ages they have had a single malevolent goal toward global enslavement. Their plan is so diabolical in its intent, that the Bible itself warns us of it as early as Genesis 3:15, where God foretells of the epic war between Christ and Satan via the bloodlines that each would work thru to claim Zion as their own. Thus, there are two warring factions behind the spiritual veil that is daily leading this world toward the end of our present Second Earth Age and toward its inescapable Armageddon. Signs working toward that end are seen all around us currently, despite how one chooses to interpret them as just another "climate change" event. Despite whatever you currently believe, don't believe, or don't want to believe, there exists an entire race of Anglo-elitists who worship only Satan within ancient secret societies dedicated to his will, who have increasingly devised man's own ignorance as a tool toward dividing this world for their false 'god of light.' For myself, despite the factors of events that came to work against it, I have only sought the truth behind their sinister trade, and this is my report. Before I go any further, the question has arisen that given all of this knowledge in my report, has it turned me somehow anti-American, to which I would answer a resounding no, it would be anti-American not to freely disseminate this knowledge to as many people as possible in the time we have left. As mentioned, there is a network of powerful "elite" entities behind our government. They have always been involved with the destruction of mankind via mass depopulation efforts on the one hand, while steering their imperialist empire(s) toward the kind of Godlessness that always involves the fostering of paganism, a one-world new order, insidious mind control, and resulting servitude by the unwitting masses, to them, on a global scale. While these same hidden controllers have proven to be the ardent arch-enemies of the Christian God who increasingly control every facet of our lives, their presence remains largely hidden under a self-protecting web of influence they've created, such as the Masonic-devised 'Separation of Church and State,' where Satanic Witchcraft is allowed, even funded to flourish, while the Christian God is pushed toward the edge of extinction. In this website, you will discover why the American government actually serves a foreign power, and that since its inception, has only sought to vainly appease the people, as opposed to ever becoming a sole government by and for the people. Within that, does anyone actually believe the so-called "Electoral College" is not entirely comprised of those who actually choose our Presidents, rather than what should be the popular vote of actual voters?

*Read Article The US Army General and Satanic Church Leader Michael Aquino
*Read Article 2019: US Navy Midshipmen "Finally Get a Satanic Temple Room"
*Read Article The American Conservative: Satanism At The US Naval Academy
*Read Article The Global Elites Don’t Want Us to Know that the Biblical God Exists
*Read Article Experienced Psychiatrist Claims Literal Evil Demons Exist Among Us
*Read Article Media Mocks Poll Proving 30-Million Americans Believe in the Illuminati
*Read Article A Cabal of Evil Satanic Elites Rule The World, Not Your Elected Leaders
*Read Article Henry Makow: A Satanic Cult that Rules Our World and its Present System

When Satan took Christ upon an exceedingly tall mountain to show Him all of the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8), it was with the clear understanding that he, not God or His Son, owns the corrupt world system that mankind has become an unwitting slave to. The only surprise I have these days is how others are just waking up to that fact, as each days news reports it in some way, that not only are their most trusted institutions wholly corrupt from the top down, they are being corrupted within a grand pyramid scheme that literally serves evil at its highest peak. While the rule of so-called "Law" puts on their show in arresting some not as well connected, others who are even more culpable are never mentioned due to their direct connections to whom they more knowingly serve. America was built on this system from its inception, and it's a system that consistently connects itself to the elites sitting across the Atlantic. It is because Satan's men ultimately govern this world's corrupted system from within those global institutions of their own devising that by the time they've reached this latter generation, evil has been given such wide-reaching power over all our lives, from what we eat, via their genetically tainted foods that bring us under a manageable population control, to what your children learn at schools, via the paganized public education system that prepares their daily descent toward becoming future citizens of a coming society based on Godlessness and Antichrist worship. And, they are Satanic, remaining a highly-secretive but organized human-sacrificing blood cult that are for all intents and purposes, above the law. This is literally because the security services and police were originally created to serve them, not the people. While certainly not new, their brand of theistic Satanism (the worship of a literal Satan) is advancing among the people today behind such introductions to Satanism as 'pagan Wicca,' Witchcraft, or other cultish trappings whose most successful recruitment resides in both the self-help and New Age communities, and with everything else that introduces minds on a mass scale toward fascination of the Occult itself. That is one of their senior goals, to makes us more like them so that we would never think to revolt when their Messiah arrives to rule. One need only look more critically at the West today to judge how successful their subtle luring of minds has become, and yet, what is the ultimate goal there among the Satanic elite? Control. Look at Trump. Have we not seen this push toward a singular cult of personality before, with the rampant us vs. them mentality, the populist-based ultra-nationalism, a return to the rule of the jungle mindset, the sanctioned hatred toward other races, the racial profiling that wants to propagate the White race as superior above all others. Does anyone remember anymore how the German people were entreated to the exact same government mind control? And yet, what were the Germans actually being prepared for? Just Hitler? Those today who want to compare Trump to Hitler should therefore be reminded that this insidious power that has literally created the West, as we know it, has someone so much more capable in mind, then what archetypal foreshadowing Trump could ever provide in advance of what is coming next. In very real terms, the nefarious work that secret societies (and those behind them) are inflicting upon society today aims to social engineer and manipulate society, not for the one man who currently stands in his place, but ultimately for the future Antichrist himself.

*Read Book The Marketing of Evil: How Elitists Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom
*Read Article Britain’s 600 Aristocratic Families Doubled their Wealth in the Last Decade
*Read Article Arcanum Deep Secrets: The Crown Temple in London Owns Your Country
*Read Article How the Hidden "One Percent" are Destroying Democracy and America

It is therefore no coincidence that such lucid assertions presented herein would confuse today's younger generation who've already been conditioned into hatred against God, the Jews, Christians, Israel, and the Bible itself, by the very same controlling elites. It is all to push a hive mindset, and you yourself have seen it, heard it, and have been educated into it, but have likely never became aware, let alone understood it. But understand, we have already seen at least one of their Masonic "new ages" come to its epic fruition whilst hiding behind the idea of a New Secular Order or "Novus Ordo Seclorum." In an era today dominated by Trump, people would do well to remember how America actually began, with not Christian, but Masonic "forefathers" loyal to no Church, as it were, but to an elitist establishment within Britain's royal families and hidden dynasties. History does at least admit the Puritan and Pilgrims themselves were early working emissaries of the British Crown, and its touted divinity. While Pilgrims were Separatists, seemingly, the Puritan "Christians" were openly loyal to England and the British Monarchy, as non-separating Congregationalists, who believed that the Church of England was the one true church chosen by God to rule the nation, and whatever ruling Monarch(s) that existed were chosen by God to rule the world. Instead of a Pope ruling in Christ's stead, they extended all power to the living Monarch whose Royal lineage is believed to be traced to ancient Israel itself, via bloodline. (See also: How does the modern "Pilgrim Society" tie into the evil power structure connected back to the UK?) What might be surprising to some, is that same belief is held today by an increasing number of White Americans being tainted with the Satanic lie known as British-Israelism. For today, America is being challenged on all sides, ethically, morally, spiritually, and financially, but what needs to be clearly understood is that the demise of the planet's greatest empire goes so much deeper than merely the rise of liberalism eroding what was a supposedly purposed Christian nation. It was never Christian. The Masonic plan was always much larger than its temporary "New Atlantis," as I will explain. From the links presented herein, it's becoming increasingly clear how the elitist one percent is hoarding all of the resources of the world, heaping it only unto themselves, as democracy itself is slated for destruction. But what the otherwise informative article fails to explain is why democracy is being targeted and systematically being pushed toward extinction, and by exactly who. Understand, the same core elitists that have used the façade of democracy for 300 years now aim to install a global government in advance of the Antichrist's ascension, based not on democracy seemingly for the people, led by the people, but on Monarchist rule led by the Devil in the flesh. Akkadian history places Cain and his descendants as being the first Royal families of earliest Mesopotamian culture. It is written that Cain and his descendants were supremely gifted in the trades of advanced metal and weapon-smithing, megalithic stone-working, musical instrument creation, and the arts in general, all of which solidified their power and rooted Cainite culture deep into the fabric of early civilization. Out of such Cainite influences, came the traditions of heretical philosophy and a pagan-based higher education that was eventually adopted by every surrounding culture that was called Godless, Aryan, heathen, or pagan. What our public education has also never told us, is how they have never relinquished their hold on power, but have increased it toward total global domination, holding all power over every institution by which modern man has grown to depend on, including wealth, finance, the mainstream media, and education. It is this supposed Divine lineage that makes up most of the crowned heads of Europe today, including such banking cartels as the Rothschild's, in addition to every single American President we've supposedly elected thus far, all of whom are related to British aristocracy.

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