Friday, February 28, 2020

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed - PART II

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed

Of these Satanic-inspired false prophets and demonically-empowered racist teachers of today, one only need read the above to see how bad it is becoming in the West. Of this, the Scriptures speak thusly, "In the last days, many shall depart from the [Christian] faith, to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are seared as if by hot irons" (1 Timothy 4:1-2). Fleshing that out further, the Scriptures then explain, "Neither give heed to vain fables or endless genealogies." (1 Timothy 4:1). The phrase "endless genealogies" is interesting there, knowing how many are attempting to determine if they're descended from the "noble Aryan race of godlike super-beings," and all else that's being taught them by vain teachers who are increasingly sounding more like Adolf Hitler, than Alex Jones. Knowing Satan always works in counterfeit actions to God's Will, where the counterfeiting of God's Word is twisted to become the Kabballah, and the Aryan Antichrist becomes the Jewish Messiah, it should therefore be no wonder that Christ's own post-Apocalyptic Millennial rule becomes that of Satan's New Age kingdom of a counterfeit Utopia, that Satanic cults like Freemasonry works ever toward. As such, global Freemasonry is nothing more than Satan's counterfeit of worldwide Christianity, but unlike God's clarion call for mankind to unite under the banner of Christ and His inclusive teaching, Aryan-centered Freemasonry seeks to undermine God and His Son, outright, as well as placate to non-Whites in a global front to make Freemasonry seem all-inclusive, when its elite core is still entirely comprised of pure-blooded Aryans who gear all of the West's dominating institutions, education, and even entertainment, toward only Occult learning for the masses. Thus, while most conspiracy-orientated websites today are turning to Nazism to explain the world to you, citing that multiculturalism itself is the by-product of "evil Jews" that want to degrade, dilute, and destroy 'White power,' understand, it is the Aryan power that dominates our world that seeks to destroy every Jew, and Judeo-Christian institution. For the Aryan to achieve a substantive dominance, they must make it appear that white privilege itself is in danger of extinction, thus creating a hive mindset among whites that they must rise up against the multicultural and immigrant tide or face racial annihilation. This is purposefully being played out in both America and in Europe today in the effort to create a stronger bond between Whites and this world's Aryan rulers who seek to dominate us all. Understand, because Satan wants to become God, he actively counterfeits everything of God, including God's Son, with Antichrist, and His own "chosen people," the Jews, with Aryans, specifically the descendants of Cain that rule this planet. One clear way Satan is taking ground with his Antichrist deception already, is by blurring the lines between God's children (Sethites) and his own (Cainites), using an ever-increasing racial "Aryan ideology" to spread both great hatred toward the Jewish people, and Israel today. At the same time, many White racists, even those who believe themselves to be Christian, are nonetheless tainted with the specific Satanic ideology citing that they are descendants of the Biblical 'House of Israel,' with Adam being the first white man by which God specifically created to place all other races under his given authority. This is what the American "Christian Identity" movement believes, as well as the members within such hate groups as the KKK, with the same ideology also finding its way into the Mormon church, as well. This same false narrative and lie that serves as the foundation for Jewish hatred, is also well documented in the Aryan's "Lost Tribes of Israel" heresy, which states that the coming Messiah (Antichrist) will ascend out of the British Royal Throne, as the world purposefully crumbles under mounting debt, pivotal wars, a depleted faith, rise in paganism, poverty, homelessness, population control, elite corporate mega-mergers, and at least one manufactured crisis called Brexit.

*Read Article Crown Temple Bar and the Missing 13th Amendment to Our Constitution
*Read Article 1960's National Anthem Broadcast Contained MK-Ultra Messages
*Read Article The Rise of Global Satanism and the End of the American Dream
*Read Article Freemasons: The Silent Destroyers Based on the Templars
*Read Article Project Monarch: British Monarchy Antichrist Programming
*Read Article The Freemason and Illuminati Plan for Our Destruction
*Read Article Evil: From the Knights Templar to the Freemasons
*Read Article Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale

As Americans, we are taught to believe we are "free," but we've been educated in a system of only their own devising. You are not free. You are subject to an unseen enemy whose controllers have already been proven to be placed far above the law, whose goals are subtly conditioning society to accept what they are touting to be a pseudo-Messianic figure to arrive after a Collapse of the present system, a system they've created and will yet seemingly destroy, for him. Several authors of late, with the Scottish House of Stewart Royal genealogist Laurence Gardner among them, believe this supposed "Holy Lineage" of powerful god-Kings were descended from the so-called Bloodline of Christ, that, given the reality of their true purpose and work, could only be more accurately described as a lineage far removed of anything good or could ever be deemed Holy. The so-called 'Holy Grail Bloodline' theory desires to inform us that such a lineage should not only rule over mankind, but that we should allow it to achieve all of its darkest goals that are ultimately bent on our own destruction. What some call Reptilians or Draconic Overlords, are in fact those of whom this same supposed Grail lineage is entirely comprised, and despite the push for them to be seen as being of or for Christ, they are notoriously Satanic, literally worshipping Satan as their Father. Tracing their "Holy Grail" back to its actual progenitor, one amazingly arrives only at Cain, the first murderer or as "enlightened" Freemasons and other Occult-based Luciferians deem him, he was the "first Freemason." Thus the all-important lineage that we are still being conditioned to believe will save mankind, is actually at work to destroy you not only in this world, but more important to them, in that more infinite world to come. As such, what is propagated to be our next coming Messiah who is to save the world from ourselves, could only be the Antichrist himself; that is to say, their 'God' Lucifer in the flesh, via Cain's descendants, the controllers of this world. Freemasons and others reading this know whereof I speak, in regard to what they've been taught regarding not only Cain, but Tubal-Cain, the seventh generation from his Aryan lineage, whose very name has become a gateway to obtain further "illumination;" the knowledge that Cain is their father, and Lucifer is their 'God.' However, we've been taught in our heavily Masonic-influenced education, that our benevolent and supposed Forefathers, Freemasons most, established a clear separation of Christianity, and things of the Masonic State. Never mind the fact that THEIR Luciferian religion is found to be deeply embedded into that same Masonic State, so created. I am referring to the same Masonic government that holds as their "God" (as "In God We Trust") to be Lucifer, as perfectly depicted by their All-Seeing Eye of Horus positioned atop an unfinished Egyptian pyramid, and held to such grand importance as to be included as part of America's Grand Seal. In other words, while one side of our dollar bill ambiguously upholds a god that most assume is the God of the Bible, but is actually unnamed, the other side of the same bill shines light on a hidden truth that their, as yet, unfinished goal remains an entirely secular endeavor being their ultimate goal ("Annuit Coeptis" meaning Our Goal).

*Read Article Tubal-Cain - Secret Password of a 33° Master Freemason
*Read Article Absolute Proof that Witchcraft is Satanic and of Tubal-Cain
*Read Article Cainites: Satan's Counterfeit Zion and False 'Chosen People'
*Read Article Satanic Religions Birthed in the West: Theistic Satanism and Witchcraft
*Read Article The Elite of Satan and their Religion of Tubal-Cain That Became Witchcraft
*Read Article Resurgence of the Occult & Witchcraft Fast Becoming America's Main Religion
*Read Article The Aryan-European Rothschild Family and the Evil Satanic 'Holy Grail Bloodline'
*Read Article Masonic Attempt to Make it Appear the Bloodline of Cain is Messianic & Arthurian
*Read Article Society's Longing for an Arthurian Figure to Arise and Establish Unified "World Order"

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